1. _________ ___________ region contains the spleen, pancreas, large intestine, and stomach
    left lumbar region
  2. stomach, pancreas, small and large intestineis found within the ___________ region
  3. appendix and large intestine are with in the _______ _________ regiomn
    right illiac
  4. large intestine is within the ______ ________ region
    left illiac
  5. urinary bladder, prostate gland, ovary, rectum, and large intestine the bronchial arteries arise from ___________ region
    hypogastric region
  6. the Heart is bounded anteriorly by the ________
  7. ____________ is the final product of blood coagulation step in hemostasis
  8. ________ _________ attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach
    greater omemtum
  9. ____________,____________, and___________ are subdivisions of the small intestine
    duodenum, jejunum, ileum
  10. __________, ____________, and ____________ are the subdivisions of the large intestine
    ceccum, rectum, colon,
  11. clinical significance of the apex of the lung (__________)t he apex sticks up _________ level of first rib into the _______ of the root of then neck
    • capulla
    • above
  12. the right bronchial vein drains into the ___________ vein
  13. The fibrous framework of dense collagen forms four fibrous rings, which surround the orifices of the valves, right and left ___________ ___________ (formed by connecting the rings, and the membranous parts of the____________ and ______________ septa).
    • fibrous trigones
    • interatrial
    • interventricular
  14. origin of the azygos and the hemiazygos venous system? Where are they connected? (A&M pg 74-80)
    • from IVC, ascending lumbar veins & renal veins.
    • Hemiazygos dumps into the azygos.
  15. the left bronchial vein drains into the _________ vein or the left intercostal vein
    (accessory ) hemiazygos
  16. the hemiazygos dumps into the _______ vein
  17. All regions of the body except the right upper limb and right side of the head, neck, and thorax (see fig. 24-5) are drained by the __________ duct into one of the large veins of the neck, e.g., the left ____________ jugular vein.
    • thoracic
    • left
  18. _________ Pleura Covers lungs (all surfaces)‏Cannot be dissected from lungs
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