
  1. Linear perspective
    The monocular depth cue in which there is an apparent convergence of parallel lines as they receed into the distance
  2. Interposition
    A monocular depth perception cue that occurs when one object partially covers another, the partially obscured object is percieved as furthur away
  3. Height in the visual field
    The monocular depth cue which Refers to the location of objects in our visual field, whereby objects closer to the horizon are percieved as more distant then objects located further away
  4. Texture gradient
    The monocular depth cue in which the gradual diminishing of detail that occurs in a surface the further away they are compared to objects in the visual field that are closer and are seen in fine detail
  5. Relative size
    The monocular depth cue in which the tendency to visually percieve the object that produces the largest retinal image is closer and the object with a smaller retinal image as being further away. Provided the object is expected to be roughly the same size
  6. Size constancy
    Tendency to percieve an object as maintaining its dimentions despite the change in the image cast upon the retina
  7. Shape constancy
    Tendency to percieve an object as maintaining its normal configuration despite the change in the image cast upon the retina
  8. Brightness constancy
    Tendency to percieve an object as maintaining its brilliance in comparasion to its surroundings despite the change in the image cast upon the retina unless the ratio of light is changed.
  9. Orientation constancy
    Tendency to percieve an object as in its true position in the environment despite the change in the image cast upon the retina
  10. Proximity
    a gestalt principle where visual stimuli that are close in distance to one another are percieve to belong together forming a meaningful whole
  11. Selection
    Detecting, sorting and isolating of particular features such as size, colour & movement.
  12. Differential threshold/ JND
    In vision it is the smallest percebtible difference that can be seen between 2 visual stimuli 50% of the time
  13. Rod
    Photoreceptor cells which enable peripheral and night vision. 125 million in each eye.
  14. Closure
    A gestalt principle which involves the tendency to mentally fill in gaps of incomplete visual stimulus to percieve it as a meaningful whole
  15. Interpretation
    Sensory information detected by the visual receptors and transmitted to the brain are assigned meanings
  16. Visual illusion
    Is when an objective reality of an existing physical stimulus consistently conflicts with ones perception
  17. Absolute threshold
    In vision it ia the minimum amount of light energy that is required for a visual stimuli to be percieved 50% of the time.
  18. Blind spot
    A small region of the retina which contains no photoreceptors and is where the optic nerve leaves the eye
  19. Similarity
    A gestalt principle whereby visual stimuli that are alike in size, shape, colour or form are percieved as belonging together and are grouped to form a meaningful whole
  20. Fovea
    A small area at the centre of the retina existing solely of cones where the lens focuses to give the sharpest image. Visual acuity during daylight or bright conditions.
  21. Transmission
    The process of sending and recieving visual stimuli in the form of electrochemical energy from neuron to neuron along neural pathways to the visual cortex in the brain
  22. Cones
    Photoreceptor cells enabling the perception of colour, acuity, bright light, and daytime vision
  23. Visible spectrum
    The narrow band of electromagnetic energy which the human eye can detect. It is 380-760 nanometres
  24. Optic chiasma
    Optic chiasma the point at which the optic nerves from each eye respectively cross over on the way to the visual cortex
  25. Organisation
    The reassembling of elements or features of visual information in a meaningful way that can be interpretated.
  26. Reception
    The process by which the structures of an eye capture an image of a visual stimulus and focus it on the photoreceptors contained in the retina
  27. Convergence
    A binocular primary depth cue involving the changing in the tention of eyemuscles as the eye turns inwards to focus on objects closeby and then is relieved of the tentiin when focusing on objects far away. Within the limit of 6m
  28. Accomodation
    A monocular primary depth cue involving the lens of an eye to buldge to buldge when focusing on an object nearby. And the lens to elongate to focus on objects further away. Within 1.5m.
  29. Ambiguous figure
    An image that can be percieved as two different ways by shifting ones attention
  30. Ames Room Illusion
    A deliberately distorted room that appears normal when viewed through a peephole. One tends to see people shrink or grow as they move across the room this is due to size constany maintained over shape constancy.

    • 1) trapezoidal shape
    • 2) left corner is twice the distance from the observer then the right corner
    • 3)the ceiling slopes towards the right side of the Ames Room
    • 4) A peephole is used so binocular depth cues cannot be used
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visual perception