Arid, Rainforests, Coral reefs

  1. What are the limiting factors for plant growth in a rainforest?
    Sunlight and nutrients
  2. Why are rainforests so diverse?
    High levels of disturbance
  3. Why are fungi so important to plants in rainforests?
    They are part of a plant mycorhizal root systems.
  4. Which sections of reef experiences the highest amount of wave action?
    Reef front
  5. Which of the following predominantly affects coral biology?
  6. What are two adaptions that plants have to poor shallow soils and explain how they benefit the plant?
    • Buttress roots - stabilisation.
    • Mutualistic relationships with fungi, decomposing leaves etc
  7. Name two adaptions that plants have for high moisture levels and explain how they work:
    • 1) Drip leaves so that the water falls of the leaves easier.
    • 2) Waxy leaves so that the plant does not absorb the water.
  8. Name two types of desert and describe how they're formed:
    • 1) Polar - the air is too cold to retain moisture -> really drive
    • 2) Rainshaddow - the other side of the coast (the rain can't get over the mountains to the other side)
  9. What is aestivation and give and example:
    Dry season dormancy: desert frogs
  10. Explain how the three forms of coral reef are formed:
    • Fringing reefs:
    • Barrier reefs: sea levels rise and the reef builds upwards upon itself to reach the light leaving a gap between the reef and the land
    • Atol: the island has suck completely underwater and the sea levels have risen completely over it. Therefore, there is no land left, just a ring of coral.
  11. Why are mangroves so important in terms of fish recruitment?
    Provides shallow oxygen rich sheltered areas for fish to spawn and baby fish to spawn. Also provides protection from predators.
  12. Give an example of a coral reef ecosystem engineer and explain how it affects the ecosystem:
    Sponges: filter water.
Card Set
Arid, Rainforests, Coral reefs
Arid, rainforests, coral reefs