
  1. what are the five areas of the thorax?
    inlet, outlet, pleural cavities, anterior thoratic wall (mammary gland & muscles) mediastinum
  2. identify boundaries and content of the pleural cavity?
    • lungs
    • inferior:diaphram
    • superior:
    • anterior:
    • posterior:
    • lateral:
  3. identify the boundaries and content of the pericardium cavity?
  4. identify the boundaries and content of the mediastinum cavity?
    contents: brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava, vagus nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve, heart and great vessels, trachea and primary bronchi, inferior vena cava
  5. _______ of the neck is the inlet of the thorax
  6. outlet of thorax is the ___________
  7. the xiphoid process is the midline for what structure(s)? superior level of the _________, central tendon of the _________, inferior border of ___________
    • liver
    • diaphragm
    • heart
  8. when numbering the ribs ___________ _________ is the first landmark to identify before you start counting.
    Sternal Angle
  9. the _____________what prevents the first rib from being palpated
  10. identify intrinsic muscles of the thoratic wall: _______________intercostals(superficial) , ______________ intercostals (middle), ___________ intercostals(deep)
    • External Intercostal mm. (Elevate)‏(superficial)
    • Anteriorly replaced by membrane
    • Internal Intercostal mm. (Depress)‏(middle)
    • Posteriorly replaced by membrane
    • Innermost Intercostal mm. (Depress)‏
    • Only found in most lateral of Space(deep)
  11. __________ intercostals -posteriorly, the muscle is replaced by ___________ intercostal membrane -fibers angled backwards -expiration=lowers ribs
    internal intercostals
  12. __________ intercostals -anteriorly, the muscle is replaced by ___________ intercostal membrane. It is superficiial and elevates.
  13. ___________ intercostals are only found in the most lateral of space (deep), and depresses
  14. the main thoratic lymphatic duct empties into the venous system near the union of the _________ _________ ________and the ___________ veins
    left internal jugular and subclavian veins
  15. ___________ ___________excess connective tissue fluid (lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstital fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system)
    lymph fluid
  16. _________ lymph drains right side of head and neck and right upper limb.
    • ___________ duct drains remainder of body.
    • right
    • thoracic
  17. _______ system is dominant on the right side of the body while the ________
    • system is dominant on the left
    • venous
    • lympatic

    • the main thoracic lymphatic duct empties into the venous system near the union of the ________ ________ jugular and the ____________ vein
    • left internal jugular and subclavian veins
  18. The _____________ lymph node is the first lymph node to which cancer is likely to spread from the primary tumor. Cancer cells may appear in the __________ node before spreading to other lymph nodes. In some cases, there can be more than one ________ lymph node.
  19. Breast Tissue extends into the __________
    (Axillary Tail)
  20. what is the significance in breast cancer of the sentineal lymph node?
    • Hypothetical first lymph node or group of nodes reached by metastasizing cancer cells from a primary tumor.
    • Because lymph axillary tail goes into the axilla area and can become cancerous as well.
  21. why does a self-check breast exam include the axilla?
    sentinel lymph node is a cancer hot spot a self check includes the axilla due to the axillary tail of the mammary gland.
  22. the mammary gland is classified as a _________ ________ gland?
    modified sweat
  23. identify subdivisions of bronchial tree?
    • left and right main bronchis
    • divides into ________ bronchi (2L 3R)
    • -divides into ___________ bronchi
    • -divides into ___________ broncholes which supply the bronchopulmonary segment
    • -divides into ___________ bronchioles
    • -divides into __________ _____________
    • lober
    • segmental
    • terminal
    • respiratory
    • aveoli sacs
  24. _______________ is used to assess air flow through the tracheobronchial tree into the _________ with a stethescope. it is used clinically to listen to patients ______ breath sounds if healthy there will be no sound
    • auscultation,
    • lung
    • bilateral

    • _________ _________ is where is the primary gas exchange in the lungs takes place
    • alveolar sacs
  25. ________ lung:superior lobe, middle lobe, inferior lobe
  26. _______ lung: superior lobe, inferior lobe
  27. what is the clinical significance of the apex of the lung?
  28. the lobes of the right and left lung and the markings on both the mediastinal and costal surfaces. Left lung has a superior and inferior lobe with a ________ notch on the distal part of the _________ lobe.
