Bible Bowl John Ch 1

  1. 1. According to John 1:1, who or what was in the beginning?

    A. The Word
  2. 2. According to John 1:1, when was the Word with God?

    B. In the beginning
  3. 3. According to John 1:1, whom was the Word with?

    D. God
  4. 4. According to John 1:1, who or what was the Word?
    A. The Bible
    B. Something spoken only to John
    C. God
    D. John
  5. C. God
  6. 5. According to John 1:2, He (the Word) was in the beginning with whom?
    A. Man
    B. The Holy Spirit
    C. God
    D. No one
  7. C. God
  8. 6. According to John 1:3, how many things were made through Him?

    A. All things
  9. 7. According to John 1:3, how many things were made without Him?
    A. All things
    B. Nothing
    C. Some things
    D. Most things
  10. B. Nothing
  11. 8. According to John 1:4, what was in Him that was the light of men?
    A. Life
    B. Love
    C. God’s glory
    D. God’s holiness
  12. A. Life
  13. 9. According to John 1:4, what was the life that was in Him?
    A. The light of God
    B. The light of the Holy Spirit
    C. The light of men
    D. The light of creation
  14. C. The light of men
  15. 10. According to John 1:5, the light of men does what?
    A. Shines in the darkness
    B. Shines eternally
    C. Shines in the heavens
    D. Shines on the righteous
  16. A. Shines in the darkness
  17. 11. According to John 1:5, the darkness did not do what to the light of men?
    A. Extinguish it
    B. Comprehend it
    C. Engulf it
    D. Make it brighter
  18. B. Comprehend it
  19. 12. According to John 1:6, John was sent from whom or what?
    A. Heaven
    B. Jerusalem
    C. God
    D. The wilderness
  20. C. God
  21. 13. According to John 1:6-7, what was the name of the man sent from God to bear witness of the Light?
    A. Moses
    B. Joshua
    C. Jesus
    D. John
  22. D. John
  23. 14. According to John 1:7, why did John come?

    A. For a witness
  24. 15. According to John 1:7, John came to do what?

    C. Bear witness of the Light
  25. 16. According to John 1:7, why did John come to bear witness of the light?

    C. That all through him might believe
  26. 17. According to John 1:8, John was not what?

    A. That Light
  27. 18. According to John 1:8, John was sent for what purpose?

    A. To bear witness of that Light
  28. 19. According to John 1:8-9, what light was John sent to bear witness of?

    C. The true Light
  29. 20. According to John 1:9, what does the true Light do?

    B. Gives light to every man
  30. 21. According to John 1:10, He (the true Light) was where?

    D. In the world
  31. 22. According to John 1:10, what was made through Him (the true Light)?

    C. The world
  32. 23. According to John 1:10, the world did not do what?

    D. Know Him
  33. 24. According to John 1:11, He (the true Light) came to whom who did not receive Him?

    C. His own
  34. 25. According to John 1:11, when He (the true Light) came to His own, what did they not do?

    A. Receive Him
  35. 26. According to John 1:12, He (the true Light) gave the right to become children of God to whom?

    B. As many as received Him
  36. 27. According to John 1:12, He (the true Light) gave what to as many as received Him?

    C. The right to become children of God
  37. 28. According to John 1:12, He (the true Light) gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in what?

    C. His name
  38. 29. According to John 1:12-13, what were those who were given the right to become children of God not born of?

    D. All of the above
  39. 30. According to John 1:13, what were those who were given the right to become children of God born of?

    A. God
  40. 31. According to John 1:14, the Word did what?

    C. Became flesh and dwelt among us
  41. 32. According to John 1:14, when the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, we beheld His what?

    C. Glory
  42. 33. According to John 1:14, the Word’s glory was what?

    A. As of the only begotten of the Father
  43. 34. According to John 1:14, what was the Word’s glory full of?

    D. Grace and Truth
  44. 35. According to John 1:15, when the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, what did John do?

    C. Bore witness of Him
  45. 36. According to John 1:15, John had said, “He who comes after me is________.”

    D. Preferred before me, for He was before me
  46. 37. According to John 1:16, in addition to what we have received of His fullness, what else have we received?

