History Final Test Study Guide

  1. Identify the three foundations of any national economic system.
    • Production (manufacturing)
    • Distribution (transportation to market)
    • Exchange (sale)
  2. List the logical steps from the Enlightenment's confidence in scientific advances to early stages of 20th century international conflict.
    • Scientific inventions and new technology
    • Applied technology built machines and factories mass
    • Production led to increased quantities of goods
    • Transportation innovations increased marketting and distribution
    • Economic growth leads to expansionism and empire building
    • Economic competition among nations leads to international conflict
  3. Give the five reasons the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain.
    • Britain had an ample food supply
    • Britain also had a large and mobile labor force
    • Britain had developed a vital network of trade
    • Britain enjoyed a stable political environment
    • Britain used goverment policy to encourage industrial developement
  4. Match the following men with their invention or contribution to the Industrial Revolution: (a). Jethro Tull; (b). Charles Townshead; (c). Robert Bakewell; (d). John Kay; (e). James Hargreaves; (f). Richard Arkwright; (g). Eli Whitney (h). Henry Bessemer; (i). James Watt; and John McAdam.
    • Jethro Tull-seed drill
    • Charles Townshed-crop-rotation theory
    • Robert Bakewell-better breeding and feeding
    • John Kay-flying shuttle
    • James Hargreaves-spinning jenny
    • Richard Arkwright-made the spinning jenny more efficient
    • Eli Whitney-cotton gin
    • Henry Bessemer-made steel
    • James Watt, and John McAdam- steam engine and combustion engine
  5. List the five major transformations in transportation in the Industrial Revolution.
    • Road improvement
    • Canal development
    • Railroad construction
    • Steam ship commerce
    • Airplane flight
  6. Describe each of the four new methods of mass production used in the Industrial Revolution.
    • Automation: Application of machines to do men's work.
    • Interchangeable Parts: More efficiency in management.
    • Division of Labor: Using workforce to increase productivity with groups of people.
    • Assembly Line: worked with doll by measuring the parts.
  7. Explain the four of the drastic lifestyle changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution.
    Growth of Industrial Cities, Great shift in European Population, Rapid growth of European cities, and Factories developed in clusters.
  8. Outline the common living and working conditions of the turn of the century Industrial Revolution factory employees.
    Average workday 12-14 hours, poorly lit, not sanitary, and no protection.
  9. Tell why the rapid rise of industrialization and the misuse of accumulated wealth produced such social class tension.
    There was a lot of work and the cities where becoming over populated. Not everyone lived in misery, the factory buildings where larger, and the upper-class had luxurious homes and lived lifestyles to match!
  10. Indicate four positive effects of the Industrial Revolution.
    Number one, Progress in the job market, as industrialism increased it caused more jobs to be made. Number two, Technology and wealth was increased and improved the standard living. Number three, Standards for living for all classes began to improve in one housing, two Clothing, and three food. And Number four is Social Mobility. Education, marketable skills, and determination, let you go up the social status.
  11. Determine the following terms and connect each term’s relevance to the Industrial Revolution era: (a). Liassez - faire economics; (b). Capitalism; c. a mixed economy; (d). utopian; (e). socialism; (f). communism; (g) proletariate; and (h). bourgeoises.
    The Liassez - Faire Policy meant hands off and was the French enlightenment of the Industrial Era in Economic Reform. Capitalism was a monopoly and trust, The methods of profit making worked against working class permanently making them an underclass but made a necessary shift to a “mixed economy.” A “mixed economy” is basically a mix of Capitalism and Socialism causing a combination of Free Enterprise and Regulations in the Industrial Era. A utopian was someone with Idealistic at the highest point making everything based off of its usefulness, effectiveness, or functionality, basically Government should promote the greatest good for the greatest number. Socialism is a government based on Regulations to reduce economics. The goal of socialism was to redistribute the wealth and to abolish poverty and provide social justice. This was a huge deal for the Industrial Era causing things to change even more. Communism was to break the class struggle giving government complete control over everything including industry. Proletariatism was basically scientific socialism, eliminating anything that had to do with the upper class changing industry to the poor also. Bourgeoises were basically the middle class anyone who was a merchant or just middle class, they sold everything and bought and distributed they were the main impact of the Industrialist Era.