    • cardiac notch
    • superior lob
  29. in the left lung Oblique fissure separates the _________ and ___________ lobes.
    superior inferior
  30. in the right lung the _________ fissure separates superior from middle
  31. The horizontal fissure separates _______ and ___________ of the right lung
    superior and middle
  32. Air in the ___________ cavity (pneumothorax) results in collapse of the lung.
  33. Because of the slope of the first rib, the ________ of the pleura and the apex of the lung project upward into the neck, posterior to the sternomastoid, and hence may be injured in wounds of the neck. Their highest point is 2 to 3 cm or more above the level of the medial third of the clavicle
  34. The _______ is rounded and fills the cupola of the pleura
  35. The portion of the upper lobe of the ________ lung that lies between the cardiac notch and the oblique fissure is known as the ________ , and it corresponds to the middle lobe of the right lung
    • left
    • lingula
  36. ____________ arteriosum (fetal structure) is the structure during embryonic development allows blood to bypass the lungs and what becomes this structure after birth ____________ arteriosum (adult structure)
    • ductus
    • ligamentum
  37. what are the three structural layers of the heart?________ (thin external layer), _______ (thick middle layer), ___________ (inner layer)
    epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
  38. conduction system of the heart:______________ node-stimulus originates in the ________ node and travels across the walls of the atria causing them to contract. initiates and regulates heartbeat (the pacemaker of the heart)
  39. Koch's Triangle—a triangle enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the coronary sinus, and the membraneous part of the interatrial septum is where the __ __ node is
  40. ______________ Node-distributes the SA node signal to the ventricles through __________ bundle. Stimulus descends to the apex of the heart through the bundle branches. After stimulus reaches the Purjinkie fibers, ther ventricles contract path of blood through the heart
  41. _____________ node is a group of cells positioned on the wall of the right atrium, near the entrance of the superior vena cava.
  42. The ___________ _________ node is an area of specialized tissue between the atria and the ventricles of the heart, specifically in the posteroinferior region of the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus, which conducts the normal electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles. The AV node is quite compact (~1 x 3 x 5 mm).[2] It is located at the center of Koch's Triangle—a triangle enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the coronary sinus, and the membraneous part of the interatrial septum.
  43. Be able to identify the vessels that form the coronary circulation. arteries:
    left and right ________ arteries, _____________ artery, ____________ branch, p________ and a__________ ___________ arteries.
  44. Be able to identify the vessels that form the coronary circulation. veins:
    _________________,__________, and ____________ cardiac veins, and the _______ sinus.
  45. small, medium, and great
  46. diff between a & veins is that,
    • __________ have thicker walls
    • ________________have thinner walls and also contain ________
    • arteries
    • veins
    • valves
  47. The tunicas, venous valves, larger elastic content in ______________
  48. name the endocrine organs that are found in the thorax, in the abdomen, and pelivs?
    thymus (involution),adrenals,kidney (cortex, medulla), pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testies)
  49. stomach (gastrin) and duodenum (secretin) are considered what function due to special cells?
    endocrine function
  50. ____________ venous system drains
  51. the __________ ___________ vein is the embryonic structure that became the ligamentum teres of the liver.
    left umbilical
  52. __________ ___________ is a system of vessels in which blood after passing through one capillary bed is conveyed through a second set of capillaries before it returns to the systemic circulation
    portal system
  53. the bile stored in the gallbladder primarily imulsifies down what types of materials?
    carbs, fats, and or proteins
  54. significance of the _________ ___________is that it has different epithelial lining then the rest of the urinary bladder, and this is where urinary bladder _________ can originate
    • vessel trigone
    • cancer
  55. _________ ____________ (vesicle) of the male reproductive glands makes the largest contribution to semen.
    seminal glands
  56. the _______ gland in a male can obstruct the urethra
  57. pathway of fertilized ovum from ovary to implantation
    egg starts in ovary,fimbrea,infantabulum,ampulla****,ishamus, body of uterus and implants onto wall
  58. capillaries connect the ___________ and _____________sides of circulation.
    arterial and venous
  59. Abdominal regions right and left ________________, __________________, _____________ and ______________ and ___________
  60. hypochondriac
    • lumbar,
    • iliac
    • hypogastric
    • epigastric
  61. liver and large intestine are located in the _______ _____________ region?
    right hypochondriac
  62. structure/organ within left hypochondriac region contains __________, __________, and _________
    liver, stomach, and spleen
  63. epigastric region contains the _______ _________ and the ___________
    gall bladder and liver
  64. right kidney and large intestine can be found in the _______ ________ region?
    right lumbar
  65. _________ ___________ region contains the spleen, pancreas, large intestine, and stomach
    left lumbar region
  66. stomach, pancreas, small and large intestineis found within the ___________ region
  67. appendix and large intestine are with in the _______ _________ regiomn
    right illiac
  68. large intestine is within the ______ ________ region
    left illiac
  69. urinary bladder, prostate gland, ovary, rectum, and large intestine the bronchial arteries arise from ___________ region
    hypogastric region
  70. the Heart is bounded anteriorly by the ________
  71. ____________ is the final product of blood coagulation step in hemostasis
  72. ________ _________ attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach
    greater omemtum
  73. ____________,____________, and___________ are subdivisions of the small intestine
    duodenum, jejunum, ileum
  74. __________, ____________, and ____________ are the subdivisions of the large intestine
  75. clinical significance of the apex of the lung (__________)t he apex sticks up _________ level of first rib into the _______ of the _______
    • capulla
    • above
    • root of the neck
  76. The fibrous framework of dense collagen forms four fibrous rings, which surround the orifices of the valves, right and left ___________ ___________ (formed by connecting the rings, and the membranous parts of the____________ and ______________ septa).
