Volume 4 Section 3 DO!

  1. What are some of the things used to help us know that the part we are dealing with are hazardous?
    • Placards
    • Markings
    • Marterial Safety Data Sheets
    • Warning Labels
  2. What is the first indication that something is hazardous?
    Warning Labels
  3. What is a MSDS?
    • Material Safety Data Sheet
    • Document that identifies the hazards and safety measures associated with a particular part
  4. What two forms do MSDS's come in?
    Electronic and and operating procedures
  5. Who makes sure that the required information is provided for each chemical and is readily accessible to all personnel during each work shift?
  6. When is the best time to identify something as hazardous?
    When it is intially loaded
  7. What are the two tables of Federal Standard 313, Material Safety Data, Transportation Data, and Disposal for Hazardous Materials?
    Table 1: Contains federal supply classes in which most items are hazardous and require a MSDS

    Table 2: Contains additional federal supply groups and lists some examples of items that may be hazardous within those groups.
  8. What are the two specific types of hazardous items?
    • Petroleum
    • Chemicals
  9. Chemical type items are primarily found in what series of stock classes?
    6800- and 8000-
  10. What series are petroleum products identified in?
  11. What IEX's must a MM inspector ensure that all potential health hazard items are assigned?
    • 8
    • 9
    • M
    • HHF
  12. What does IEX 8 mean?
    Minor Health Hazard: Presents enough of a hazard to require tracking and control
  13. What does IEX 9 mean?
    Serious Health Hazard: requires issue control
  14. What does IEX M mean?
    Ozone Depleting Substance
  15. What does IEX HHF mean?
    Health Hazard Flag: Assigned by BES. Eliminates repetitive review of the same item and ensures all items in the categories identified in the referenced publicaiton have been screened, identified and controlled.
  16. What does BES stand for?
    Bioenvironmenl Engineering Services
  17. Who's job is it to report potential health hazard items to BES and ensure that the codes are loaded after the determination has been made?
    The inspector
  18. How often will an inspector run a utility program to identify item records that do not have an IEX code or HHF assigned?
  19. Hazardous materials will be stored according to ___________.
  20. What are the 3 types of storages for hazardous materials?
    • Corrosives
    • Flammables
    • Low Hazardous Materials
  21. What type of hazardous materials does the Corrosive storage hold?
    • Liquid or solid corrosive materials
    • acidic
    • alklaline
  22. Corrosives should be stored on what?
  23. What should you do with acids and alkalis when they are stored?
    Seperate them by wall or an aisle equal to or greater in width than the pile heights of the corrosives.
  24. What temperature must corrosives that are stored near combusitable materials be stored at?
    Above it's freezing point (62 degrees F)
  25. Always store organic acids under _________________________.
    Automatic water sprinklers
  26. Never store Hydrochloric Acid on __________________.
    A metal pallet
  27. Flammable solids includes chemicals that are solids at _____________.
    100 degrees F or above
  28. Always try to store aerosol cans ________ from other flammables.
  29. If you have to put aerosol cans in the same room with that other flammables what must you do?
    Make a floor to ceiling cage like barrier with wire mesh, expanded metal or chain-link trype of material
  30. What are some examples of low hazard items?
    • Pesticides
    • Poisons
    • Petroleum Products
    • Certain batteries
  31. Low hazard materials are assigned this label because of?
    • Physical and chemical properties
    • review of the contents listed on the MSDS
  32. When recieving a hazardous material what do you check for?
    • MSDS
    • Damage
    • Good condition
  33. Make sure that all hazardous material has a _________.
    Shelf Life Code
  34. How often must you develop a local checklist to make sure that containers used to store chemicals an chemical products are in good condition?
  35. How often do you maintain that container checklist?
    For a year
  36. Aircraft, ground equipment lubricant and oils are not goverend by shelf life codes but ______________.
    by retest cycle dates
  37. Aircraft jet engine oils must be used within ________.
    36 months of the last testing date or date of packaging
  38. What do you do when chemical and petroleum products reach their retest dates?
    Process a FCC input to suspend the outdated material on an unserviceavle detail and prevent reissue.
  39. What do MM personnel use for tracking health hazard items?
    Air Force Environmental Management Information Systems
  40. Who is AF-EMIS managed by?
    • Headquarters Air Force Center for Environmental Excellance,
    • Environmental Quality Divison
    • System Program Office
    • Brooks AFB - Texas
  41. What is the goal of AF-EMIS?
    • To manage and receive hazardous material.
    • Provides oversight of orders placed in the SBSS to ensure only minimum amounts of material required are odrederd and that material ordered is used only for its authorized purpose.
  42. What are the 4 major pharmacy functions of AF-EMIS?
    • 1. Record Keeping
    • 2. Controlling Inventory
    • 3. Controlling Waste
    • 4. Generating Reports
  43. AF-EMIS supports the requirements of the hazardous material pharmacy by providing?
    • 1. Single point of authorization
    • 2. Control of distributioin
    • 3. Tracking and reporting system
  44. What are the 2 categories of Hazardous disposal?
    • 1. Excess
    • 2. Waste
  45. The organization that generates hazardous waste is _____________.
    Responsible for the costs of disposing of hazardous waste
  46. What does the EPA have?
    Regualtions the hold customers who generate waste liable for the proper disposal of their wastes under a "cradle to grave" concept.
  47. What are controlled items?
    • Items that are:
    • 1. Scarce
    • 2. Expensive
    • 3. Technical
    • 4. High resale value
  48. CIC J:
  49. CIC R:
    Precious Metals
  50. CIC *:
    Pilferable (locally assigned)
  51. Top Secret items should be stored in _____________.
    Class A Vault with an alarm
  52. Store Secret and Confidential matieral in ________________.
    A class B vault
  53. What is attached to the outside of a sensitve item container for routing and control?
    DD Form 1387-2 Special Handling Data/Certification
  54. Store Precious Metals in ____________.
    A security cage
  55. What should everyone know?
    AFMAN 23-110 Volume 6, Excess and Surplus Personal Property Chapter 4 Precious Metals Recovery Program
  56. How often should locks be replaced?
  57. Who are the only ones that should have the password for locks?
    Unit Commander
  58. What is the form that's hanging outside of the vault?
    SF 702 Security Container Checklist
  59. What is the form that we perform security checks on?
    SF 701 Activity Security Checklist
  60. ESD can be identified by what Type Cargo Code?
  61. If you think that the type cargo code is wrong, what do you do?
    Write a message to ALC (air logistics center)
  62. If an ESD item is on the item record , Process it to Maintenance using TRIC ___, and activity code ____.
    ISU; C
  63. If an ESD item is on a detail record, process it to Maintenance using TRIC ___ and activity code ___.
    MSI; C
  64. What are functional check items?
    Items that require you to check if they work before being sent off to the customer
  65. What are the 2 categories of Functional check assets?
    • 1. Assets requiring extensive functional check
    • 2. Assets identified by the inspector that is questionable.
  66. What does Maintenance contact point do?
    Makes a list of all the Functional Check items that need to extensive funstional check before installation.
  67. What are War Consumables?
    • Things that are directly related to war
    • 1. Muntions
    • 2. Petroleum
    • 3. Oil
    • 4. Lubricants
    • 5. Fuel tanks
    • 6. Compressed Gases
    • 7. Film
    • 8. Deminerialized Water
    • 9. Medical Supplies
    • 10. Rations
  68. Where must tires be stored at?
    Cool, dry warehouses and protected from sunlight
  69. What do you wash tires with?
    Vegetable oil, sop and water
  70. What are considered Miscellaneous Commodities?
    • 1. Tires
    • 2. Unserviceable Items
    • 3. War Consumables
  71. What is attached to the warranty or guarnty item when recieved by Receiving?
    GSA OF 274, Equipment Warranty

