Verbal Ability 5

  1. Malinger
    • to evade resposibility by pretending to be ill
    • A common way to avoid the draft was by malingering-pretending to be mentally or physically ill so as to avoid being taken by the Army.

    • Similar: shirk, slack
  2. Malleable
    • capable of being shaped
    • Gold is the most malleable of precious metal; it can easily be formed into almost any shape.

    Similar: adaptable,pliable,ductile,plastic,pliant
  3. Metaphor
    • a figure of speech comparing two different things, a symbol
    • The metaphor ' a sea of troubles' suggests a lot of troubles by comparing their number to the vastness of the sea.

    Similar: analogy, comparison
  4. Meticulous
    • extremely careful about details
    • The investigators were instructed to find all the clues at the crime scene, so they meticulously covered every inch of the area.

    Similar: conscientious, precise, scrupulous
  5. Misanthrope
    • a person who dislikes others
    • The Grinch was such a misanthrope that even the sight of children singing made him angry.
  6. Mitigate
    • to soften, to lessen
    • A judge may mitigate a sentence if she decides that a person committed a crime out of need.

    Similar: alleviate, lighten,assuage,palliate,temper
  7. Mollify
    • to calm or make less severe
    • Their arguement was so intense that is was difficult to believe any compromise would mollify them.

    Similar: appease,conciliate,assuage,pacify
  8. Monotony
    • no variation, tediously the same
    • The monotomy of the sound of the dripping faucet almost drove the research assistant crazy.

    Similar: drone, tedium
  9. Naive
    • lacking sophistication or experience
    • Having never traveled before, the hillbillies were totally naive to the customs of Beverly Hills.

    Similar: artless, credulous,simple,guileless,unaffected,ingenuous
  10. Obdurate
    • hardened in feeling, resistant to persuasion
    • The President was completely obdurate on the issue, and no amount of persuasion would change his mind.

    Similar: inflexible, tenacious,intransigent,recalcitrant
  11. Obsequious
    • overly-submissive and eager to please
    • The obsequious new associate made sure to compliment her supervisor's tie and agree with him on every issue

    Similar: compliant,servile,deferential,subservient
  12. Obstinate
    • stubborn, unyeilding
    • The obstinate child could not be made to eat any food which he preceived to be 'yucky'.

    Similar: intransigent,mulish,pertinacious,persistant,tenacious
  13. Obviate
    • to prevent; to make unnecessary
    • The river was shallow enough to wade across at many points, which obviated the need for a bridge.

  14. Occlude
    • to stop up, prevent the passage of
    • A shadow is thrown across the Earth's surface during a solar eclipse, when the light from the sun is occluded by the moon.

    Similar: barricade, obstruct,block,close
  15. Onerous
    • troublesome and oppressive; burdensome
    • THe assignment was so extensive and difficult to manage that it proved onerous to the team in charge of it.

    Similar: arduous,cumbersome,formidable,oppresive,taxing,burdensome
  16. Opaque
    • Impossible to see through, preventing the passage of light
    • The heavy build-up of dirt and grime on the windows made them almost opaque.

    Similar: obscure
  17. Opprobrium
    • public disgrace
    • After the scheme to embezzle the elderly was made public, the treasure resigned in utter opprobrium.

    Similar: discredit,obloquy,ignominy,dishonor,shame,infamy
  18. Ostentation
    • excessive showiness
    • The ostentation of the Sun's King court is evident in the lavish decoration and luxuriousness of his palace Versailles.

    Similar: conspicuousness, pretentiousness,flashiness,showiness
  19. Paradox
    • a contradiction or dilemma
    • It is a paradox that those most in need of medical attention are often those least able to obtain it.

    Similar: incongruity, ambiguity
  20. Paragon
    • model of excellence or perfection
    • He is the paragon of what a judge should be; honest, intelligent, hardworking and just.

    Similar: apotheosis,ideal,quintessence,standard
  21. Pedant
    • somone who shows off learning
    • The graduate instructor's tedious and excessive commentary on the sublect soon gain her a reputation as a pedant.
  22. Perfidious
    • willing to betray one's trust
    • The actress's perfidous companion revealed all of her intimate secrets to the gossp columnist.