    • fibrous trigones
    • interatrial
    • interventricular
  77. origin of the azygos and the hemiazygos venous system is from IVC, ascending __________ veins & renal veins. Hemiazygos dumps into the azygos..?
  78. the azygos and hemiazygos connect to each other by crossing the ________ of the body
  79. ___________ venous system drains right side of ___________ wall and empties into the SVC. variation can occur
    • azygos
    • thoracic
  80. the right bronchial vein drains into the ___________ vein
  81. the left bronchial vein drains into the _________ vein or the left intercostal vein
    (accessory ) hemiazygos
  82. the hemiazygos dumps into the _______ vein
  83. hemiazyos venous system left side drains to the _________ side.
  84. what are the five areas of the thorax?
    inlet, outlet, pleural cavities, anterior thoratic wall (mammary gland & muscles) mediastinum
  85. identify boundaries and content of the pleural cavity?
    • lungs
    • inferior:diaphram
    • superior:
    • anterior:
    • posterior:
    • lateral:
  86. identify the boundaries and content of the mediastinum cavity?
    contents: brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava, vagus nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve, heart and great vessels, trachea and primary bronchi, inferior vena cava
  87. _______ of the neck is the inlet of the thorax
  88. outlet of thorax is the ___________
  89. the xiphoid process is the midline for what structure(s)? superior level of the _________, central tendon of the _________, inferior border of ___________
    • liver
    • diaphragm
    • heart
  90. when numbering the ribs ___________ _________ is the first landmark to identify before you start counting.
    Sternal Angle
  91. the _____________what prevents the first rib from being palpated
  92. identify intrinsic muscles of the thoratic wall: _______________intercostals(superficial) , ______________ intercostals (middle), ___________ intercostals(deep)
    • External Intercostal mm. (Elevate)‏(superficial)
    • Anteriorly replaced by membrane
    • Internal Intercostal mm. (Depress)‏(middle)
    • Posteriorly replaced by membrane
    • Innermost Intercostal mm. (Depress)‏
    • Only found in most lateral of Space(deep)
  93. __________ intercostals -posteriorly, the muscle is replaced by ___________ intercostal membrane -fibers angled backwards -expiration=lowers ribs
    internal intercostals
  94. __________ intercostals -anteriorly, the muscle is replaced by ___________ intercostal membrane. It is superficiial and elevates.
  95. ___________ intercostals are only found in the most lateral of space (deep), and depresses
  96. the main thoratic lymphatic duct empties into the venous system near the union of the _________ _________ ________and the ___________ veins
    left internal jugular and subclavian veins
  97. ___________ ___________excess connective tissue fluid (lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstital fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system)
    lymph fluid
  98. _________ lymph drains right side of head and neck and right upper limb.
    • ___________ duct drains remainder of body.
    • right
    • thoracic

    • the main thoracic lymphatic duct empties into the venous system near the union of the ________ ________ jugular and the ____________ vein
    • left internal jugular and subclavian veins
  99. The _____________ lymph node is the first lymph node to which cancer is likely to spread from the primary tumor. Cancer cells may appear in the __________ node before spreading to other lymph nodes. In some cases, there can be more than one ________ lymph node.
  100. Breast Tissue extends into the __________
    (Axillary Tail)
  101. what is the significance in breast cancer of the sentineal lymph node?
    • Hypothetical first lymph node or group of nodes reached by metastasizing cancer cells from a primary tumor.
    • Because lymph axillary tail goes into the axilla area and can become cancerous as well.
  102. why does a self-check breast exam include the axilla?
    sentinel lymph node is a cancer hot spot a self check includes the axilla due to the axillary tail of the mammary gland.
  103. the mammary gland is classified as a _________ ________ gland?
    modified sweat
  104. identify subdivisions of bronchial tree?
    • left and right main bronchis
    • divides into ________ bronchi (2L 3R)
    • -divides into ___________ bronchi
    • -divides into ___________ broncholes which supply the bronchopulmonary segment
    • -divides into ___________ bronchioles
    • -divides into __________ _____________
    • lober
    • segmental
    • terminal
    • respiratory
    • aveoli sacs
  105. _______________ is used to assess air flow through the tracheobronchial tree into the _________ with a stethescope. it is used clinically to listen to patients ______ breath sounds if healthy there will be no sound
    • auscultation,
    • lung
    • bilateral

    • _________ _________ is where is the primary gas exchange in the lungs takes place
    • alveolar sacs
  106. ________ lung:superior lobe, middle lobe, inferior lobe
  107. _______ lung: superior lobe, inferior lobe
  108. what is the clinical significance of the apex of the lung?
