
  1. What is food?
    • anything that substain life
    • - meal
    • - tube feeding
    • - intravenous solution
  2. what are nutrients?
    • maintain life
    • grow and reproduction
    • body w/ energy
    • structure
    • regulation
    • - fat = hormones
    • - water = temp.
    • - vitamins = metabolism
    • - minerals = blood volume
  3. # of nutrients
    45 / 6 groups
  4. ty
  5. 2 types of nutrients
    • essential
    • - must be comsumed
    • - need constant suppy
    • non-essential
    • - made body
  6. 6 groups of nutrients
    • -carb
    • -fats
    • - proteins
    • - vitamins
    • - minerals
    • - water
  7. DRI?
    4 reference vaules, plannig
  8. DRI
    Dietary reference intakes
    4 set of reference values, used to plan and assess diets of healthy people
  9. EAR
    Estimated average requirement
    meet need of 50% people, same age and gender
  10. RDA
    Recommended Dietary Allowances
    amount to prevent deficiency
  11. UL
    Tolerable upper intake levels
    highest amount likely to not pose adverse effects
  12. Food Lab
  13. Food labels
    • -serving size
    • -metric measurement
    • -size realistic
    • -show sataurated and
  14. Food labels
    • -serving size
    • -realistic size
    • -metric measurements
    • -saturated and trans fat
    • -ingredients by weight
    • -DV - Daily Value based on 2,000 calorie
  15. Function of carb
    • formation of nerve tissue
    • " " RNA/DNA
    • cell structure
  16. Building blocks
    • Saccharides
    • -Monosaccharide
    • -glucose
    • -fructose
    • -galactose
    • Disacchardies
    • -Maltose
    • -sucrose
    • -lactose
    • Complex
    • oligosaccharides (5)
    • Oligo=scant
    • increase calorie not taste
    • Polysaccharides
    • -glycogen (muscle/liver)
    • -starches
    • Fiber
    • -insoluble (can be seen)
    • -soluble (gel)
    • accha
    • Olig
  17. benefits of fiber
    • -heart diease
    • -diabetes
    • -GI health
    • -Cancer
    • -weight management
  18. Gluconeogenesis
    conversion of protein to glucose for energy
  19. glucose reg
  20. G
  21. Glucose regulating h
  22. Glucose regulat
  23. Glucose regulating
    • Insulin - decrease blood sugar
    • Glucagon - increase blood sugar
  24. diabetes
    • IDDM - Type I/Juvenile
    • NIDDM - Type II/adult onset
  25. Syndrome X
    • High cholesterol
    • high triglycerides
    • hypertension
    • diabetes
  26. diabetes manag
  27. Diab
  28. Diabetes management
    • Diet
    • Medication
    • Exercise
  29. Artificial sugars
    • -nonnutrive (sweet and low)
    • -aspartame (nutrisweet/equal)
    • -acesulfame-k - for diabetes
    • -sucralose (slenda)
    • -neotame - denature
    • -stevia (truvia)
    • -maltitol/mannitol/sorbitol/xylitol/isomalt/lactitol - used in ice creams, causes GI discomfort
  30. Lipids function
    • -energy
    • -essential fatty acids
    • -carries fat soluble vitamins a,d,e,k
    • -insulation
    • -shock absorber
  31. Buildi
  32. building blocks
    • -fatty acids
    • includes:
    • -fats/oil
    • -phospholipids
    • -sterol
  33. t
  34. types of fats
    • -triglycerides 98% of f
    • at intake
    • -saturated
    • -polyunsaturated
    • -monounsaturated
  35. sataurated fat
    • -increase blood cholesterol
    • -hydrogenated
    • -solid
    • -animal products
  36. polyunsaturated
    • -decrease total cholesterol
    • -more than 1 double bond
    • -vegetable
    • -liquid
  37. monounstaurated
    • -decrease LDL/increase HDL
    • -1 double bond
    • -vegetable
    • -liquid
  38. hydrog
  39. Hydrog
  40. Hydrogenation
    • -liquid to solid
    • -increase saturated/transfat
    • -increase shelf livne

    • Cis - natural occuring fatty acide
    • -transfat when hydrogenated
  41. fish oils
    • omega-3
    • -lower LDL
    • protection:
    • -heart disease/stroke
    • -some cancer
    • -arthritis
    • omega-6
    • -lowers LDL and HDL
  42. too much fish oils
    • -GI discomfort
    • -Vit A/D toxicity
    • -easy bruising/bleeding
    • -mercury poision
  43. fatty acid deficiency
    • -dry scaly skin
    • -poor growth in infants
    • -impaired vision/hearing
    • -liver abnormalities
    • -poor healing
Card Set
exam 1