Animal Behavior

  1. Innate Behavior
    The organism has no previous experience with the stimuli that it responds to
  2. Habituation
    • Animals stop responding to stimuli that do not provide appropriate feedback.
    • "cry-wolf" effect
  3. Kinesis
    random movement in response to a stimuli
  4. Taxis
    • automatic movement toward or
    • away from some stimulus.
  5. Spatial Learning
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  6. Operant Conditioning
    Associative Learning
    • A stimulus or response is linked to reward or avoid a punishment.
    • Trial and Error
  7. Classical Conditioning
    Associative Learning
    Mental connection between a stimulus and some kind of reward or punishment.
  8. Social Learning
    Observation and imitation of others
  9. Problem Solving
    Inventive behavior in response to new situations
  10. Social Learning
    Observing and mimicking others
  11. Insight Learning
    • An animal applies something it has already learned to a new situation
    • Most complicated form of learning
  12. Agnoisic
    Threats or combat that settles disputes between individuals.
  13. Types of Agnostic Behaviors
    • Confrontations- tests of strength
    • Dominance- ranking of individuals based on social interactions
  14. Altruism
    Behavior that reduces an individuals fitness while increasing the fitness of others in the population
  15. Kin Selection
    Individuals success by producing offspring and helping close relatives
  16. Reciprocal Altruism
    An act that may be repaid at a later time
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Animal Behavior
Notes from powerpoint