  109. ____________ arteriosum (fetal structure) is the structure during embryonic development allows blood to bypass the lungs and what becomes this structure after birth ____________ arteriosum (adult structure)
    • ductus
    • ligamentum
  110. what are the three structural layers of the heart?
    epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
  111. conduction system of the heart:______________ node-stimulus originates in the SA node and travels across the walls of the atria causing them to contract. initiates and regulates heartbeat (the pacemaker of the heart)
  112. ______________ Node-distributes the SA node signal to the ventricles through __________ bundle. Stimulus descends to the apex of the heart through the bundle branches. After stimulus reaches the Purjinkie fibers, ther ventricles contract path of blood through the heart
  113. _____________ node is a group of cells positioned on the wall of the right atrium, near the entrance of the superior vena cava.
  114. The ___________ _________ node is an area of specialized tissue between the atria and the ventricles of the heart, specifically in the posteroinferior region of the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus, which conducts the normal electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles. The AV node is quite compact (~1 x 3 x 5 mm).[2] It is located at the center of Koch's Triangle—a triangle enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the coronary sinus, and the membraneous part of the interatrial septum.
  115. Be able to identify the vessels that form the coronary circulation. arteries:
    • left and right ________ arteries, _____________ artery, ____________ branch, p________ ________________.
    • cornary a
    • circumflex a
    • marginal b
    • posterior interventircular
  116. Be able to identify the vessels that form the coronary circulation. veins:
    _________________,__________, and ____________ cardiac veins, and the _______ sinus.
  117. small, medium, and great
  118. diff between a & veins is that,
    • __________ have thicker walls
    • ________________have thinner walls and also contain ________
    • arteries
    • veins
    • valves
  119. The tunicas, venous valves, larger elastic content in ______________
  120. name the endocrine organs that are found in the thorax, in the abdomen, and pelivs?
    thymus (involution),adrenals,kidney (cortex, medulla), pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testies)
  121. stomach (gastrin) and duodenum (secretin) are considered what function due to special cells?
    endocrine function
  122. the __________ ___________ vein is the embryonic structure that became the ligamentum teres of the liver.
    left umbilical
  123. __________ ___________ is a system of vessels in which blood after passing through one capillary bed is conveyed through a second set of capillaries before it returns to the systemic circulation
    portal system
  124. the bile stored in the gallbladder primarily imulsifies down what types of materials?
    carbs, fats, and or proteins
  125. significance of the _________ ___________is that it has different epithelial lining then the rest of the urinary bladder, and this is where urinary bladder _________ can originate
    • vessel trigone
    • cancer
  126. _________ ____________ (vesicle) of the male reproductive glands makes the largest contribution to semen.
    seminal glands
  127. the _______ gland in a male can obstruct the urethra
  128. pathway of fertilized ovum from ovary to implantation egg starts in ovary,then to the ____________,infantabulum,ampulla****,___________, body of uterus and implants onto wall
    • fimbrea
    • ishamus
  129. capillaries connect the ___________ and _____________sides of circulation.
    arterial and venous
  130. Abdominal regions right and left ________________, __________________, _____________ and ______________ and ___________
    • hypochondriac
    • lumbar,
    • iliac
    • hypogastric
    • epigastric
  131. liver and large intestine are located in the _______ _____________ region?
    right hypochondriac
  132. structure/organ within left hypochondriac region contains __________, __________, and _________
    liver, stomach, and spleen
  133. epigastric region contains the _______ _________ and the ___________
    gall bladder and liver
  134. right kidney and large intestine can be found in the _______ ________ region?
    right lumbar
  135. _________ ___________ region contains the spleen, pancreas, large intestine, and stomach
    left lumbar region
  136. stomach, pancreas, small and large intestineis found within the ___________ region
  137. appendix and large intestine are with in the _______ _________ regiomn
    right illiac
  138. large intestine is within the ______ ________ region
    left illiac
  139. urinary bladder, prostate gland, ovary, rectum, and large intestine the bronchial arteries arise from ___________ region
    hypogastric region
  140. the Heart is bounded anteriorly by the ________
  141. ____________ is the final product of blood coagulation step in hemostasis
  142. ________ _________ attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach
    greater omemtum
  143. ____________,____________, and___________ are subdivisions of the small intestine
    duodenum, jejunum, ileum
  144. __________, ____________, and ____________ are the subdivisions of the large intestine
  145. clinical significance of the apex of the lung (__________)t he apex sticks up _________ level of first rib into the _______ of the root of then neck
    • capulla
    • above
  146. The fibrous framework of dense collagen forms four fibrous rings, which surround the orifices of the valves, right and left ___________ ___________ (formed by connecting the rings, and the membranous parts of the____________ and ______________ septa).
