Phlebo midterms

  1. A system of values (individualism, importance, of education and financial security), beliefs and practices that stems from ones concept of reality
  2. Health care services that are delivered in an outpatient, or nonhospital, setting.
    Ambulatory Care
  3. Infections acquired after admission into a health facility
    Nosocomial Infection
  4. Key elements involve the rught ti respectful and considerate care; accurate information about diagnosis, treatment and prognoses; informed consent; refusal of treatment; privacy confidentiality; advance directives review about own treatment; know identities and role of personel involved in care; knowing information and business relationship of those providing care
    Paitents Bill of Rights
  5. Major area of laboratory services where blood and other types of blood fluids and tissues are analyzed
    Clinical Pathology
  6. Health care delivered in a hospital setting that is usually associated with a hospitol stay of less tha 30 days.
    acute care
  7. Health care services that are provided for more than 30 days
    Long-Term Care
  8. Refers to test and procedures that are actually performed at the patients bedside
  9. Performance expectations that include entry-level skills, tasks, and roles performed by the designated health care worker.
    Competency statement
  10. In health care facilities, what are typical fomites?
    • Door knobs
    • Telephone
    • Scrub Suits
    • Phlebo Tray
  11. Which of the foloowing is\are considered sources of nosocomial infections?
    • Medical reaagents
    • visitors
    • Foley catheter
    • contaminated needle
  12. Disinfectants;
    • Include chlorine bleach solution
    • Remove or kill pathogenic microrganisms
  13. A phlebotomist had to avoid contact with patients for 24 hours after being started on an appropiate antiseptic and appearing symptom-free. What typesof infection could he or she have acquired for the above work limitations to apply?
    Strep throat.
  14. Airbourne precautions may be required for patients infected with which condition(s)?
    • Mumps
    • Rubella
    • Meningitis
  15. Standard precautions are a combination of which of the following?
    Universal precaustions and BSI practices
  16. The chain of nosocomial infections can be interrupted between mode of transmission and susceptible host by using which of the following?
    • Handwashing
    • Isolation techniques
    • Use of disposal equipment
  17. Factors that affect hist susceptability include which of the foloowing?
    • Age
    • Drug Use
    • Degree and nature of Illness
    • Statues of Host's immune system
  18. Examples of setting the standard of care include
    • licensing requirments
    • professional publications
    • Health care Facilities policies
    • JCAHO
  19. On the elevator, a blood collector was discussing her colleagues that the patient in hospital room #8421 has AIDS. The blood collector was unaware that the patient's father was on the same elevator. What type of Legal action could evolve from this incident?
  20. Bedside manner refers to the health care workers body position during venipuncture on a nedridden patient.
  21. Most patients admit that what they hate the most about being hospitalized is neing stuck.
  22. A phlebotomist should never introduce him or herself to the patient.
  23. Patients might feel faint or ill during a venipuncture procedure.
  24. Exact technical terminology should be used to explain a collection procedure to a patient.
  25. Sarcasm can easily be communicated by the tone of a health care worker's voice.
  26. Good grooming on the part of the phlebotomists communicated cleanliness and instills confidence in a person.
  27. Unless there is a critical timing issue, phlebotomists should delay a venipuncture if the patient is visiting with a priest or a chaplain. Clergy and patients have the right to visit privatley.
  28. Ethical behavior for phlebotomists usually indicated the concepts of honesty, integrity, and reguard for the dignity of the patient.
  29. Glass collection tubes are not desirable since risk of exposure to bloodbourne pathogens is increased due to possible breakage.
  30. The external tube diameter and length plus the maximum amount of specimen to be drawn into the vacuum are the two criteria used to describe vacuum tube size
  31. Tubes do not have an expiration date
  32. Anticoagulant often contain preservatives that can shorten the metabolism and life span of the red blood cell after blood collection.
    False it extends the metabolism
  33. Coagulation of blood can be prevented by the addition of oxalates, citrates, ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) or heparin
  34. The vanishpoint blood collection tube holder and small diameter tube adapter contain no ruber latex.
  35. The butterly needle is also referred to as a blood collection set or winged infusion set.
  36. Tourniquets are used in specimem collection to apply enough pressure to the arm to slow the return of arterial blood to the heart
    False its venous
  37. Lasette penetrates to a depth of 3 to 5 mm and 250mm wide.
  38. Glycolysis in RBC's and WBC's causes a decrease in blood pH that can be detected after a blood gas sample has been stored at room temperature for ~ 20 min.
  39. ____ topped vacuum tubes should not be used for collections for blood smears that are to be stained with Wrights stain.
  40. Many Coagulations procedures, such as PT and APTT are done in blood collected in ____-topped vacuum tubes which contains sodiuum citrate at a concentration of 3.2 or 3.8 percent
    Light Blue
  41. A ____-topped tubes with buffered sodium cirtrate is available for blood collection used to determine the erythrocytes sedimentation rate.
  42. The ____ topped tubes are used to collect samples for nutritional studies, Therapeutic drug monitoring and toxicology.
    Royal Blue
  43. ____ topped vacuum tubes usually contains (1) potassium oxalate and sodium flouride or (2) lithium iodoacetate and heparin.
  44. The ___ topped tubes undicate a tube without anticoagulants for the collection of serum
  45. The ___ topped vacuum tubes containing EDTA are used for most hamatology procedures
  46. The ___ topped tube contains heparin or no additives and is used for blood lead values.
  47. The ___ topped tube is used for lead testing and contains EDTA
  48. The anticoagulant soduim heparin, ammonium heparin, and lithium heparin are found in ___ topped vacuum tubes
  49. The additive Sodium polyanethol sulfonate is in the ___ topped tubes for blood culture specimen collections in micobiology.
  50. ____tubes contain EDTA and are used for blood bank collections
  51. The measuring stick representing the conduct of the average health care provider in the community is the definition for
    Standard of Care
  52. Which of the following exists when immediate action is required to save a patient's life?
    Implied consent
  53. Malpractice legal cases involving health care provider's is based on the average health care provider in
    The national community
  54. Which of the following interprets how statutory law applies to a given set of facts?
    Judicial Law
  55. The use of electronic transfer of patients medical information is regulated by:
  56. A phlebotomists attempting to collect blood from a patient inserted the needle through the vein, through the muscle and into the nerve. This is grounds for:
  57. Laws are:
    Societal rules or regulation
  58. A violation of a duty to exercise resonable skill and care in performing a task refers to:
  59. When a health care provider gives aid at an accident he or she is usially protected through
    Implied consent
  60. Failure to act or perform duties according to standards of the profession is
  61. Which of the following agencies evaluates the safety, clinical efficiacy and medical efficacy of the equipment and supplies used in blood collection
  62. Which of the following agencies maintains national survaeillance of health care workers accidental exposures?
  63. In legal cases what a resonable prudent person would do under similar circumstances refers to:
    Standard of care
  64. If a physician orders laboratory tests for diagnoses, and the patients comes to the laboratory with a rolled-up sleeve, he or she is givine
    Informed Consent
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Phlebo midterms