  12. Identify the following Reformers: 1. Jeremy Bentham; 2. John Stuart Mill; 3. Robert Owen; 4. Karl Marx; 5. Benjamin Disraeli; 6. William Gladstone; and 7. William Wilberforce.
    Jeremy Bentham was a late 18th c. English Philosopher who created the Philosophy of Utilitarianism (Revise role of Government stuff like that) John Stuart Mill questioned unregulated capitalism deciding that the role of government was responsible for protecting its workers and wanted to promote profit sharing. Robert Owen was seeking British Factory improvements and was from Scotland, He reformed his own cotton mills and forbid children to work for him and even gave them free schooling. Karl Marx was the inventor of communism he wanted to get rid of class struggle and eliminate the upper class and throw off the capitalists. Benjamin Disraeli was one of the British Parliament Leaders who was originally a liberal but turned conservative. William Gladstone was a very strong Christian and worked in the Justice coursta and made equal voting privileges. William Wilberforce Led a ban on slavery in Britain.
  13. Explain Karl Marx’s theory of history and, according to Marx, the inevitable outcome of industrial capitalism.
    Karl Marx’s theory of History is that all of history is the record of class struggle oppressors vs. the oppressed, nobles vs. the peasants industrialists vs. workers, Bourgeoisies vs. proletariats and the inevitable outcome of industrial capitalism is a proletarian revolution where the industrialists will throw the capitalists off.
  14. Give five results of the Proletarian Revolution according to Marxism.
    1. The elimination of private property, 2. The guarantee of equality for all (Women and men) 3. The children would be raised with proletariat values 4. The classless society could not tolerate exploitations or oppression. 5. Eventually, the state would in fact wither away and disappear.
  15. List and briefly describe four of the British Parliament’s significant reform legislation in the mid 1800’s.
    Number one Factory Act of 1833, Limited working hours for children, No one under nine could work anymore and they cant work more then 8 hrs untill over 17.Number two, the Poor Law of 1834, First attempt by parlament so if to sick or old to work they are provided little extra stuff. Number three The Mines Act of 1842 made all females and children under 10 unable to work in the mines. And the last one is The Ten-Hour Act of 1847, Women could only work 10 hours a day.
  16. Describe the significant reforms that actually took place within the British Parliament itself in the late 19th and early 20th century.
    Property Qualifications were lowered so that others could vote. Voting Districts gave more to the other districts. Voting Rights were changed, so that factory workers had rights to vote.
  17. Outline the five major steps leading up to the outbreak of hostilities of World War I.
    1.)The rise of nationalism-economic competition-territorial competition2.)The increase of imperialism3.)The growth of materialism-large standing armies-quick mobilization plan-building patriotism4.)The development of tangled alliances-the triple alliance-the triple entente5.)The crisis in the Balkans-Serbian nationalist -Austrian and Russian roles-Austria's annex of Yugoslavia-Serbian outrage-German support-Archduke Franz Ferdinand-Austria declares WAR...on Yugoslavia
  18. List significant reasons the United States entered World War I on the side of the Allies (Great Britain, France and Russia).
    • 1.) Benevolent neutrality toward Great Britain
    • 2.) German submarine Warfare
    • 3.) British set up their blockade
    • 4.) German resumes unrestricted sub marine warfare
  19. Identify the treat that ended World War I and give reasons why World War I is linked to World War II.
    The Treaty of Versailles
  20. Describe modern world history from the fall of Rome in 476 A.D. to the present. Use significant eras, ideas, events and people to illustrate this historical description.
    The Ancient world which was Creation to the fall of Rome (476 A.D.) that started it off. The Classical World and Roman Empire were in this era and then it moved onto the Middle Ages. The Roman Catholic Church ruled this part of time but had a ton of corruptions and Rome fell to the Crusades. The Crusades transitioned to the Renaissance where artist and merchants were revived in passion to live well to the glory of God. Although it went down hill because of Pagan imaging mixed with Christianity. The Pagan Imaging transitioned itno the Reformation! Protestants and Theologians were all about this time, Scripture Justification and Priest head of the believers were brought into the occasion. Then religious wars transitioned to The Enlightenment which was All about the philosophers, religion was replaced with Phylosophy. And now we are kind in a age of rest you could say.
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History Final Test Study Guide
History test study guide!!!