
  1. What is the primary function of the precentral gyrus
    • Primary Motor Cortex:
    • Efferent, contralateral motor output
  2. What could be a symptom of damage to the precentral gyrus
    • Hemiparesis or Hemiplegia:
    • Muscles that are weak or paralyzed
  3. Where is the premotor area?
    • Posterior portion of
    • Superior and Middle Frontal Gyrus
  4. What is the function of the superior frontal gyrus?
    • Premotor Cortex:
    • Motor planning, sends info to primary motor cortex
  5. What is the function of the middle frontal gryus?
    • Premotor Cortex:
    • Motor planning, sends information to primary motor cortex
  6. Where is Brocca's Area?
    *LEFT* Inferior frontal gyrus
  7. What is the function of Brocca's area?
    • Expressive Speech
    • Production of written or spoken language
  8. What could be a symptom of damage to the premotor cortex?
    • Apraxia
    • confused signals, difficult or jerky movements
  9. What could be a symptom of damage to the inferior front gyrus?
    • Expressive Aphasia
    • loss of ability to produce language
  10. Where is the prefrontal cortex?
    • Anterior portion of :
    • Superior, middle and inferior frontal gyrus
  11. What is the function of the prefrontal cortex?
    • Executive functions
    • planning, insight, forsight, personality, emotion
  12. What is the main function of the Parietal Lobe?
  13. Where is the primary somatosensory cortex?
    Postcentral Gyrus
  14. What are some of the functions of the postcentral gyrus?
    • afferent, contralater inputs to body
    • initial processing of tactile (touch) and proprioreceptive (sense of position) information
  15. What would be some syptoms of damang to the postcentral gyrus in the CNS?
    Sensory discrimation
  16. What would be some syptoms of damang to the postcentral gyrus in the PNS?
    Sensory loss
  17. Where is wernicke's area?
    • *LEFT* inferior parietal lobe and
    • posterior superior temporal gyrus
  18. What is the function or wernicke's area?
    • Receptive language
    • comprhension of language
  19. What could result from damange to wernicke's area?
    • Receptive Aphasia
    • Difficulty recieving language
  20. What is the function of the superior parietal lobe?
    • Somatomsensory Association Cortex:
    • spatial and preceptual function, interpreting and refining infro from postcentral gyrus
  21. What could result from damage to the superior parietal lobe
    • Agnosia:
    • inability to recognize objects based on senses
  22. What is the primary function of the Temporal lobe
  23. Where is the primary auditory cortex?
    Superior Temporal gyrus
  24. What is the function of the parahippocampal gyrus?
    • Limbic Functions
    • learning, memory, emotional
  25. Where is the primary visual cortex?
    • medial occipital lobe
    • Lingual gyrus and cuneus
  26. Where is the visual association cortex?
    Lateral occipital gyri and parts of lingual gyrus and cuneus
  27. What are the functions of the visual association cortex?
    depth perception, complex perception,
  28. What could result form damage to the lingual gyrus?
    Blindness or occlusions
  29. What could result from damange to the lateral occipital gyrus?
    Visual agnosias and hallucinations
  30. Where is the olfactory nerve located?
    In the Cerebral Hemisphere (gyrus rectus)
  31. What is the function of the accesory occulomotor nerve?
    Pupil dialation?
  32. What is the function of the occulomotor nerve?
    Medial gaze, upward gaze, eyelid elevation
  33. What is the function of the trochlear nerve?
    downward gaze
  34. What is the function of the trigeminal nerve?
    Sensory to face and head, mastication muscles
  35. What is the fucntion of the abducens?
    Lateral gaze
  36. What is the function of the glossopharyngeal nerve?
    • Motor: Swallowing
    • Sensory: mucous membranes of outer ear and pharyns, poster 1/3 of tongue,
    • skin of outer ear
  37. What is the function of the vagus nerve?
    • Motor: speech and swallowing
    • Sensory: throracic and abdominal
  38. What is the function of the Spinal Accessory Nerve?
    Shoulder elevation and neck rotation
  39. What is the function of the hypoglossal nerve?
    tongue movement, chewing and swallowing
Card Set
Gross anatomy of brain