    • fibrous trigones
    • interatrial
    • interventricular
  147. origin of the azygos and the hemiazygos venous system? Where are they connected? (A&M pg 74-80)
    • from IVC, ascending lumbar veins & renal veins. Hemiazygos dumps into the azygos.
    • the right bronchial vein drains into the ___________ vein
    • azygos
  148. the left bronchial vein drains into the _________ vein or the left intercostal vein
    (accessory ) hemiazygos
  149. the hemiazygos dumps into the _______ vein
  150. All regions of the body except the right upper limb and right side of the head, neck, and thorax (see fig. 24-5) are drained by the __________ duct into one of the large veins of the neck, e.g., the left ____________ jugular vein.
    • thoracic
    • left
    • All regions of the body except the right upper limb and right side of the head, neck, and thorax (see fig. 24-5) are drained by the __________ duct into one of the large veins of the neck, e.g., the left ____________ jugular vein.
    • thoracic
    • left
  151. _________ Pleura Covers lungs (all surfaces)‏Cannot be dissected from lungs
  152. The Z-Line of the esophageal-gastric junction, marks the boundary between two types of epithelial lining; the ________ to the __________.•
    * i.e. gastric reflux changes the epithelium of the esophagus as a result this may lead to the production of ___________in the esophagus.
    • esophogus
    • stomach
    • cancer
  153. a ____________ is a double layer of peritoneum.
  154. a messentary is important because it Provides means for neurovascular communication between the ______ and ________ wall.
    • organ
    • body
  155. _________ is formed as an organ invaginatees into the abdominal cavity
    organ, developmentally becomes susspended in abdominal cavity.
  156. a _______ ligament is a Double layer of _________ , that connects an organ with another _______ or to the wall of ________l. supports abdominal vscera
    • peritoneal
    • peritoneum
    • organ
    • body
  157. •double-layer extension of the peritoneum passing from the stomach and proximal part of the duodenum to adjacent organs. is an ___________. (A&M pg 138)
  158. 59.Identify the 3 subdivisions of the small intestine. (A&M pg 150)
    • •Duodenum
    • •Jejunum
    • •Ilium
  159. 60.What is the action of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system on the intestine?
    •__________, constricts blood vessels and contracts internal anal sphincter
    •___________, stimulates digestive juices, relaxes sphincter, etc.
    • •Sympathetic,]
    • •Parasympathetic
  160. _________, _________, and _______ cana, are subdivisions of the large intestine? (A&M pg 155)
    • •Cecum
    • •Colon (ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid)
    • •Anal cana
  161. 62. What are the three identifying characteristics of the large intestine that distinguishes it from small intestine?
    ______ intestine is longer and more mobile)
  162. _______ ________three thick bands of longitudinal muscle
    fibers) part of the large intestines
    Teniae Coli
  163. _________ (pouches between the teniae coli) of the large intestines
  164. large intestines have •__________ ________ (small fatty appendages on colon)
    • Omental appendices
  165. What is a hernia? What is the difference between a direct and indirect inguinal hernia?
    a ________ inguinal hernia enters through a weak point in the fascia of the abdominal wall,
    whereas a ________ inguinal hernia protrudes through the inguinal ring and is ultimately the result of the failure of embryonic closure of the internal inguinal ring after the testicle passes through it (usually a congenital condition)
    • direct
    • indirect
  166. a. ____________ recess – separates spleen from _-11th ribs
    • costodiaphragmatic
    • 9
  167. ___________ ligament – connects to greater curvature of stomach at the spleen ????
  168. ________ ligament – connected to left kidney to the spleen
  169. splenic vein unites with SMV to form this _______ vein
  170. __________ __________ allow for free communication between the supracolic and infracolic compartments of the abdomen
    Intestenal gutters
  171. •The adrenals sit on top of the kidneys and the kidneys are underneath the ___________ toward the back.•
  172. the _______ __________ are located on the superomedial aspects of the kidneys and diaphragmatic crura, where they are surrounded by considerable connective tissue
    adrenal glands
  173. Where do the blood vessels to the suprarenal glands originate from the _________ aorta
    •from the Abdominal Aorta
  174. 69.What is the difference between the renal sinus and the renal pelvis?
    renal _________ contains the renal pelvis, calyces, vessels and fat

    Renal _______ acts as funnel to collect urine and gives rise to the ureter
    • sinus
    • pelvis
  175. the renal fascia and fat surrounds the _______ to protect them.
  176. The significance of the ___________ is that is has different epithelial lining then the rest of the urinary bladder, this is where urinary bladder
    cancer can originate.

