Pathologic RBCs

  1. Acanthocyte (spur cell)
    Liver disease, abetalipoproteinemia (states of cholesterol dysregulation)
  2. Basophilic stippling
    Thalassemia, Anemia of chronic disease, Iron deficiency, Lead poisoning

    (basophilic stippling represents accumulation of rRNA, e.g. lead denatures ribonuclease)
  3. Bite cell
    G6PD deficiency

    Oxidative stress causes Hgb to aggregate and form Heinz bodies --> macrophage tries to "bite" this out resulting in bite cell
  4. Elliptocyte
    Hereditary elliptocytosis
  5. Macro-ovalocyte
    Megaloblastic anemia (also hypersegmented PMNs), marrow failure
  6. Ringed sideroblasts
    Sideroblastic anemia. Excess iron in mitochondria = pathogenic
  7. Schistocyte, helmet cell
    DIC, TTP/HUS, traumatic hemolysis (i.e. metal heart valve prosthesis)
  8. Sickle cell
    Sickle cell anemia
  9. Spherocyte
    Hereditary spherocytosis, autoimmune hemolysis
  10. Teardrop cell
    Bone marrow infiltration (e.g. myelofibrosis)
  11. Target cell
    HbC disease, Asplenia, Liver disease, Thalassemia

    "HALT" said hunter to his target
  12. Heinz bodies
    Oxidation of Hbg sulfhydryl groups leads to denatured hemoglobin precipitation and damage to RBC membrane --> formation of bite cells

    Seen in G6PD deficiency; Heinz body - like inclusions seen in α-thalassemia.
  13. Howell-Jolly bodies
    • Basophilic nuclear remnants found in RBCs.
    • Howell-Jolly bodies are normally removed from RBCs by splenic macrophages.

    Seen in pts w/ functional hyposplenia or asplenia, or after mothball ingestion (napthalene).
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Pathologic RBCs