Chapter 4

  1. Working Memory
    • Brief, immediate memory for material currently processing
    • Working Memory Approach-Baddeley
    • Overall intelligence and grades in school and with phonological loop are corralted with reading ability
  2. Long-term Memory
    large capacity that has experiences and infomation stored from over a liftime
  3. Miller
    • 7+/- 2
    • Chuck-Memory unit that consist of several components that are strongly associated with one another
  4. Primacy Effect/Serial Position Effect
    Memory based on where everything is
  5. Semantics
    Meaning of words and sentences
  6. Proactive Inteference
    People have trouble learning new material because previous material interferes with learning
  7. Phonological Loop
    Process of limited number of sounds for a short period of time
  8. Acoustic Confusions
    Confusion of similar sounding stimuli
  9. Visuospatial Sketchpad
    • Gather visual info and store cohenrent picture
    • Ex. Car and looking out the window
  10. Central Executive
    • -Controls Phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad and episodic buffer
    • -Frontal lobe
    • -Random-number generation task-daydream
    • -Verbal fleuncy, reading comprehension, reasoning ablity and note-taking skills
  11. Episodic Buffer
    Temporary storehouse where one gathers and combines infomation from phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad and long-term momery

    Interpret early experience, solve new problems and plan future activities
Card Set
Chapter 4
Psyc 3350