Exam III (cultural diversity)

  1. define culture
    ways of doing things that have been accuired and passed down from generation to generation. it includes diet, language, art, healing practices, and values.
  2. define race
    a group of people with distinct genetic characteristics
  3. Define ethnic group. How does it differ from race?
    an ethnic group is a social group that has distinct beliefs/traits such as language, religion, or history. this is different from race because race trates can be seen and ethnic group traits are not always visible.
  4. define minority group
    a group of people who are singled out for unequal treatment due to any of their characteristics.
  5. define dominent group
    a group in a society that has authority to function as the guardies. they controll the value systems and allocate rewards in that society.
  6. how do stereotyping and generalizing differ from eachother?
    • Stereotyping is an ending point. People draw conclusions about an individual based on assumptions about that person's group.
    • Generalizing is a beginning point. With a general awareness of a cultural group, someone can go on to seek additional information on an individual person.
  7. define ethnocentric
    the view that one's culture's way of doing things is the "right" way.
  8. define cultural relativism
    the view that other culture's way of doing things are different but equal.
  9. What are the 4 types of data in Bobby Bloch's Tool? Give examples of each.
    • 1. Cultural data: ethnic group, values, customs, language, spiritual beliefs, or dietary customs.
    • 2. Sociological data: financial issues, social network, family, or education.
    • 3. Psychological data: self concept, locus of control, ability to relate to others, coping strategies in response to illness or stress, or institutional racism.
    • 4. Bological data: developmental issues, racial variations in body systems, or genetic predisposition to a spacific desease.
  10. define "locus of control"
    the focus or location of control over what happens in life such as man, god, or fate.
  11. what is "culture brokering"?
    the job of a nurse to find a "happy medium" between the patients needs/desires, and the doctores orders.
  12. why is cultural sensitivity becoming more and more of a nesesity for nurses today and in the future?
    • -the number of foreign-born american residents is on the rise
    • -the % of the American populations that is Caucasion is on the decline
    • -there is a growing number of Latin American and Asian immigrants
    • -----and they all need health care
  13. T or F: the lanuage barrier is one of nursings greatest challenges
    T ---
  14. T or F: contrasting viewpoints and customes reagarding health care make nursing easier
    F --- contrasting viewpoints and customes reagarding health care are a challenge for nurses
  15. T or F: a nurse can overcome obsticles by "being rigid and firm in their ways"
    F -- a nurse can overcome obsticles by "being flexible"
  16. T or F: one way that a nurse can practice cultural sensitivity is by giving patients their time and simply listening to them.
    T ---
  17. T or F: listen to what a patient says but you don't have to respect it
    F --- listen to what a patient says and always respect it
  18. T or F: putting your patient off only builds a wall between you
    T --
  19. T or F: a genuine curiosity about different cultures will help you develop the skills to address what the client needs.
    T ---
  20. what is the best strategy for dealing with the wide variety of cultures that a nurse will encounter?
    don't focus on learning about a particular culture, instead show a willingness to accept them all equally
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Exam III (cultural diversity)
Exam III (cultural diversity)