
  1. Sutures
    joints between the skull bones
  2. Sagittal suture
    down the middle
  3. Coronal suture
    Across but on the front (anterior)
  4. Lambdoidal suture
    Across but on the back of the skull (posterior)
  5. Squamous suture
    Above each ear
  6. Fontanels
    In fetal skull, membranous areas where fusion of skull bones has not yet occurred. The fontanels are commonly known as "soft spots". They allow some compression of the skull during birth.
  7. Frontal fontanel
    where coronal and sagittal sutures meet; diamond shaped; largest of fontanels; usually closes by 1 1/2 years age.
  8. Occipital fontanel
    where sagittal and lambdoidal sutures meet
  9. Sphenoid fontanels
    Where coronal and squamous sutures meet; paired
  10. Mastoid fontanels
    Where squamous and lambdoidal sutures meet; paired
  11. Sinuses
    Actual spaces within bones
  12. Frontal sinuses
    Above the medial portion of the eyebrows; torso #52
  13. Ethmoid sinuses
    within ethmoid bone; torso #53 (next 6)
  14. Sphenoid Sinuses
    within the sphenoid bone; torso #54 (last)
  15. Temporal bones
    mastoid process (bump), styloid process (pointy), zygomatic process (part of the side of the cheek), external auditory meatus (ear canal), mandibular fossa (depression that lower jaw fits into)
  16. Occipital bone
    foramen magnum, occipital condyles
  17. Ethmoid bone
    crista galli, cribriform plate, perpendicular plate, superior conchae, middle conchae
  18. Mandible
    rumus, coronoid process, mandibular condyle (condyloid process), mental foramen
  19. Ear bones
    malleus, incus, stapes
  20. Hyoid bone
    the only bone in the body which does not articulate with any other bone; suspended from styloid processes; a muscle of the tongue and muscles of floor of mouth attach to hyoid
  21. Vertebral column
    • 26 bones total
    • 24 vertebrae
    • sacrum
    • coccyx
    • The vertebral column has two concave curvatures and two convex curvatures in the adult.
  22. (7) Cervical Vertebrae
    • Located in the neck
    • All cervical vertebrae have a transverse foramen
  23. Atlas
    • (first cervical vertebra)
    • Transverse foramen
    • vertebral foramen
    • anterior arch
    • posterior arch
    • Note: The atlas lacks a body and spinous process
  24. Axis
    • (second cervical vertebra)
    • transverse foramen
    • vertebral foramen
    • body
    • odontoid process (dens)
    • spinous process
  25. Cervical vertebrae
    • Last 5
    • transverse foramen
    • vertebral foramen
    • body
    • spinous process
  26. Thoracic Vertebrae (12)
    • Located in the chest
    • Thoracic vertebrae have facets for attachment to ribs.
    • vertebral foramen
    • body
    • spinous process
    • pedicle (notice the superior and inferior notches)
    • facets for attachment to ribs
  27. Lumbar Vertebrae (5)
    • Located in the lower back.
    • Lumbar ver. are larger than either cervical or thoracic verte.
    • vertebral foramen
    • body
    • spinous process
    • pedicle
    • Disks of fibrous cartilage are located between the bodies of the vertebrae. Adjacent vertebral foramina form the vertebral canal which surrounds the spinal cord.
  28. sacrum
    fromed by fusion of 5 sacral vertebrae
  29. Coccyx
    fromed from small fused vertebrae
  30. Sternum
    • manubrium
    • body
    • xiphoid process
  31. Ribs
    • (12 pairs)
    • True ribs- upper 7 pairs
    • fasten to sternum by costal cartilages
    • False ribs- 5 pairs; do not attach to sternum directly; last two pairs (floating ribs) do not attach to sternum at all
Card Set
(28) skull bones, and sutures