med surg

  1. anterior pit disorders 8
    • hyperpituitarism
    • atherosclerosis
    • gigantism
    • acromegaly
    • prolactinemia
    • hypopituitarism
    • dwarfism
    • panhypopituitarism
  2. hyperpituitarism
    • excess production of one or more
    • gh, prolactin, fsh, lh, acth
  3. atherosclerosis
    overproduction of gh, increased gh elevates free fatty acids in bldstream which can stimulate the development of atherosclerosis which leads to cad and cvd. also antagonizes insulin and interferes w its effects causing hyperglycemia and dm
  4. gigantism
    increased gh occurs in early childhood or puberty while lone bones are still growing. before epiphyseal plates close the diaphysis or long long shaft of the bone continue to grow to great lengths when stimulated by excess gh. reach hts of to 8 ft and wts over 300#. mult health probs, die early
  5. acromegaly
    incr gh have pit macroadenomas. symptoms appear in 4th or 5th decade of life. excess gh production occurs after epiphyseal closure preventing longitudinal growth of bones, instead bones incr in thickness and width. affects cardiovascular, digestive, nerv, and genitourinary systems
  6. prolactinema
    incr prolactin causes amenorrhea, decr vaginal lube impotence and decr libido in men, depression, anx, vision loss
  7. hypopituitarism
    decr gh
  8. dwarfism
    attainment of max ht that is usually 40% below normal. shorter life by 20y
  9. panhypopituitarism
    growth has been completed and some pathological process impairs the pit function. causes sheehan syndrome, tumor of pit, cranial tumors impinging of pit, chronic recurrent infections, total or subtotal destruciton of pit, suppression of pit tropic hormones. decr muscle and organ size due to decr gh. absence of scth affects ability to cope w stress which affects ability to metabolize glucose and hypoglycemia may result
  10. dm complications 7
    • microvascular changes
    • retinopathy
    • macular edema
    • nephropathy
    • atherosclerosis
    • neuropathy
    • foot complications
  11. neuropathy
    pathological changes to nerve tis
  12. neuropathy 3 classifications
    • mono
    • poly
    • auto
  13. mononeuropathy
    • single nerve/groups
    • inadequate bld supplyu
  14. polyneuropathy
    • sensory and autonomic nerves
    • both legs pain
  15. autonomic neuropathy
    • sympathetic and parasumpathetic nerv sys
    • pupillary response
  16. rapid onset, pk, duration
    • 15-30
    • 30-90
    • 3-5
  17. short on, pk, dur
    • 30-1
    • 2-4
    • 5-8
  18. intermediate on, pk, dur
    • 1-2
    • 4-10
    • 18-24
  19. long acting on, pk, dur
    • 1-4
    • minimal
    • up to 24 h
  20. rapid insulin
    • lispro Humalog
    • aspart Novolog
    • glulisine Apidra
  21. short insulin
    • Regular
    • HumulinR
    • NovolinR
    • ReliOnR
  22. intermediate insulin
    • NPH
    • HumulinN
    • NovolinN
    • ReliOnN
  23. long acting insulin
    • glargine Lantus
    • detemir Levemir
  24. two insulings you cant miz
    Lantus and levemir
  25. cloudy insulin
    Intermediate NPH
  26. non proliferative retinopathy
    • small hemorrhages and aneurysms in retina
    • hard lipid and protein exudates leak from bld vessels
    • infarcted nerve fibers
    • changes retinal veins
  27. proliferative retinopathy
    • growth of abnormal caps on retinal and optic disk
    • fragile vessels penetrate vitreous humor and rupture
    • cloudy and lose vision
    • bld reabsorbed but scars causing traction on retina and detaches
  28. macular edema
    • edema of macula
    • loss of central vision
    • floaters cobwebs
    • no warning signs
  29. most common cause of end stage renal disease
  30. atherosclerosis
    effects peripheral, carotid, cerebral, and coronary bld vessels
  31. diabetes
    • diabetes insipidous
    • type 1 dm
    • type 2 dm
    • gestational
  32. nephrogenic di
    • inherited
    • renal tubes dont reabsorb h2o
  33. neurogenic di
    defect in production/secretion adh
  34. dispogenic di
    serum osmololity decr = decr adh secretion
  35. diabetes mellitus
    chronic impaired metabolism and vascular and neurologic complications
  36. type 1
    • absence of endogenous insulin
    • autoimmune/virus
  37. type 2
    inadequae endogenous insulin and bds ability to use it
  38. must haves post op thyroidectomy
    • sx equip[ment
    • laryngoscope
    • ett
    • o2
    • emergency trach tray
  39. diet hyperthy
    • incr cal, vit, min
    • in bw snacks and supplements
    • additional fluids
  40. hypothy diet
    • reduced cal
    • balanced diet
  41. parathy diet
    • monitor wt
    • pleasent atmosphere
  42. adrenal disorders diet
    • incr prot, low carb
    • salt ok
    • fd preferences
    • atmosphere
    • rest periods
    • freq snacks
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med surg