
  1. how is an empyema diagnosed?
    pH < 7.2 on pleural tap
  2. what are the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with small cell lung cancer?
    • SIADH
    • ectopic ACTH
    • Lambert-Eaton
  3. what are the paraneoplastic syndromes associated with squamous cell lung cancer?
    • PTHrP - hypercalcaemia
    • HPOA (pain in wrist)
  4. what are the SE of beta 2 agonist
    • tremor
    • hypokalaemia
    • hyperglycaemia
    • tachycardia
  5. what are the SE of inhaled steroids
    • oral candidiasis
    • hoarse voice (dysphonia)
  6. what are the SE of methylxanthines?
    • narrow TI
    • gastric irritation
    • Central N+V
    • inc cAMP so seizure and arrhythmia
  7. what are the SE of LT antagonists?
    • abdo pain
    • thirst
    • headache
  8. what are the SE of cromolyns
    • few and weak
    • cough
    • transient bronchospasm
  9. who are cromolyns used in and why? give e.g.
    • sodium cromoglycate
    • nedrocromil sodium
    • use:
    • 1. prophylaxis for exercise induced asthma
    • 2. children as no risk of growth suppression
  10. how are methylxanthines administered?
    • oral
    • iv
    • NOT inhaled
  11. how are LT antagonists administered?
  12. what are the indications for LTOT?
    • 1. PaO2 < 7.3
    • 2. PaO2 < 8.0 and cor pulmonale
    • 3. FEV1 < 1.5L
    • 4. patient stable
  13. what are the drug causes of pulm fibrosis?
    • amiodarone
    • methotrexate
    • bleomycin
    • nitrofurantoin (for UTI, E.coli)
  14. which part of the lung is commonly affected in idiopathic pulm fibrosis?
    lower zone
  15. what are the causes of upper zone shadowing on CXR?
    • A SEA
    • Ank spond
    • Sarcoidosis
    • EAA
    • ABPA
  16. what are the causes of lower zone shadowing on CXR?
    • RA
    • asbestosis
    • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
    • Drugs: AMBN
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