Week 2
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Fluctuation of the value of a statistic from one sample from a population to another sample.
Sampling error
Theoretical distribution of a statistic using an infinite number of samples as a basis and the values of the statistic used in the distribution.
Sampling distribution
Theoretical distribution of an infinite number of means of samples.
Sampling distribution of the mean
Standard deviation of the infinite number of means in the sampling distribution of the mean.
Standard error of the mean
Statistical estimation using information from a sample to estimate a single statistic to represent a population parameter.
Point estimation
Range of values within which a population parameter is estimated to lie.
Confidence interval
Hypothesis that states there is no relationship between the variables of interest.
Null hypothesis
Hypothesis that states there is a relationship between variables of interest.
Alternate hypothesis
Error created when rejecting the null hypothesis when it is actually true.
Type I error
Error created when accepting the null hypothesis when it is actually false.
Type II error
Level designating the established risk of committing a type I error.
Alpha level
The probability of committing a type II error.
The probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis.
Statistical tests that involve assumptions about variable distribution, estimation of a parameter, and use of scale measures.
Parametric tests
Class of inferential statistics that do not make assumptions about variable distribution.
Non-parametric tests
Test of statistical significance in which only values at one extreme of a distribution are considered in determining significance.
One-tailed test
Test of statistical significance in which values at both extremes of a
distribution are considered in determining significance.
Two-tailed test
Area of the sampling distribution representing values which are “improbable” if the null hypothesis is true.
Critical region
Concept representing the number of things free to vary about a parameter. A way to take sample size into consideration.
Degrees of freedom
Test to evaluate the probability that the value of the sample mean equals that of population mean.
One-sample t-test
Standard deviation of the difference between sample distribution means and that of the population mean.
Standard error of the difference
Test to determine the probability that the means of two groups are equal, when the groups are independent of each other.
Independent groups t-test
Test to determine the probability that paired means are equal; two
groups/measurements are tested to determine if they differ.
Paired t-test
Index of the magnitude and direction of the relationship between a continuous variable and a dichotomous variable.
Point biserial correlation
Procedure for testing mean differences among three or more groups by comparing the variability between groups with that within the groups.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Variability arising from group differences in ANOVA.
Between-group variance
Variability arising between subjects in groups in ANOVA.
Within-group variance
Statistic in which variation attributable to different sources (e.g., between and within groups) is compared.
F ratio
Sum of squared deviation scores.
Sum of squares
Analysis of variance used to test the relationship between one independent variable and a dependent variable.
One-way ANOVA
Analysis of variance used to test the relationship between two or more independent variables and a dependent variable simultaneously.
Multifactorial ANOVA
Procedure for testing mean differences in a within-subject design with three or more conditions/observation periods.
Repeated measures ANOVA
Test for comparing all possible pairs of groups following a significant result of overall group differences (e.g., a significant ANOVA result).
post hoc test
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Week 2
Week 2 vocabulary
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