1. what are the five areas of the thorax?
    inlet, outlet, pleural cavities, anterior thoratic wall (mammary gland & muscles) mediastinum
  2. identify boundaries and content of the pleural cavity?
    • lungs
    • inferior:diaphram
    • superior:
    • anterior:
    • posterior:
    • lateral:
  3. identify the boundaries and content of the pericardium cavity?
  4. identify the boundaries and content of the mediastinum cavity?
    contents: brachiocephalic vein, superior vena cava, vagus nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve, phrenic nerve, heart and great vessels, trachea and primary bronchi, inferior vena cava
  5. _______ of the neck is the inlet of the thorax
  6. outlet of thorax is the ___________
  7. the xiphoid process is the midline for what structure(s)? superior level of the _________, central tendon of the _________, inferior border of ___________
    • liver
    • diaphragm
    • heart
  8. when numbering the ribs ___________ _________ is the first landmark to identify before you start counting.
    Sternal Angle
  9. the _____________what prevents the first rib from being palpated
  10. identify intrinsic muscles of the thoratic wall: _______________intercostals(superficial) , ______________ intercostals (middle), ___________ intercostals(deep)
    • External Intercostal mm. (Elevate)‏(superficial)
    • Anteriorly replaced by membrane
    • Internal Intercostal mm. (Depress)‏(middle)
    • Posteriorly replaced by membrane
    • Innermost Intercostal mm. (Depress)‏
    • Only found in most lateral of Space(deep)
  11. __________ intercostals -posteriorly, the muscle is replaced by ___________ intercostal membrane -fibers angled backwards -expiration=lowers ribs
  12. __________ intercostals -anteriorly, the muscle is replaced by ___________ intercostal membrane. It is superficiial and elevates.
  13. ___________ intercostals are only found in the most lateral of space (deep), and depresses
  14. the main thoratic lymphatic duct empties into the venous system near the union of the _________ _________ ________and the ___________ veins
    left internal jugular and subclavian veins
  15. ___________ ___________excess connective tissue fluid (lymph is the fluid that is formed when interstital fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels of the lymphatic system)
    lymph fluid
  16. the main thoracic lymphatic duct empties into the venous system
    near the union of the ________ ________ jugular and the ____________
    left internal jugular and subclavian veins
  17. _________ lymph drains right side of head and neck and right upper limb.___________ duct drains remainder of body.
    • right
    • thoracic
  18. _______ system is dominant on the right side of the body while the ________system is dominant on the lef
    • venous
    • lympatic
  19. The _____________ lymph node is the first lymph node to which cancer is likely to spread from the primary tumor. Cancer cells may appear in the __________ node before spreading to other lymph nodes. In some cases, there can be more than one ________ lymph node.
  20. Breast Tissue extends into the __________
    (Axillary Tail)
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