
  1. Loss of AC power
    • GEN 1 and 2 - off then on
    • No gen recovered
    • Avoid icing conditions
    • Land ASAP
  2. Loss of AC power systems available
    • LH EFIS
    • RH RMI
    • VOR/ILS 1
    • ADF 1
    • COMM 1
    • PA
  3. Loss of AC power systems affected
    • Anti-icing - RH pitot inop
    • Auto pilot - inop
    • Fuel pump 1 - inop
    • LG ind - nose ind only
    • ERP - inop
  4. Battery overheat
    • Bat charger - check off
    • Land ASAP
  5. Elecrtical smoke
    • Oxy/mask goggles - on
    • Comms - establish
    • Recirc fans - off
    • Economy - off
    • Gen 1 and 2 - off
    • Avoid icing
    • land ASAP
    • Smoke removal procs if req
    • If can't land in 30 min
    • AC auto x-feed - off
    • Gen 1 - on
    • If smoke re-appears
    • Gen 2 - on
    • Gen 1 - off
  6. Air conditioning smoke
    • Oxy/mask goggles - on
    • Comms - establish
    • Recirc fans - off
    • Economy - off
    • Left bleed and left pack - off
    • if smoke persists
    • Left bleed and left pack - on
    • Right bleed and right pack - off
    • Still smoke: packs off, descend
  7. cabin smoke/fire
    • FLT deck door - closed
    • Oxy mask/goggles - As req
    • Crew comms - establish
    • Recire fans - off
    • Economy - off
    • Apply smoke removal procs if req
  8. Smoke toilet
    • Recire fans - off
    • Ecomomy - off
    • cabin crew to inspect
    • Smoke removal procs if req
Card Set
QRH emergency procedures