Nerve cell. Basic unit of the nervous system
Supportive tissue of the nervous system
Cell Body
Large part of cell made up of cytoplasm and the nucleus
Central controlling unit within a living cell
Short receptive fibers that branch out from a cell's body
A long dtraight fiber with a brush like tip that conducts impulses away from the cell body
White fatty material that forms a sheath around most axons
Sensory/Afferent Neurons
Neurons that carry signals to the brain and spinal cord
Motor/Efferent Neurons
Neurons that stimulate the contraction or relaxation of muscles and spur the activities of glands
neurons that shuttle messages back and forth through pathways
junction between neurons
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
cranial and spinal nerves
autonomic nervous system
system concerned with activities conducted automatically by certain peripheral nerves
membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
dura mater
outer membrane of meninges
arachnoid membrane
webline membrane between the dura mater and the pia mater of the meninges
pia mater
inner membrane of meninges
largest part of the brain
cerebral cortes
outer surface of the cerebrum that is responsible for the generation of impulses
gyri convultions
folds of cortex forming elevated portions
depressions or grooves thtat seperate convulutions
frontal lobe
also known as somatic motor area. anterior lobe of the brain that controls voluntary muscles. Left side governs the right side orf the body and the muscles involved in speech. The right side governs the left side of the body, personality and planning and judgment.
cerebrospinal fluid
watery substance in the ventricals or the brain that cushions and protects the brain and flows throughout the brain and around the spinal cord
nerve, nervous system
marrow, spinal cord
to be carried from one place in the body to a central part of the body
parietal lobe
lobe of the brain that contains the sensory areas and determines distance, size, shape, taste and the sensory aspects of speech. Also known as the somatic sensory area
temporal lobe
lobe of the brain that contains the auditory center for hearing impulses and determines the sense of smell, memory, and learning
occipital lobe
posterior lobe of the brain that governs vision
lateral ventricle
cavity of the brain extending from the frontal portion of the cerebral hemisphere to the posterior lobe. It has a horn like projection. There are 2; one in each hemisphere.
Horn like projection of the lateral ventricle reaching into the frontal, occipetal, and temporal lobes
3rd ventricle
The smallest. Communicates with the lateral ventricals
4th ventricle
Communicates with the central canal of the spinal cord and sub arachnoid space.
Located at the upper part of the brainstem, above the pons. connects the lower brain centers to the highter centers. contains optix reflex centers and serves to correlate optic and touch impulses
Or bridge. Located betweeen the midbrain and the medulla oblangata. Contains the nerve tracks fromt he right and left halves of the cerebellum
medulla oblangata
one part of the brainstem that regulates heart action, breathing and circulation. 8 pairs of cranial nerves.
second largest division of the brain; "little brain"
central portion of the cerebellum
section of the brain between the midbrain and the cerebrum
part of the diencephalon where nerve fibers from the spinal cord and lower part of the brain synapse with neurons leading to the cerebrum
part of the diencephalon that contains centers for the control of body temperature, corbohydrate metabolism, and emotions that affect heartbeat, blood pressure, appetite, and sexual reflexes
part of the diencephalon that contains the pineal body
2 functions of the spinal cord:
reflex activities: involves the translation of a sensory message entering the cord into a motor message as it leaves
pathway: the spinal cord seves as a pathway for conducting sensory and motor impulses
the four sections of the spinal cord are:
cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral
sensory & motor fibers
part of the composition of spinal nerves of both the autonomic and voluntay nervous systems
dorsal & ventral roots
divisions of the spinal nerve that enter the spinal cord at different points
cluster of nerve cell bodies
interlocking network or nerves
smell impulses to the brain
eye muscles and the pupil
one eyeball muscle on each side
sensory nerve of the face and head
largely motor to the face
balance and hearing
taste, saliva secretion, swallowing
most organs in the thoracic and abdominal cavities
two muscles of the neck
muscles of the tongue