U.S History

  1. 1. Fascism

    2. Internationalism
    1. A type of aggresive nationalism. The nation was held up to a higher standard than the citizens. A dictator was in the best intrest for the country as well.

    2. Trade between countries/nations created prosperity and helps prevent war. Peace should be preserved in the world. Roosevelt supported this, but the public wanted neutrality.
  2. 3. Impose

    4. Investigate
    3. Keep of force. "A dictator was needed to impose order on society (dealin with fascism).

    4. To find out by looking. "In 1934 Gerald P. Nye (Senator of North Dakota) held hearings to investigate the country's involvement in World War I.
  3. 5. Civil

    6. Benito Mussolini
    5. Unkept; relating to people. "The revolt quickly became a civil war and attracted world wide attention. The United States remained neutral by passing neutrality acts.
  4. 7. Vladimir Lenin

    8. Joseph Stalin
    7. Bolshevic leader who established communist governments throughout Russia.

    8. The soviet dictator who had massive effors to industrialize his country. Brought death upon 8 to 10 million people for rebelling the communist policies.
  5. 9. Adolf Hitler

    10. Manchuria
    9. An anticommunist who followed Mussolini. He created the new Nazi party who destroyed many lives and killed citizens of Germany. He believed in the master race.

    10. A province in China who was resource-rich. It was a place for the U.S to conquer.
  6. 11.Neutrality Act of 1935
    11. Making it illegal for Americans to sell arms to any country at war. Germany and Italian aggression might of led to war and selling arms would bring the U.S into World War I.

    • 1922- Fascist party takes power in Italy; USSR established
    • 1931- Japan takes control of Manchuria
    • 1933- Hitler takes power in Germany
    • 1935- Congress passes first neutrality act
    • 1937- Japan attacks China
Card Set
U.S History
11.1 Vocabulary