    smooth triangular area on surface of bladder containing the openings of the ureters and an opening to the urethra
  177. 74.Be able to identify the structural differences between the male and female pelvic bone. (Video) (A&M pg 207 Table 3.1)
    •Females have a larger Pubic Arch than males
  178. 75.What are the divisions of the pelvic bone? (A&M pg 204-206)
    •Greater & Lesser Pelvis?
  179. 76.What is the landmark for the division of the true pelvis from the false pelvis?
    ________ ________ of the pelvic inlet
  180. •Oblique plane of Pelvic Inlet
  181. 77.What are the bones that form the pelvic girdle? (A&M pg 204)
    • illum
    • ishium
    • pubis
  182. 78.What is the importance of the sub pubic angle? (A&M pg 205, see question 74)
    •can be measured with fingers in vagina during pelvic exam
  183. Tell me what are the boundaries of the brim ( inlet of pelvis)
    • Lateral--sacroiliac joint , ileopectineal line , upper borders of pubic bones
    • Posterior---sacral promontory , and ala of sacrum.
    • Anteriorly---Superior border of symphysis pubis.
  184. 79.Identify the three places where the ureter is constricted. (A&M pg 176)
    •at junction of _____ and _______ pelvis

    •where ureters cross the _______ of pelvic inlet

    •during passage through wall of ________
    • ureturs and renal
    • brim
    • bladder
  185. 80.Identify the three largest nerves of the lumbar plexus and in general what structures do they supply? (A&M pg 192)
    • •Obturator Nerve L2- L4 (supply adductor muscles)
    • •Femoral Nerve L2 – L4 (supply flexors of the hip and extensors of the knee)
    • •Lumbrosacral Trunk L4- L5 (participates in formation of sacral plexus)
  186. •Obturator Nerve L2- L4 (supply ________ muscles)
    •Femoral Nerve L2 – L4 (supply _______ of the hip and ________ of the knee)
    •Lumbrosacral Trunk L4- L5 (participates in formation of _______ plexus)
    • adductor
    • flexor extensor
    • sacral
  187. 81.What are the branches of the internal iliac artery? (A&M pg 222-223) EX: Obturator, Vesicle, Gonadal, Rectal, and Internal Pudendal.
    lumbar and iliac branches
    Lateral sacral arteries
    Superior gluteal artery
    Obturator artery (occasionally from inferior epigastric artery)
    Inferior gluteal artery
    Umbilical artery
    Uterine artery (females)
    deferential artery (males)
    Vaginal artery (females, can also arise from uterine artery)
    inferior vesical artery
    Middle rectal artery
    Internal pudendal artery
  188. 82.Which of the male reproductive glands makes the largest contribution to semen?
    • Seminal Glands (Vesicle)
    • •Testes
  189. 83.In the male this gland can obstruct the urethra.
    •Prostate gland
  190. 84.Be able to give, in order, the pathway that sperm would travel through the male duct system into the urethra. (Lab Manual pg 217-218)
    • •1) Seminiferous Tubules
    • •2) Tubuli Recti
    • •3) Rete Testis
    • •4) Efferent Ductules
    • •5) Epididymis
    • •6) Ductus Deferens (vas deferens)
    • •7) Ampulla
  191. The spermatic veins that form the spermatic cord (Fig. 1147) emerge from the back of the testis, and receive tributaries from the epididymis: they unite and form a convoluted plexus,the plexus ________________,which forms the chief mass of the cord; the vessels composing thisplexus are very numerous, they unite toform three or four veins, which pass along the inguinal canal, and,entering the abdomen through the abdominal inguinal ring, coalesce toform two vein then eventually 1.
  192. The contents of the abdominal cavity may protrude into the spermatic cord, producing an ________ inguinal hernia.
  193. contents of spermatic cord
    arteries: testicular artery, deferential artery, cremasteric arterynerves: nerve to cremaster (genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve) , sympathetic nerves vas deferens (ductus deferens)pampiniform plexuslymphatic vesselsprocessus vaginalis (remains of)
  194. 86.What is the action of the cremaster (skeletal muscle) and dartos (smooth) muscles? (A&M pg 130-132)
    • •Both help move the testicles to/away from the body, depending on
    • temperature. Dartos wrinkles the scrotum when cold, helping to hold
    • scrotum closer to body (testicular elevation)
  195. Trace the pathway of a fertilized ovum from the ovary to implantation. Where does fertilization normally take place?
    • egg starts in ovary
    • fimbrea
    • infantabulum
    • ampulla****
    • ishamus body of uterus and implants onto wall (inturmural?)