    D. Grace for grace
  47. 38. According to John 1:17, what was given through Moses?

    C. The Law
  48. 39. According to John 1:17, the law was given through Moses. What came through Jesus Christ?

    B. Grace and Truth
  49. 40. According to John 1:18, who has seen God?

    B. No one at any time
  50. 41. According to John 1:18, no one has seen God at any time. Who has declared Him?

    B. The only begotten Son
  51. 42. According to John 1:18, the only begotten Son is described as being where?

    A. In the bosom of the Father
  52. 43. According to John 1:19, whom did the Jews send from Jerusalem to ask John, “Who are you?”

    B. Priests and Levites
  53. 44. According to John 1:19, what did the Jews send priests and Levites to ask John?

    C. Who are you?
  54. 45. According to John 1:20, what did John confess?

    C. I am not the Christ
  55. 46. According to John 1:21, John said that he was not whom?

    D. Elijah
  56. 47. According to John 1:21, John said that he was not whom?

    B. The Prophet
  57. 48. According to John 1:22, what did the priests and Levites ask John?

    C. Both A and B
  58. 49. According to John 1:22, why did the priests and Levites ask John who he was and what he said about himself?

    B. That they may give an answer to those who sent them
  59. 50. According to John 1:23, the quotation from Isaiah states that John is what?

    C. The voice of one crying in the wilderness
  60. 51. According to John 1:23, the quotation from Isaiah says that the voice is crying what in the wilderness?

    D. Make straight the way of the Lord
  61. 52. According to John 1:24, those who were sent to question John were from whom?

    A. The Pharisees
  62. 53. According to John 1:25, the Pharisees asked John, “Why do you baptize if you are not” whom?

    D. All of the above
  63. 54. According to John 1:26, John baptized with what?

    A. Water
  64. 55. According to John 1:26, John said there stood One among them whom they did not_______?

    D. Know
  65. 56. According to John 1:27, regarding the One whom they did not know John said, “It is He who” what?

    D. Coming after me, is preferred before me
  66. 57. According to John 1:27, John said he was not worthy to do what for the One who was coming after him?

    B. Loose his sandal strap
  67. 58. According to John 1:28, where was John baptizing?

    C. In Bethabara, beyond the Jordan
  68. 59. According to John 1:29, the next day after being questioned by the priests and Levites, John saw who coming toward him?

    A. Jesus
  69. 60. According to John 1:29, when John saw Jesus coming toward him he told the people to behold whom?

    A. The Lamb of God
  70. 61. According to John 1:29, John said that the Lamb of God does what?

    C. Takes away the sin of the world
  71. 62. According to John 1:30, John said what about the Lamb of God?

    D. All of the above
  72. 63. According to John 1:31, John said what about the Lamb of God?

    A. I did not know Him
  73. 64. According to John 1:31, John came baptizing with water; so that He (Jesus) should be revealed to whom?

    C. Israel
  74. 65. According to John 1:32, John said that he saw the Spirit descending from heaven like what?

    D. A dove
  75. 66. According to John 1:33, John said what about the One on whom the Spirit descended like a dove?

    B. I did not know Him
  76. 67. According to John 1:33, John was told that the One upon whom he saw the Spirit descending and remaining on Him was the One who does what?

    C. Baptizes with the Holy Spirit
  77. 68. According to John 1:33, who told John that the One upon whom he saw the Spirit descending and remaining on Him is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit?

    A. He who sent him to baptize with water
  78. 69. According to John 1:34, regarding He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, John said that he had ___________ and __________ that this was the Son of God.

    C. Seen and testified
  79. 70. According to John 1:35-36, while standing with two of his disciples, how did John refer to Jesus as He walked?

    C. Behold the Lamb of God
  80. 71. According to John 1:37, what did the two disciples who heard John say “Behold the Lamb of God” do?

    C. Followed Jesus
  81. 72. According to John 1:38, when Jesus saw John’s two disciples following Him, what did He say to them?

    D. What do you seek?
  82. 73. According to John 1:38, how did John’s disciples who followed Jesus reply when Jesus asked them. “What do you seek?”

    B. “Rabbi, where are you staying?”
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Bible Bowl John Ch 1
Chapter One Questions