
  1. What are the forms of inductive reasoning?
    Prediction/Argument/Generalization/Authority/Signs/Casual inference
  2. What is prediction?
    Knowledge from past to claim future.
  3. What is an argument from analogy?
    Depends on the existence of an analogy/ similarity between two things.
  4. What is generalization?
    Proceeds from the knowledge of a selected sample to some claim about the whole group.
  5. What is authority?
    Concludes something is true because a presumed expert/witness says so.
  6. What is signs?
    Proceeds from knowledge of a sign to a claim about situation that sign symbolizes.
  7. What is casual inference?
    Argument that proceeds from knowledge of a cause to a claim about an effect in effort to claim cause.
  8. What is a particular statement?
    One that makes a claim about one or more particular members of a cause.
  9. What is a general statement?
    Makes a claim about all the members of a class.
  10. What is a valid deductive statement?
    Argument where it's impossible for the conclusion to be false given premises are true.
  11. What is an invalid deductive statement?
    It is possible for conclusion to be false when premises are true.
  12. Strong inductive argument
    Inductive argument where it's improbably that conclusion be false given the premises are true.
  13. Weak inductive argument
    Conclusion does not follow probably from premises though it's claimed too.
  14. Argument based on mathematics
    Conclusion depends on arithmetic/geometric computation/measurement.
  15. Definition
    Conclusion is claimed to depend merely on the definition of some word or phrase.
  16. Syllogism
    Argument with 2 premises and 1 conclusion
  17. Hypothetical Syllogism
    Conditional statement for one or both of it's premises
  18. Hypothetical Syllogism
    Conditional statement for one or both of its' premises
  19. Disjunctive Statement
    "either.. or.."
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Chapter 1.3