psyc 270 1

  1. Attitudes

    • Evaluations of

    • people, objects, and ideas.
    • §Enable us to judge
    • quickly and without much thought
    • §

    • §BUT, this can make us
    • close-minded, bias the way we interpret information, and resistant to change
  2. Explicit Attitudes uInformation

    • : Attitudes
    • uWhy does it work? What is
    • the point?
    • uEntertainment


    • uEmotional
    • contagion- rapid transmission of emotion or
    • behavior through a crowd
    • that we consciously endorse and can easily report
  3. Implicit AttitudesProduct persuasion
    • Attitudes
    • that are
    • uchange attitudes towards
    • products and buying behavior
    • u

    • uPublic opinion polls show that the overwhelming
    • majority of adult respondents believed TV commercials contain untruthful
    • arguments involuntary, uncontrollable, and at times unconscious.
  4. cognitive attitudes
    thoughts and beliefs
  5. affective attitudes
    emotional and autonomic reactions
  6. behavioral attitudes
    observed behaviors
  7. uSource
    of communication
    • uCredibility
    • •Expertise
    • and trustworthiness
    • •Biases


    • uAttractiveness
    • •Liking

  8. uNature
    of communication (Aronson)
    • uLogical vs. emotional appeals
    • uFear arousal
    • uStatistical evidence vs. single person example
    • uVivid examples/imagery

    uOne sided vs. two sided arguments

    • uPerceived knowledgably of the communicator
    • uTwo sided more persuasive for opposing
    • listeners

    • uOne sided more persuasive for agreeing
    • listeners

    uPrimacy effect- better recall for information

    presented first

    • uRecency effect- better recall for information
    • presented last

    uWill decision be immediate or delayed?

    uEffects what you will remember

    uIf delayed, present last

  9. Nature of communication (Aronson) cont
    uSize of discrepancy

    • uA large discrepancy between our views and
    • another’s views causes discomfort
    • uclose or attractive/credible other
    • uWe are motivated to reduce our discomfort, so,
    • what would we do? Change our view
    • uLatitude of acceptance: theoretical range
    • where a competing view can “fall” and still cause someone to change their own
    • view.
    • uIf a position is very discrepant, it may fall
    • outside one’s latitude of acceptance
  10. Characteristics of audience
    • uSelf-esteem
    • uPrior experience- immediately before
    • uWell fed and relaxed
    • uPositive mood
    • uThreats to freedom or autonomy
    • uInoculation Effect: prior exposure in the form
    • of a warning or “watered-down” attack on our beliefs makes us resistant to
    • later persuasion
  11. Inoculation Effect
    • uExposure to a brief
    • communication that can be refuted immunizes against a full-blown presentation
    • of the argument

    • uMotivated
    • to defend our beliefs
    • uPracticed
    • in defending our beliefs
    • uThe person who is
    • easiest to brainwash is the one whose beliefs have never been challenged
    • u

    • uOverall, stimulating
    • thinking makes strong messages more persuasive and weak messages less
    • persuasive
    • uDistracted people
    • don’t counter-argue
  12. •2 Major Routes to Persuasion- called
    the dual-process model
    • •Peripheral
    • route persuasion
    • uResponding to simple, often irrelevant cues
    • that suggest the rightness or wrongness of an argument

    • •Central
    • route persuasion
    • uWeighting arguments and considering relevant
    • facts and figures
    • uThinking about information in a systematic
    • fashion
  13. Elaboration Likelihood Mode
    §An explanation of the
    two ways that persuasive communication can cause attitude change
    • úCentrally- when central route it used
    • Motivation
    • and ability to pay attention
    • If
    • argument is compelling, lasting attitude change
    • úPeripherally- when peripheral route is used
    • Lack
    • the motivation and/or ability to pay attention
    • If
    • peripheral cues (e.g., length and source of communication) are compelling,
    • temporary attitude change
  14. Do fear-arousing
    communications work?
    • §If a moderate amount
    • of fear is created and people believe that listening to the message will teach
    • them how to reduce this fear, they will be motivated to analyze the message
    • carefully and will likely change their attitudes via the central route.
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psyc 270 1
psyc 270 1