T-6 EP's

  1. Abort Start Procedure
    1. PCL-OFF or STARTER switch - AUTO/RESET
  2. Emergency Engine Shutdown on the Ground
    • 1. PCL-OFF
    • 3. Emergency Ground Egress - As required
  3. Emergency Ground Egress
    • 1. ISS mode selector - SOLO
    • 2. Ejection Seat Pin - Install (Both)
    • 3. PARKING BRAKE - As required
    • 4. Canopy - Open

    If canopy cannot be opened or situation requires right side egress:

    • 5. CFS Handle - Rotate and pull (Both)
    • 6. Shoulder straps, lap belt, SSK fittings, and leg restraint garters - Release (BOTH)
    • 7. BAT, GEN, and AUX BAT switches - OFF
    • 8. Evacuate aircraft
  4. Abort
    • 1. PCL - IDLE
    • 2. Brakes - As required
  5. Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff
    (Sufficient Runway Remaining Straight Ahead)
    • 1. Airspeed - 110 Knots (Minimum)
    • 2. PCL - As required
    • 3. EMER LDG GR handle - Pull (As required)
    • 4. Flaps - As required
  6. Engine Failure During Flight
    • 1. Zoom/Glide - 125 Knots (Minimum)
    • 2. PCL - As required
    • 3. Intercept ELP
    • 4. Airstart - Attempt if warranted

    If conditions do not warrant an airstart:

    • 5. FIREWALL SHUTOFF handle - Pull
    • 6. Execute Forced Landing or Eject
  7. Immediate Airstart (PMU NORM)
    • 1. PCL - OFF
    • 2. Starter switch - AUTO/RESET
    • 3. PCL - Idle, Above 13% N1
    • 4. EICAS display - Monitor ITT, N1, and oil pressure

    If airstart is unsuccessful:

    • 5. PCL - OFF
    • 6.FIREWALL SHUTOFF handle - Pull
    • 7. Execute forced landing or eject
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T-6 EP's
T-6 EP's