  196. three layers of the uterus? (A&M pg 237)
    • •Perimetrium
    • •Myometrium
    • •Endometrium
  197. fertilization of the egg typically takes place in the _______ part of the fallopin tubes
  198. uterine tube has four named parts:_____________ is the funnel shaped opening - fimbria encircle this opening;_________ is a dilated region that connects the with the ________; isthmus is the constricted part nearest the uterus; _________ part is
    within the uterine wall
    • infundibulum
    • ampula
    • isthmus
    • intramural
  199. __________ _________ is a result of implentation to be somewhere else then uterus and instead implants in mucosa of uterine tube (usually), but implantation can also occur in the cervix, ovaries, and abdomen.
    ectopic pregnancy
  200. Levator Ani, Coccygeus muscles and associated facias muscles form the pelvic ________
  201. 92.What are the boundaries of the urogenital triangle? Male? Female? (A&M pg 248-253)
    •root of scrotum/penis in males and the external in females and anterior anal triangle
  202. The urogenital (UG) triangle is the ________ portion of the perineum.
  203. the _________ ________ contains the root of the scrotum and penis in males and the external genitalia in females.
    urogenital triangle
  204. __________ muscle of the pelvic floor can be torn in childbirth. (which is the most medial part of the levator ani)
  205. the Internal _______ arterior (anterior division) supplies the viscera and perineum with blood.
  206. Internal _________ artery is another branch off of the anterior division of the internal iliac artery. It is the primary blood supply to the perineum, supplying the muscles and skin of the perineum and the erectile bodies.
  207. Hemorrhoids—There are two different types of hemorrhoids. __________ hemorrhoids occur due to a prolapse of the rectal mucosa around the internal venous plexus. Because these occur superior to the pectinate line, there is less pain associated with them.
  208. __________ hemorrhoids are blood clots of the external venus plexus that are covered by skin. Because this type occurs inferior to the pectinate line, they are more painful b/c of the somatic innervation here.
  209. __________ are painful swollen veins in lower portion of anus.________

    hemorrhoids occur just inside the anus, at the beginning of the rectum.
    ________ hemorrhoids occur at the anal opening and may hang outside the anus.

    external and internal
  210. The ________ (isoreactal) fosse is filled w/fat & subcutaneous tissue; allows for anal canal to expand during passing of feces
  211. the ________ ________ or tendinous center of the perineum, is a median, fibromuscular node situated at the convergence of several muscles, including the levator ani and the exteal anal sphincter. may be injured during parturition.
    perinal body
  212. celic trunk gives rise to - _______ artery, _________, ________,
    _________ ________(near the stomach)
    • splenic artery, common heptic,
    • left gastri
  213. The left bronchial arteries are usually two in number, and arise from the _______ aorta.
  214. the right broncial artery, arises from the 1st _______ intercostal, or from the upper _______ broncial artery.

  215. the _______ pleura innervated by intercostals & phrenic nerves. is it sensitive to pain?
    • Parietal
    • yes
  216. the sternum bounds the the heart __________.
  217. the SVC is the direct venous drainage of the ________ wall (A&M pg 67-68)
    Thoracic wall
  218. a thrombus/thrombi is another term for _______ _______
    •blood clotting
  219. 35.In relationship to blood vessels the term ________ refers to communications between multiple branches of arteries providing numerous detours for blood flow in case of obstruction, etc.
  220. the importance of the anastomosis between the superior and inferior
    epigastric blood vessels is that they both can supply the __________
    region with blood
  221. ____________( of the nervous system) is normal function & energy conservation ________, part of the autonomic system comprises the preganglionic fibers that issue from the brain stem (cranial nerves III, VII, IX, X, XI) and sacral part of the spinal cord (segments S2,3 or S3,4
    • parasympathatic
    • cranial sacral
  222. _________ is “fight or flight” or thoracolumbar, part of the autonomic system comprises the preganglionic fibers that issue from the _________ and upper lumbar levels of the spinal cord
    • Sympathetic
    • thoracic
  223. _______ is the endocrine gland in the thorax
  224. *are considered endocrine function due to special cells.*
    37.Name the endocrine organ(s) that are found in the thorax, in the abdomen, and in the pelvis.
    the*_________(gastrin), *__________(secretion), __________, _________ and, __________ are endocrine organs that are found in abdomen.
    • stomach
    • duodenum
    • kidney,
    • adreneal
    • pancreas -
  225. the _______ and _________ are the endocrine glands in the pelvis
    ovaries and testies
  226. ___________ is a band-like skin area supplied by the sensory fibers of a single dorsal root through the dorsal and ventral rami of its spinal nerve. ______ or more intercostal nerves in adjacent intercostals spaces must be damaged
    • dermatome
    • two
  227. __________ ________, ___________ , and _________ are the internal boundaries of the abdominal cavity
    • Abdominal walls, diaphragm, and pelvis
  228. anterior sheath is comprised of the aponeurosis of the _________ oblique and an _________ layer of the aponeurosis of __________ oblique
    • external
    • anterior
    • internal
  229. posterior sheath of the _________ layer of the _________ oblique and the aponeurosis of the transversus abdominis muscle.
