
  1. Ways to improve poor performance!
    • Employer training
    • More experience
    • More supervision
    • More independent studyingand practice
    • College course
    • More time to perform certain task
  2. Things to consider before I challenge an evaluation that I believe is unfair or untrue!
    • Is the challenge worth the risk?
    • How often have others fared when they challenged an evaluation?
    • Am I going to be here long enough for a bad evaluation to affect me?
    • Make a list of pros and cons
  3. StepsĀ I should take when challenging it in a formal manner!
    • Folow chain of command
    • Through evaluator
    • Through evaluator's manager
    • Through human resources
    • You must have evidence; proof; not opinion: Previous evals, letters from patients
  4. Formal response!
    • Presentation is important
    • Remain calm and unemotional
    • Practice your statement
    • Present evidence in logical order
    • Avoid accusations
  5. Informal response!
    • Less risky, non threatening
    • No appointment
    • Meet with evaluator at lunch/break
    • Lodge a mild protest
    • Mention area of contention
    • Could you review this case again and let me know if there is any change
  6. The two basic responses to stress!
    • Fight: Catatoxic reaction
    • Flight: Syntoxic reaction
  7. "Fight" response to stress!
    • Catatoxic reaction
    • More sever, defensive
    • Used primarily with physical stress
    • Increases HR, BP, RR, adrenalin
    • Decreases gut
    • Blood is diverted to skeletal muscles
  8. "Flight" response to stress!
    • Produces less tension, pressure
    • Fewer/ different hormones
    • Suntoxic reaction
  9. Stress
    • Overengagement
    • Emotions are overreactive
    • Produces urgency & hyperactivity
    • Loss of energy
    • Leads to anxiety disorders
    • Primarily damage is physical
    • May kill you prematurely
  10. Burnout
    • Disengagement
    • Emotions are blunted
    • Produces helplessness & hopelessness
    • Loss of motivation
    • Leads to detachment & depression
    • Primary damage is emotional
    • May make life seems not worth living
  11. The four "R" of stress management!
    • Recognize good / bad stress conditions
    • Reverse
    • Resolve to do something about the situation, decide to make a change
    • Resilience, take care of your physical and emotional health
  12. Causes of work related burnout!
    • Feeling of no control over your work
    • Lack of recognition, reward for good work
    • Unclear, overly demanding job expectations
    • Monotonous, unchallenging work
    • Chaotic, high pressure enviroment
  13. Factors that contribute to the increase in healthcare cost!
    • Aging population
    • Ability to substain life
    • High patient expectations
    • Expensive medical equipment
    • Expensive drugs
    • Health insurance
    • Medicare and medicaid
  14. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)
    • Applies to hospitals cost only
    • Determines payment for every type of disease and condition
  15. Economic models!
    • The free market
    • Command system or central planning
    • Macroeconomic model
    • Indicative planning
  16. Health care economics!
    • Very little, if any, open competition
    • Competition is convert
    • Goverment restricts number of healthcare facilities
    • Restriction of number of health care providers
    • Any restriction in supply increases prices
  17. Salary levels vary within a job class due to...
    • Level of education
    • Experience
    • Special skills
    • Abilities
    • Seniority
    • Responsibility
    • Time of day worked
    • Quality of work
  18. Benefits plans!
    • Vacation
    • Holidays
    • Sick leave
    • Retirement
    • Dental insurance
    • Health insurance
    • Child care
    • Leave of absence
    • Disability insurance
  19. Interqual Data
    • Screening criteria to determine...
    • Appropriateness of admission
    • Each patient admission from the ED is medically necessary
    • Observation status may be alternative
    • Relates to intensity of service and servity of illness
  20. Pros of managed care!
    • Better allocation of resources
    • More standardized care
    • Reduced over ordering
    • Reduction in waste
    • More consistency
  21. Cons of managed care!
    • Rations healthcare
    • Additional layers of costly bureaucracy
  22. Why do people resist change!
    • Fear: of failure, unknown
    • Inertia: Current practice should remain in force & unchanged
    • Incovenience: must learn something new
    • Economics: people fear job loss
    • Suprise: more resistance when change is sudden
    • Revenge: when employee dislikes the manager, he sabotages change effort to even score
    • Misunderstanding: intent, motive of change not understood due to lack of communcation
  23. How change is accomplished!
    • Training: educating people on how to use new method helps the change to the new method
    • Directive: usually in writing & posted, assumed they will be obeyed, change might not be made at all
    • Participatives decision making: employees decide the way the change will be implemented and change will cause less disruption
    • Manipulation: change & method already by manager; staff is tricked into believing tha they participated in change
  24. How would I implement change?
    • Participative decision making
    • and then determin the resistance to change that was presence. Then i would provide support and assistance to help cope with the change.
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Test 2