Biology Final

  1. abaerobic reaction in which a 6 carbon molecule of glucose is broken down into two 3-carbon molecules of pyruvic acid
  2. no oxygen present
    anaerobic reaction
  3. GLYCOL: 2 ATP provides two phosphate which are attached to a _____ molecule to form a new ___ carbon compound.
    glucose, six
  4. GLYCOL: Newly formed 6-carbon compound splits into two 3-carbon molecules of ____(____)
    PGAL, G3P
  5. GLYCOL: Each molecule of G3P recieves a _______. This forms two new carbon compounds each with _____ bonded to the end of their structures.
  6. NAD+, and electron acceptor forms _____
  7. GLYCOL: the two 3-carbon molecules have their phosphates removed. This forms four molecules of ___ and two molecules of ___.
    ATP, pyruvic acid
  8. Has a net gain of two ATP molecules
  9. pyruvic acid is converted to this acid and NAD+ is producedq
    Lactic Acid Fermentation
  10. ____ is used to keep glycolysis going
  11. yougurt is produced and muscle fatigue occurs during this
    Lactic Acid Fermentation
  12. pyruvic acid is converted into this alcohol and NAD+ is produced.
    Ethyl alcohol fermentation
  13. wine and beer are produced and bread rises from the CO2 produced
    Ethyl Alcohol Fermentation
  14. efficiency of glycolysis is
  15. an aerobic reaction in which the oxidation of glucose is completed. ATP is formed.
    Aerobic respiration
  16. oxygen is present
    aerobic reaction
  17. this reaction takes place in the mitochondria
    aerobic respiration
  18. the krebs cycle and the electron transport chain comprise this reaction
    aerobic respiration
  19. a biochemical pathway that breaks down acetyl CoA and combines with a 4 carbon compound called oxaloacetic acid. Forms citric acid, a 6-carbon compound
    krebs cycle
  20. KC: a 2-carbon compound which came from the break down of pyruvic acid
    Acetyl CoA
  21. KC: Citric acid releases a CO2 to form a 5 carbon compound. NAD+ picks up a hydrogen and becomes...
  22. KC: 5 carbon compound releases a CO2 to become a ____carbon compound.
  23. ADP yields
  24. NAD+ yields
  25. KC: 4 carbon compound releases hydrogen which ___ bonds with to become FADH2
  26. KC: 4 carbon compound releases a hydrogen and turns into
    oxaloacetic acid
  27. This occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria
    Electron transport chain
  28. NADH and FADH2 provide the energized electrons to pump hydrogen atoms from the ___ to the other side of the inner mitochondrial membrane
  29. this builds up a higher concentration of ______ in the outside of the membrane compared with the inside of the membrane
  30. ________ causes chemiosis to occur allowing the higher concentration of hydrogen atoms to travel back to the area of lower concentation of hydrogen atoms in the matrix. The energy released forms ADP into _____.
    ATP Synthase, ATP
  31. Oxygen atoms pick up the low energy electrons along with the hydrogens released by NADH and FADH2. This forms ____
  32. efficiency of aerobic respiration
  33. Electron Transport Chain yields ___ ATP
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Biology Final
Stuff for biology final