    • posterior
    • internal
  230. movment of bowls and flexing the trunk and moving it side to side are all functions of the _________ __________ muscles
    abdominal wall muscles
  231. __________, _______ ________, and _________ are main muscles of the posterior abdominal wall
    • • Psoas
    • • Quadratus Lumborum
    • • Iliacus
  232. ___________ _________ (t8)(the abdominal openings of the respiratory diaphragm )permits the IVC
    caval opening (foreamen)
  233. the abdominal openings of the respiratory diaphragm, the ________ _______ at T10, permits the ___________ and ________ trunk
    • esophageal hiatus
    • esophagus and vagal
  234. the abdominal opening of the respiratory diaphragm, the _____ ________ at T12, permits the _______, and the _______ vein, etc.
    • aortic hiatus
    • aorta
    • azygos
  235. contraction of the diaphram helps venous blood return in the _______ opening.
  236. the ____________ hiatus acts as a esophgeal spincter during contraction
  237. The cross-bar of the "H" is the porta hepatis, or hilus of the
    liver, which contains the _______ ducts and the branches of the _______
    vein and _______ artery.
    • heptic
    • portal
    • heptic
  238. left _________ ducts emerge from the liver and unite to form the __________ hepatic duct. This receives the cystic duct from the gallbladder and becomes the _________ bile duct (or choledochal duct; from Gk, chole, "bile"), which opens into the second part of the duodenum in common with or at least beside the pancreatic duc
    • heptic
    • common
    • common
  239. once the _______ vein and ________ artery blood has traversed the liver lobule via hepatic sinusoids, it is returned to the vena cava by the _______ veins (at least 3: right, middle and left).
    • portal
    • heptic
    • heptic
  240. A system of vessels in which blood, after passing through one capillary bed, is conveyed through a second set of capillaries before it returns to the systemic circulation. It pertains especially to the _________ __________ system.

    a Venous return that goes from one capillary bed to another WITHOUT intervening arteries
    heptic portal
  241. The portal venous system (heptic) is responsible for directing blood from parts of the _____________ tract to the ________.
    Substances absorbed in the small intestine travel first to the __________
    for processing before continuing to the heart. Not all of the gastrointestinal tract is part of this system. The system extends from about the lower portion of the esophagus to the upper part of the anal canal.
    It also includes venous drainage from the ______ and ________.
    • gastrointestinal
    • liver
    • liver

    spleen and pancreas
  242. The _______ _________ vein is a vein in the abdominal cavity that drains blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen to the liver. It is usually formed by the confluence of the superior mesenteric and _______ veins, and also receives _______ from the inferior mesenteric, gastric, and cystic veins.
    • heptic portal
    • spleenic
    • blood
  243. Immediately before reaching the liver, the portal vein divides into
    right and left. It ramifies further, forming smaller venous branches
    and ultimately portal venules. Each portal venule courses alongside a
    hepatic arteriole and the two vessels form the vascular components of
    the ________ _______. These vessels ultimately empty into the hepatic sinusoids to supply blood to the liver.[1]
    portal triad
  244. Unlike most veins, the hepatic portal vein does not drain into the heart. Rather, it is part of a portal venous system that delivers venous blood into another _______ system, namely the hepatic __________
    of the liver.
    • capulary
    • sinusoids
  245. In carrying venous blood from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver, the hepatic portal vein accomplishes two tasks; namely,it supplies the liver with metabolic substrates and it ensures that substances ingested are first processed by the liver before reaching the systemic circulation. After draining into the liver ________, blood from the liver is drained by the _________ vein.
    • sinusoids
    • heptic
  246. right lobe of liver is _________
  247. the right lobe of the liver is larger and consists of __________ (portion), ______ lobe, and _______ lobe
    • right
    • caudate
    • quadrate
  248. the left lobe of the liver is smaller and and is seperated by the right lobe by the __________ ligament
  249. the liver, the remenant of the _________ __________ vein of an embryo becomes the ligmentum teres of liver
    the left umbilical
  250. The bile, stored in the gallbladder, primarily breaks down what type of food materials?
    •Lipids (fats)
  251. 50.Be able to identify the divisions, sphincters, and lining of the stomach. (A&M Figure 2.15 A & B pg 145)
    • •Cardiac Region (where esophagus dumps in)
    • •Fundus (left dome of diaphragm)
    • •Body
    • •Pyloric Region
    • •Pyloric Sphincter (regulates food entering duodenum)
    • •Lesser & Greater curvatures
  252. Name the mesentery, which attaches from the lesser curvature of the stomach to the hilus of the liver? What three structures run in the free margin of this mesentery? (A&M pg 138-139)
    lesser omentum, portal triad
  253. What structure attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach? (A&M pg 138)
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