1. ______________ Node-distributes the SA node signal to the ventricles through __________ bundle. Stimulus descends to the apex of the heart through the bundle branches. After stimulus reaches the Purjinkie fibers, ther ventricles contract path of blood through the heart
  2. ___ ___ node is a group of cells positioned on the wall of the right atrium, near the entrance of the superior vena cava.
  3. The ___________ _________ node is an area of specialized tissue between the atria and the ventricles of the heart, specifically in the posteroinferior region of the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus, which conducts the normal electrical impulse from the atria to the ventricles. The AV node is quite compact (~1 x 3 x 5 mm).[2] It is located at the center of Koch's Triangle—a triangle enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the coronary sinus, and the membraneous part of the interatrial septum.
    A V
  4. Be able to identify the vessels that form the coronary circulation. arteries: left and right ________ arteries, _____________ artery, ____________ branch, p________ and a__________ interventricular arteries.
    • coronary
    • circumflex
    • marginal
    • posterior
    • anterior
  5. Be able to identify the vessels that form the coronary circulation. veins:
    _________________,__________, and ____________ cardiac veins, and the _______ sinus.
    • small, medium, and great
    • cornary
  6. diff between a & veins is that,__________ have thicker walls ________________have thinner walls and also contain ________arteriesveinsvalves
    • arteries
    • veins
    • valves
  7. The tunicas, venous valves, larger elastic content in ______________
  8. name the endocrine organs that are found in the thorax, in the abdomen, and pelivs?
    thymus (involution),adrenals,kidney (cortex, medulla), pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testies)
  9. stomach (gastrin) and duodenum (secretin) are considered what function due to special cells?
    endocrine function
  10. the __________ ___________ vein is the embryonic structure that became the ligamentum teres of the liver.
    left umbilical
  11. __________ ___________ is a system of vessels in which blood after passing through one capillary bed is conveyed through a second set of capillaries before it returns to the systemic circulation
    portal system
  12. the bile stored in the gallbladder primarily imulsifies down what types of materials?
    carbs, fats, and or proteins
  13. significance of the _________ ___________is that it has different epithelial lining then the rest of the urinary bladder, and this is where urinary bladder _________ can originate
    • vessel trigone
    • cancer
  14. _________ ____________ (vesicle) of the male reproductive glands makes the largest contribution to semen.
    seminal glands
  15. the _______ gland in a male can obstruct the urethra
  16. pathway of fertilized ovum from ovary to implantation
    egg starts in ovary,fimbrea,infantabulum,ampulla****,ishamus, body of uterus and implants onto wall
  17. capillaries connect the ___________ and _____________sides of circulation.
    arterial and venous
  18. Abdominal regions right and left ________________, __________________, _____________ and ______________ and ___________
    • hypochondriac
    • lumbar,
    • iliac
    • hypogastric
    • epigastric
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