    Similar: disloyal,treacherous,faithless,traitorous
  23. Perfunctory
    • done in a routine way; indifferent
    • The machine-like teller processed the transaction and gave the waiting customer a perfunctory smile.

    Similar: apathetic, automatic,mechanical
  24. Permeate
    • to penetrate
    • The miraculous new cleaning fliud is able to permeate stains and dissolve them in minutes.

    Similar: imbue,pervade,infuse,suffuse
  25. Pervasive
    • to be present throughout, to permeate
    • Four spices-cumin, turmeric, coriander and cayenne- pervade almost every Indian dish, and give the cuisine its distinctive flavor.

    Similar: imbue,permeate,infuse,penetrate,suffuse
  26. Philanthropy
    • charity , a desire or effort to promote goodness
    • The Metropolitan Museum of Art owes much of its collection to the philanthropy of private of private collectors who willed their estates to the museum.

    Similar: humanitarianism,altruism
  27. Phlegmatic
    • calm and unemotional in temperament
    • Although the bomb could go off at any moment, the phlegmatic demolition expert remained calm nad unafriad.

    Similar: apathetic,impassive,indifferent,emotionless,passionless
  28. Placate
    • to soothe or pacify
    • The burglar tried to placate the snarling dog by refferring to it as a 'nice doggy' and offerring it a treat.

    Similar: appease,conciliate,mollify
  29. Plastic
    • able to be molded, altered or bent
    • The new material was very plastic and could be formed into products of vastly different shape.

  30. Plethora
    • excess
    • Assuming that more was better, the defendant offered the judge a plethora of excuses.

    Similar: glut, superfluity,overabunace,surfeit
  31. Pragmatic
    • practical as opposed to idealistic
    • While idealistic gamblers think they can get rich by frequenting casinos, pragmatic gamblers realize that the odds are heavily stacked against them.

    • Similar: realistic, rational
  32. Precipitate
    • to throw violently or bring about abrublty; lackin deliberation
    • Theirs was a precipitate marrige-they had only known each other for two weeks befor they wed.

    Similar: abrupt,rash,hasty,impetuous,headlong,impulsive,hurried,prompt
  33. Prevaricate
    • to lie or deviate from the truth
    • Rather than admit that he had overslept again, the employee prevaricated and claimed that heavy traffic had prevented him from arriving at work on time.

    Similar: equivocate,lie,perjure
  34. Pristine
    • fresh and clean, uncorrupted
    • Since concerted measures had been taken to prevent looting, the archeological site was still pristine when researchers arrived.

  35. Probity
    • complete honesty and intergrity
    • George Washington's reputation for probity is illustrated in the legend about his inability to lie after he chopped down the cherry tree.

    Similar: integrity,virtue,rectitude,uprightness
  36. Porclivity
    • a natural inclination or predisposition
    • Her childhood love of acting, singing and adoration indicated a proclivity for the theater in later life.

    Similar:leaning, prejudice,propensly,partiality,penchant,bias
  37. Prodigal
    • lavish, wasteful
    • The Prodigal Son quickly wasted all of his inheritance on a lavish lifestyle devoted to pleasure.

    Similar: lavish,spenthrift,profligate,extravagant
  38. Proliferate
    • to increase in number quickly
    • Although he only kept two guinea piga intially, they proliferated to such an extent that he soon had dozens.

  39. Propitiate
    • to conciliate, to appease
    • Because their gods were angry and vengeful, the Vikings propitiated them with many sacrafices.

    Similar: appease,pacify,conciliate,mollify,placate
  40. Propriety
    • acting in a proper manner, obeying rules and customs
    • The aristocracy maintained a high level of propriety, adhering to even the most minor social rules.

    Similar: decency, decorum,modesty,seemly
  41. Prudence
    • wisdom, caution or restraint
    • The college student exhibited prudence by obtaining practical experience along with her studies, which greatly strengthened her resume.

    Similar: astuteness,judiciousness,thrift,discretion,providence
  42. Pungent
    • sharp and irritating to the senses
    • The smoke rom the burning tires was extremely pungnet.

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Verbal Ability 5