
  1. how many different types of bones are there? name them.
    • 4
    • long
    • short
    • irregular
    • flat
  2. joint
    the point of connection between two bones
  3. what are the three types of joint movability
    • freely movable
    • slightly movable
    • immovable
  4. what are three types of bone cells
    • osteoblasts
    • osteocytes
    • osteoclasts
  5. osteoblasts
    principle bone-building cells that produce hard calcium compounds and flexible collagen
  6. Osteocytes
    mature bone cells that help maintain the hard bone tissue by removing and replacing calcium compounds in a bone
  7. osteoclasts
    bone-destroying cells that break down bone and release calcium and phosphate ions into the blood
  8. bursa
    Sac filled with synovial fluid that decreases friction between a tendon and a bone.
  9. Diaphysis
    Shaft of a long bone containing a narrow canal filled with yellow bone marrow.
  10. epiphysis
    end of a long bone
  11. fontanels
    fibrous connective tissue between flat bones in the developing cranium.
  12. ligament
    fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone
  13. ossification
    process of bone formation
  14. periosteum
    Dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones except at the joints.
  15. Synovial membrane
    Connective tissue membrane that lines joint cavities and secretes synovial fluid.
  16. tendon
    Tough, white, cordlike tissue that attaches muscle to bone.
  17. articulations
  18. what are the five types of freely movable joints? and give examples of each.
    • ball-and-socket joint (shoulder)
    • saddle joint (base of the thumb)
    • hinge joint (knees)
    • pivot joint (the vertebrae that lets the head turn)
    • gliding joint (the joints between the carpals in the wrist)
  19. ball-and-socket joint
    provides the most freedom of movement of any joint. In this type of joint, the round head of one bone fits into a cup-shaped depression in another bone.
  20. saddle joint
    A saddle joint allows the next greatest amount of movement. All movement except rotation is possible with this type of joint.
  21. hinge joint
    A hinge joint allows backward and forward movement in only one direction
  22. pivot joint
    A pivot joint consists of a cylinder of one bone rotating within a ring formed by another bone. Movement occurs only around a single axis.
  23. gliding joint
    A gliding or plane joint allows only a small amount of movement as the flattened or slightly curved surfaces of bones slide or glide over each other in various directions.
Card Set
skeletal system