what is the significance in breast cancer of the sentineal lymph node?
- Hypothetical first lymph node or group of nodes reached by metastasizing cancer cells from a primary tumor.
- Because lymph axillary tail goes into the axilla area and can become cancerous as well.
why does a self-check breast exam include the axilla?
sentinel lymph node is a cancer hot spot a self check includes the axilla due to the axillary tail of the mammary gland.
the mammary gland is classified as a _________ ________ gland?
modified sweat
identify subdivisions of bronchial tree?
left and right main bronchisdivides into ________ bronchi (2L 3R)-divides into ___________ bronchi-divides into ___________ broncholes which supply the bronchopulmonary segment-divides into ___________ bronchioles-divides into __________ _____________
- lober
- segmental
- terminal
- respiratory
- aveoli sacs
_________ _________ is where is the primary gas exchange in the lungs takes place
alveolar sacs
_______________ is used to assess air flow through the tracheobronchial tree into the _________ with a stethescope. it is used clinically to listen to patients ______ breath sounds if healthy there will be no sound
- auscultation,
- lung
- bilateral
________ lung:superior lobe, middle lobe, inferior lobe
_______ lung: superior lobe, inferior lobe
what is the clinical significance of the apex of the lung?
the lobes of the right and left lung and the markings on both the mediastinal and costal surfaces. Left lung has a superior and inferior lobe with a ________ notch on the distal part of the _________ lobe.
- cardiac notch
- superior lob
in the left lung Oblique fissure separates the _________ and ___________ lobes.
superior inferior
in the right lung the _________ fissure separates superior from middle
The horizontal fissure separates _______ and ___________ of the right lung
superior and middle
Air in the ___________ cavity (pneumothorax) results in collapse of the lung.
Because of the slope of the first rib, the ________ of the pleura and the apex of the lung project upward into the neck, posterior to the sternomastoid, and hence may be injured in wounds of the neck. Their highest point is 2 to 3 cm or more above the level of the medial third of the clavicle
The _______ is rounded and fills the cupola of the pleura
The portion of the upper lobe of the ________ lung that lies between the cardiac notch and the oblique fissure is known as the ________ , and it corresponds to the middle lobe of the right lung
____________ arteriosum (fetal structure) is the structure during embryonic development allows blood to bypass the lungs and what becomes this structure after birth ____________ arteriosum (adult structure)
what are the three structural layers of the heart?________ (thin external layer), _______ (thick middle layer), ___________ (inner layer)
epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
conduction system of the heart:______________ node-stimulus originates in the ________ node and travels across the walls of the atria causing them to contract. initiates and regulates heartbeat (the pacemaker of the heart)
Koch's Triangle—a triangle enclosed by the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, the coronary sinus, and the membraneous part of the interatrial septum is where the __ __ node is