Philosophy Chapter 2

  1. What is 'cognitive meaning'?
    Terminology that conveys information.
  2. What is an ambiguous expression?
    One that can be interpreted as to having more than one meaning.
  3. What is conventional connotation?
    Term that includes the attributes that the term commonly calls forth in the minds of competent speakers of the language.
  4. Stipulative Defintion
    Assigns a meaning to a word for the first time. "Coining a word" To replace a complex expression with a simpler one.
  5. Lexical Defintions
    Reports the meaning that a word already has in language. A dictionary definition.
  6. Precising Definitions
    Reduces the vagueness of a word.
  7. Theoretical Definition
    Suggests a theory that gives a certain characterization to the entities that the term denotes.
  8. Extensional (denotative) definitions
    Assigns meaning to a term by indicating the members of the class that the definiendum denotes. (Point, name individually, name in groups)
  9. Demonstrrative (ostensive) definition
    Point to it.
  10. Lexical definitions should conform to the standards of proper grammar, T/F?
    • True
    • Ex: "Vacation" means a period during which activity is suspended from work or school.
  11. T/F Lexical definitions should convey essential meaning of the world being defined.
  12. T/F: Lexical definition should either be too broad nor too narrow
    False, they should be neither.
  13. T/F: Lexical definition should NOT be negative when it can be positive
  14. Lexical definition shouldn't avoid figurative, vague, or ambiguous language.
    False, it should
  15. Lexical definition should avoid affective terminology, T/F?
  16. Should lexical defintion indicate the context to which the definiens pertains?
Card Set
Philosophy Chapter 2
2.5: Criteria for Lexical Definition