
  1. clavicle
  2. what makes up the axial skeleton?
    • skull
    • hyoid
    • vertebrae
    • ribs
    • sternum
  3. what makes up the appendicular skeleton?
    • pectoral girdle
    • pelvic girdle
    • upper limbs
    • lower limbs
  4. scapula
    shoulder blade
  5. sternum
  6. humerus
    upper arm
  7. thoracic cage
    rib cage
  8. vertebrae
    spine bone
  9. radius
    thumb side bone on the forearm
  10. ulna
    pink side bone of the forearm
  11. os coxa
    hip bone
  12. carpals
    wrist bones
  13. metacarpals
    long bones connecting the fingers to the wrist
  14. phalanges (hand)
    14 bones of the fingers
  15. femur
    thigh bone
  16. patella
    knee cap
  17. tibia
    shin bone
  18. fibula
    calf bone
  19. tarsals
    seven small bones that make up the foot
  20. metatarsals
    the long bones that connect the ankle with the toes
  21. phalanges (foot)
    the 14 bones of the toes
  22. how many bones make up the human skull?
  23. how many cranial bones are there? name them.
    • 8
    • 1 x Ethmoid Bone
    • 1 x Frontal Bone
    • 1 x Occipital Bone
    • 2 x Parietal Bones
    • 1 x Sphenoid Bone
    • 2 x Temporal Bone
  24. how many facial bones are there? name them.
    • 14
    • 2 x Inferior Nasal Conchae
    • 2 x Lacrimal Bones
    • 1 x Mandible
    • 2 x Maxillae (pl.)
    • 2 x Nasal Bones
    • 2 x Palatine Bones
    • 1 x Vomer
    • 2 x Zygomatic Bones
Card Set
bones of the human anatomy