Bible Bowl John Ch2

  1. 1. According to John 2:1, the mother of Jesus was at what event in Cana of Galilee?

    B. A wedding
  2. 2. According to John 2:2, both Jesus and who else were invited to the wedding in Cana of Galilee?

    B. His disciples
  3. 3. According to John 2:3, who at the wedding told Jesus they had run out of wine?

    B. His mother
  4. 4. According to John 2:4, when Jesus’ mother told Him that they had run out of wine, what did Jesus say had not yet come?

    B. His hour
  5. 5. According to John 2:5, Jesus' mother told whom at the wedding to do whatever He said?

    C. The servants
  6. 6. According to John 2:6, the waterpots of stone at the wedding were normally used for what?

    C. Purification
  7. 7. According to John 2:6, the waterpots of stone at the wedding each contained how much?

    B. Twenty or thirty gallons
  8. 8. According to John 2:7, Jesus told the servants at the wedding to fill the waterpots with what?

    D. Water
  9. 9. According to John 2:8, Jesus told the servants at the wedding to draw some out of the waterpots and take it to whom?

    D. The master of the feast
  10. 10. According to John 2:9, what had happened to the water in the waterpots before the master of the feast tasted it?

    B. It had been made into wine
  11. 11. According to John 2:9, who knew where the water that had been made into wine came from?

    A. The servants
  12. 12. According to John 2:9, after the master of the feast tasted the water made into wine, whom did he call?

    C. The bridegroom
  13. 13. According to John 2:10, the master of the feast said that every man sets out the good wine at the beginning then does what after the guests have well drunk?

    D. Sets out the inferior wine
  14. 14. According to John 2:10, what did the master of the feast think the bridegroom had done that was not normally done at feasts?

    D. Kept the good wine until the last
  15. 15. According to John 2:11, turning water into wine in Cana marked the beginning of what that manifested Jesus' glory?

    A. The beginning of signs
  16. 16. According to John 2:12, after the wedding feast at Cana, who went with Jesus down to Capernaum?

    D. All of the above
  17. 17. According to John 2:13, when the Passover of the Jews was at hand, Jesus went up to what city?

    C. Jerusalem
  18. 18. According to John 2:14, Jesus found people selling what animals in the temple?

    C. Oxen, sheep and doves
  19. 19. According to John 2:14, whom did Jesus find doing business in the temple?

    A. The money changers
  20. 20. According to John 2:15, which of these is not something Jesus did to those doing business in the temple?

    C. Bound them with cords
  21. 21. According to John 2:16, in the temple to whom did Jesus say, "Take these things away!"?

    B. Those who sold doves
  22. 22. According to John 2:16, Jesus told those in the temple not to make His Father's house what?

    A. A house of merchandise
  23. 23. According to John 2:17, what scripture did the disciples remember after Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple?

    A. Zeal for Your house has eaten Me up
  24. 24. According to John 2:18-19, as a sign to the Jews, what would Jesus raise up in three days if they destroyed it?

    D. This temple
  25. 25. According to John 2:20, how long did the Jews say that it had taken to build the temple?

    D. Forty-six years
  26. 26. According to John 2:21, of what temple was Jesus speaking when He said He would raise it up in three days?

    C. The temple of His body
  27. 27. According to John 2:22, when did Jesus' disciples remember that He had said He would raise up this temple in three days?

    C. When He had risen from the dead
  28. 28. According to John 2:23-24, in Jerusalem at the Passover, what did Jesus not do for those who believed in His name when they saw the signs He did?

    C. He did not commit Himself to them
  29. 29. According to John 2:24-25, in Jerusalem at the Passover, why did Jesus not commit Himself to those who believed in His name when they saw the signs He did?

    D. All of the above
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Bible Bowl John Ch2
John Chapter Two