
  1. What are the major fields of psychology?
    • -developmental psychology
    • -phsysiological psychology
    • -experimental psychology
    • -personality psychology
    • -clinical and counseling psychology
    • -social psychology
    • -industrial and organizational psychology
  2. What are the enduring issues in the field of psychology?
    • person-situation
    • nature-nurture
    • stability-change
    • diversity-universality
    • mind-body
  3. scientific method
    an approach to knowledge that relies on collecting data, generating a theory to explain the data, producing testable hypothesis based on the theory, and testing those hypothesis empirically.
  4. theory
    Systematic explanation of a phenomenon; organizes known facts, allows to predict new facts, and permits us to exercise a degree of control over the phenomenon.
  5. Where did psychology as a discipline begin?
  6. What year was psychology born?
  7. Which psychologists were with structuralism?
    • Wilhelm Wundt
    • Edward Bradford Titchener
  8. Which phycologists were with Functionalism?
    William james
  9. Which psychologist was with sychodynamic psychology?
    Sigmund Freud
  10. describe sychodynamis Psychology
    contends that behavior results from psychological factors interacting within the individual, usually unconsciously.
  11. name the psychologists of behavioralism
    • Ivan Pavlov
    • John Watson
    • B.F. Skinner
  12. describe behavioralism
    studies only observable and mesurable behaviors
  13. What did skinner accomplish for psychology?
    Classical conditioning
  14. What did Watson accomplish for psychology?
    little albert
  15. What did skinner accomplish for psychology?
    operant conditioning
  16. the three new directions in the field of psychology
    • Evolutionary Psychology
    • positive pshychology
    • multiple perspectives
  17. What have women done to improve pschycology?
  18. Naturalistic Observation
    the research method invloving the systematic study of animal or uman behavior in natural settings rather than in the laboratory
  19. naturalistic observation pros and cons
    • pro: behavior is spontaneous and natural
    • Con: No way to know why a behavior is occuring
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