    • 1. Model
    • 2. Serial Number
    • 3. Manufactures Name and address
  72. How often should an inspection of the on the shelf TCTO items assigned either NPPC 4 of the TCTO flag?
  73. What IEX does Warranty Guaranty Items have?
  74. With the shelf life program, who do you report deteriorating items to?
    Inventory Manageer and the HQ AFMC
  75. With the shelf life, how often do you change annotated listings?
  76. What is the R43?
    MSK/MRSP Inventory List
  77. How do you make something an A5J?
    Condition Code H and Action Taken Code 9
  78. If the item that you were trying to make a A5J tested servicceable, what do you do?
    Tag the item and extend its expiration date according to Volume 7 Part 3
  79. What do you do with items that do not have the servicablity condition shown on the DD Form 1574?
    Process an issue request with activity code C to the organization and shop code furnished by the Maintenance Point of Contact.
  80. What does activity code C do?
    Permits the item to be controlled under normal DIFM procedures until returned through the repair cycle function.
  81. What do you do when an item is expired?
    Process an FCC to suspend the item to an unserviceable detail. Give it to Maintenance (TRIC MSI activity code C)
  82. What are the 2 types of shelf life items?
    • 1. Type I-(alpha codes)- Items with a definite nonextendable shelf life.
    • 2. Type II-(numeric codes)- Items with a shelf life that may be extended
  83. Nondeteriorative Items are assigned a code of?
  84. When do you issue from the front with Shelf Life?
    When you are issuing to MSK, MRSP or WRM
  85. Before an item expires schedule it for serviceability testing __to __ days before its expiration date.
  86. What do you do when you get the memo that a NSN is suspect?
    Process an FCD with suspect material flag S usually keep coded for a year unless told otherwise.
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Volume 4 Section 3 DO!
Volume 4 Section 3