Herbal Medicine 7

  1. Migraine Headaches
     Often preceded by an aura caused by vasoconstriction
     Seen more often in women
     Usually begins at ages 10 and 30
     Remissions often occur after age of 50 suggesting a hormonal cause
     Definite familial component
     Unilateral or bilateral
     Frequently nausea or vomiting
     Headache lasts from hours to one or more days.
     Physical and neurological findings between attacks are unremarkable -
    during attacks there are transient neurological signs.
    • Cluster Headaches
    •  Occur more frequently in men
    •  Often abrupt onset of severe pain lasting one or two hours
    •  Often wake patient at night
    •  Occur typically in clusters of days to weeks and then may not be
    • experienced again for months or years
    •  They are usually unilateral with associated histaminic symptoms of
    • lacrimation, blocked nose, ptosis (droopy eyelids) & flushed cheeks
    •  Remissions occur spontaneously lasting for years or indefinitely
    •  In general migraine and cluster headaches are chronic conditions which are
    • not cured by conventional treatment
    •  Although they are both benign, the pain can be debilitating
    •  Conventional treatment may include ergotamine prophylaxis and narcotic
    • analgesics.
  2. Hypertension Headaches
     Typically throbbing and located around occipital area of vortex
     Often history of renal or cardiovascular disease
     Generally hypertension headache is associated with advance hypertensive
    disease and attacks of potentially serious hypertension.
    • Herbal Treatment
    •  Feverfew - for migraines (especially if better with warm
    • applications)
    •  Long therm treatment is necessary
    •  can be up to six months before effects are noticed
  3. Corydalis Ambigua
     bitter, sedative, hypnotic, analgesic, cardioprotective, antiarrythmic
     Pain, insomnia, cardiac arrythmia, myocardial ischemia, contraindicated in
    Image Upload 2
  4. Eczema
    Herbal medicine provides two
    unique approaches to the
    treatment of skin
    1. Treating by external applications
    2. Treating skin disorders as
    manifestations of internal disease
    • Herpes simplex 1
    • Cold sores are painful fluid-filled
    • blisters that form on the borders
    • of the lips caused by a herpes
    • virus, most often the herpes
    • simplex 1 virus.
    •  The blisters, which are
    • contagious, later break, ooze,
    • and crust over before healing.
    •  Recurrences are common and
    • can be triggered by
    •  Stress
    •  Sun Exposure
    •  Illness
    •  Menstruation
  5. Lemon balm has antiviral properties. A cream containing an extract of
    lemon balm has been shown in double-blind trials to speed the healing of
    cold sores.
    The proanthocyanadins in Witch hazel have been shown to exert
    significant antiviral activity against herpes simplex 1 in the test tube.
    • Licorice extracts containing glycyrrhizin or glycyrrhetinic acid
    • should be used, as these are the constituents in licorice most
    • likely to provide activity against the herpes simplex virus.
  6. Herpes simplex 2

     Genital herpes is a
    common sexually
    transmitted viral
    infection characterized
    by fluid filled blisters or
    red bumps in the
    genital area.
  7.  Genital herpes is caused by either of two types of the herpes
    • simplex virus (HSV). There is no known cure for herpes.
    •  Both conventional and alternative treatments only help in
    • reducing the symptoms and frequency of outbreaks.
    •  Stress plays a major role in the recurrence of genital herpes
    • outbreaks.
    •  One preliminary study found that persistent stress (stress
    • lasting more than seven days) increased the recurrence rate
    • by about 25%
  8. While the use of topical licorice preparations to prevent or
    treat genital herpes has not been studied, some practitioners
    recommend applying creams or gels containing licorice three
    to four times a day.
    A double-blind trial found that topical application of a cream
    containing a highly concentrated extract of Melissa officinalis
    four to five times a day helped heal oral and genital herpes
    sores faster than use of a placebo.
