Week 14

  1. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
    • -principal orgs of the Civil rights mov't in the 1960's
    • -emerged from a series of student meetings led by Ella Baker held at Shaw Univ in Raleigh, North Carolina in April 1960
    • -first chairman Marion Barry later became mayor of Wash DC
    • -grew into a large org with support in the north allowing full-time sncc workers $10/week salary
    • -Leading role in 1963 March on Washingtong
    • -Contribution field work=organizing voter registration drives all over the South esp. Georgia & Miss
    • -1969 changed its name to student NATIONAL coordinating committee reflecting the broadening of its strategies "Black Power"
    • -ended in the 1970's
  2. Freedom Rides
    • -civil rights activists rode interstate buses into segregated southern states to test the Supreme court decision Boynton v Virginia (1960): granted interstate travelers the legal right to disregard local segregation ordinances regarding interstate trans facilities
    • -first ride May 4, 1961 left Washington DC to New Orleans on May 17
    • -challenge local laws or customs that enforced segregation by riding public trans
  3. Southern Christian Leadership conference (SCLC)
    • -an Amer civil rights org
    • -formed Jan 10, 1957 in Atlanta, Georgia
    • -first president Martin Luther King Jr 1957- assassination in 1968
    • -Ella baker 1st & only staff memeber (for a long time)
    • -nonviolent protest
    • -first years focused on education, voter registration, & support for local struggles
  4. �Great Society�
    • -President Lyndon Johnson election of 1964 helped this be created
    • -1965 the first session of the 89th congress created the core of GS
    • set of domestic programs proposed or enacted in the US on the initiative of Pres. Lyndon B Johnson
    • -two main goals of the great society social reforms were the elimination of poverty & racial injustice
    • -new major spending programs (edu, med, urb probs, & trans) were launched
    • -resembled New Deal FDR but enacted different programs
    • -some programs were eliminated or funding reduced but a lot like Medicare, Medicaid, & federal education funding are present today
    • -their programs expanded under Nixon & Ford
    • -initiative to end poverty
    • -Elementary & Secondary Edu Act of 1965 $1 bill to public schools
  5. Civil Rights Act (1964)
    • July 2, 1964 signed by Johnson
    • -Outlawed unequal application of voter registration & racial segregation in schools, workplace, & facilities that served the general public
    • -long term impact on country prohibiting discrimination in pub fac, gov, & employment invalidating the Jim crow laws
    • -14th & 15th amendment allowed congress to assert its authority
  6. Voting rights act 1965
    • -an act to enforce the 15th amendment signed by Pres. Lyndon Johnson
    • -outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of Afr.Amer. in the US
    • -No qualifications, prerequisite, standards, or procedure to deny the right of any citizen to vote
    • -established extensive federal oversight of elections administration=any state with history of discriminatory voting practices couldn't implement any change affecting voting w/o first obtaining the approval of the Dep.t of Justice=preclearance
    • -25 year extension signed by Pres. George W. Bush in 2006 as was w/preclearance & all
  7. Malcolm X
    • -African-Amer Muslim minister, public speaker, & human rights activist
    • -1952 he became one of the nation's leaders & chief spokemen
    • -public face of the Nation of Islam but b/c of tensions with the head he left it in 1964 & became sunni muslim
    • -created Muslim Mosque Inc. (religious org) & black nationalist org of Afro-American unity
    • -assassinated 1965 in NY while making a speech
  8. Cesar Chavez
    • -Mexican American farm worker, labor leader, & civil rights activits
    • -1962 co-founded with Dolores Huerta 'National Farm Workers Association' later becoming 'United Farm Workers' (UFW)
    • -his public-relations approach to unionism & aggressive but nonviolent tactics made the farm workers' struggle a moral cause with nation support
    • -1970's his tactics forced growers to recognize the UFW as the bargaining agent for 50,000 field workers in Cal & Florida
    • 'si se puede!'
    • -his work led to numerous improvements for union laborers
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Week 14