
  1. Take-off 60kts check
    • TQ <2% to 92%
    • NP 100% +/- 0.5%
    • ITT 765 - 778 deg
    • NH max 101.6%
    • Oil press 55 - 65psi
    • Oil temp 0 - 125 deg
  2. Take-off configuration alert
    • Elevator trim out
    • Rudder trim out
    • Flap not in T/O position
    • Park brake not released
    • TO/GA/FLX not selected
  3. On an Inst App, when can you descend to straight in minima?
    Only if configured for landing.
  4. On inst app, can you do straight in app if descending to circling minima?
    • Yes. if time to do all checks and normal RoD.
    • (think stabilised approach requirements)
  5. What is the rough holding speed?
    Vref25 + 50
  6. What should the PNF call below 400' in adverse conditions?
    • Altitude
    • Speed
    • Sink
    • Every 100 from 400' to 100'
  7. When should you consider using flap 35?
    • Short runway
    • Wet runway
    • Tailwind
  8. What flap should be set if you have an engine failure flap 35?
    • Flap 25.
    • Vref and Vapp bugs will be 5kts low
Card Set
Co. procedures