  9.  Aloe vera may also benefit those with genital herpes.
    •  A double-blind trial using a 0.5% Aloe vera cream found that applying
    • the cream three times a day shortened the healing time of genital
    • herpes outbreaks.
    •  All but 3 of 22 persons in the study who showed healing with the aloe
    • cream had no recurrences 15 months after stopping treatment.
  10. Herpes zoster
    Shingles is a disease caused by
    the same virus (Varicella zoster)
    that causes chicken pox.
     Acute, painful inflamed blisters
    form on one side of the trunk
    along a peripheral nerve.
     Shingles usually affects the
    elderly or people with
    compromised immune function.
     Nerve pain that persists after
    other symptoms have cleared is
    called post-herpetic neuralgia.
    • The hot component of Cayenne pepper, known as capsaicin, is used to
    • relieve the pain of postherpetic neuralgia. In a double-blind trial, a cream
    • containing 0.075% capsaicin, applied three to four times per day to the
    • painful area, greatly reduced pain.
    •  Licorice has been used by doctors as a topical agent for shingles and
    • postherpetic neuralgia; however, no clinical trials support its use for this
    • purpose. Glycyrrhizin, one of the active components of licorice, has been
    • shown to block the replication of Varicella zoster.
  11. Definition of Dementia
     According to Davidson’s Principles and
    Practice of Medicine, Dementia is a clinical
    syndrome characterised by a loss of
    previously acquired intellectual function in
    the absence of impairment of arousal
    • Causes of Dementia
    •  There are many different potential causes of
    • dementia but cerebral atrophy, usually due to
    • Alzheimer's disease (more than 50%) , and diffuse
    • vascular disease are the most common.
    •  Other causes
    •  Alcoholism, Parkinson’s Disease, Drug intoxication
  12. The effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on memory,
    concentration and learning, are most marked in cases where
    there is a history of impaired cerebrovascular circulation or
    mental deterioration due to the ageing process
     In a number of controlled clinical trials on such patients
    Ginkgo biloba extract improved recent and short-term
    memory, concentration, intelligence score, cognitive abilities
    and psychometric performance
    •  Ginkgo is non toxic and
    • relatively free of side effects
    •  However, it needs to be
    • administered for many
    • years prior to the onset of
    • the disease to protect
    • against neuron damage
  13. Cognition Enhancement
     Can form a key part of the treatment of
    memory disorders
     Also of interest in older people whose
    memories are weakening
     And for younger people wanting to get the
    most out of their mental functions
    • Bacopa monnieri
    •  A traditional Ayurvedic herb used as a brain tonic,
    • and to improve memory and learning
    •  Also used to promote longevity, nervous deficit due
    • to injury and stroke
    •  In India it is called Brahmi - as is Gotu Kola Centella
    • asiatica
    •  The two plants share similar uses, and they are
    • sometimes confused in the literature
  14.  Improved motor efficiency
    and learning in an
    experimental model
     Improved acquisition and
    retention and delayed
    extinction of newly acquired
     Also sedative and
    anticonvulsive activity
    • Paeonia lactiflora
    • Japanese research has
    • shown in a number of
    • studies that Paeonia and
    • paeoniflorin are cognition
    • enhancers
  15. Schisandra chinensis
     Lignans from Schisandra chinensis improved
    concentration, fine co-ordination and sensitivity in
    healthy young male adults as assessed by tasks
    such as threading a needle and telegraphic
    reception and transmission
     Schisandra improved vision, enlarged the visual
    field, improved hearing and heightened skin sensory
     It was thought that those effects are central rather
    than peripheral.
    • Eleuthrococcus senticosus
    • Siberian Ginseng also
    • contains lignans
    •  Radiotelegraphers
    • receiving 2 g per day for
    • thirty days showed
    • improvement in work speed
    • with fewer errors
    •  Proof readers also showed
    • improved quality of work
    • and improved output at the
    • same doses
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Herbal Medicine 7
Session 7