slide exam III

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    Erythema Multiforme
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    steven johnson syndrome - severest form of erythema multiforme
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    signs of bulimia
  4. radiation therapy often leads to rampant caries because....?

    • caries often found surrounding the gum line.
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    papillary hyperplasia

    • bumps
    • found on MAXILLARY denture areas

    • due to ill-fitting dentures.
    • raised, redish-pink bumps, chronically inflammed underlying connective tissue. red b/c of superimposed fungal infection.
  6. Image Upload 12
    Epulis fissuratum. (aka denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia)

    • due to ill-fitting denture flange rests
    • elongated folds in mucobuccal fold area
  7. denture stomatitis is a...
    fungal infection which presents itself as erythematous mucosa under a denture.
  8. 12 yr old patient, has had lesion since birth. bleeds occassionally when eating. What is it?
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    • deep red or bluish mass that blanches
    • common on tongue

    hematoma is red to purple-bluish, does NOT blanch, does not last more than 7-10 days.

    Varicostities could not be seen in this young patient.
  9. does not blanch. just "popped up" after eating lunch.
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    • blood blister
    • trauma related
  10. 28 yr old HIV post.
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    Kaposi's sarcomas

  11. injury caused by clinicians are called....
  12. are periapical abscesses pain free?

    is the tooth vital or nonvital?
    no, they're v. painful. unless there is a fistula for drainage.

  13. if a patient has either a periapical granuloma or a periapical cyst, would the tooth be vital or nonvital?
  14. periodontal abscesses usually involve a..
    vital tooth
    or a
    non vital tooth?
    vital tooth
  15. all the following are ex. of nonvital teeth:
    periapical abscess, periaplical granuloma, radicular cyst
  16. radiopacity is noted. tooth is asymptomatic and non-vital.
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    condensing osteitis

    (aka focal sclerosing osteomylitis), always assoc. w/ non-vital teeth.

    dental granuloma, also assoc. w/ non-vital teeth, but are radiolucent.

    hypercementosis would have the perio ligament surrounding the opacity
  17. the medications isoniazid and rifampin are associated with what disease?
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    enlargement of cervical nodes referred to as....?
    scrofula or tuberculous hymphadenitis
  19. Anodontia means..
    a complete or almost complete congenital lack of teeth.
  20. a hutchinson's incisor is a ....
    screwdriver shaped incisor. resulting from the prescence of congenital syphillis during tooth development.
  21. Image Upload 24
    hypoplasia of this tooth is termed..:
    Turner's tooth

    hypoplasia of a SINGLE tooth. (vs. systemic hypoplasia)
  22. Hereditary
    enamel only effected
    pitted, soft, chips away easily
    white discoloration
    all teeth are effected
    brown and yellow molted looking
    • Amelogenesis imperfecta
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  23. similar in looks to tetracycline stain (bluish stain)
    needs radiographs to differentiate
    effects the entire dentition
    family members would have the same condition, hereditary.

    effects odontoblast, there produces defective dentin and pulp.
    Dentinogenesis imperfecta

    • Image Upload 28
    • *in this photo: just the anterior baby teeth exhibit dentiongenesis imperfecta
  24. this patient's xrays indicate she has...?
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    amelogenesis imperfecta.

    only enamel is effected (moth-eaten appearance)

    dentin roots reach normal length. (so it can't be dentinogenesis imperfecta)
  25. these radiographs is consist w/ what inheriant disease?
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    dentinogenesis imperfecta

    teeth roots have not reached normal length, plus she has fillings which represent the chipping away of enamel.

    primary teeth more effected than permenant teeth

    radicular dentin dysplasia exhibit shorten roots, but the enamel does not chip away.

    regional odontodysplasia, "ghost-like" very think enamel and dentin
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    what disease?
    Dentin dysplasia

    • shorten roots
    • normal crown, no chipping.
    • both primary and permanent teeth
  27. contact dermatitis is a type what hypersensitivity?
    Type IV
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    what disease?
    what organimsm causes this?
    which represents the primary form of infection resulting from same organism?
    Herpes zoster

    Varicella zoster virus


    • herpes zoster is also known as shingles
    • unilateral, painful
    • all 3 branches of Trigeminal Nerve can be affected.
  29. what illness and organism causes this?
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    syphillis is caused by Treponema palladium
  30. Child has flesh colored warts on lip and finger. most likely to be...
    Verrucas vulgaris

    • common
    • HPV
    • transmitted through finger sucking/biting
    • usually white, rough, papillary nodule
  31. pink, multiple, diffuse warts on mouth or fingers
    condyloma aquminatum

    • sexually transmitted
    • papilloma virus
  32. vesicles found only on soft palate, fever present cause by coxsackie virus
  33. what bacteria causes NUG?
    borrelia vincentii (a spirochete), proventella intermedia and fusiform bacillus
  34. 7 yrs old, mild fever, malaise, multiple intraoral vesicles and ulcerations. red painful gingiva.

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    Primary herpes
  35. collection of numerous "miniture teeth"
    Compound odontoma

    they are also implacted, surrounded by a thin r-lucent halo
  36. r-opague mass that does not resemble teeth
    complex odontoma
  37. most common form of odontogenic tumor?
    odontomas, compound odontomas. "Miniture teeth"
  38. pt max has enlarged, creating spaces between teeth. "cotton-wool" appearance. Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase. Pt most likely has..
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    Paget's disease

    • slow growing chronic bone disease
    • higher levels of alkaline phosphotase is diagnostic
  39. Image Upload 44
    Disease due to hypersection of growth hormones, enlargement of extremities. Oral manifestations include: enlarged mandible, class III occlusion, crossbite and macroglossia.
  40. "fish-like" due to absence of zygomatic arch. high palate.
    Mandibulofacial dysostosis.
  41. intestinal polyps and oral pigmentated macules
    Peutz-Jeyger's Syndrome.
  42. intestinal polyps, odontomas, osteomas and supernumerary teeth
    Gardner's Syndrome
  43. 2 anomilies found in the lateral incisor
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    • pulp stone
    • external resorption
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    this periapical cyst is also known as a ______ cyst.

    radicular cyst are most commonly associated with caries.
  45. dentigerous cyst develops where?
    around the crown of an unerupted/impacted tooth.

    also known as a follicular cyst.
  46. an odontogenic cyst which develops in place of a tooth is called a...?
    • primordial cyst
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    • *this could not be a developing tooth follicle based on the age of the patient (28 yrs)
  47. what kind of cyst is this?
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    it's a dentigerous cyst, aka a follicular cyst, not that the radiopague line extends around the crown of the third molar.
  48. Image Upload 54Guess patient's age and what type of cyst is on the left side.
    12 yrs, dentigerous/follicular cyst.

    cyst extends around crown of unerupted 3rd molar.

    12 year molars are present but the roots have not fully formed, therefore.. pt is 12 yrs old or a little more.
  49. Image Upload 56
    • G = gingival cyst (soft tissue)
    • E = eruption cyst
    • L = Lateral periodontal cyst - always between mandibular canine and 1st premolar
    • R = residual cyst, left behind after tooth w/ periapical cyst is extracted
    • P = periapical (radicular) cyst, apex of non-vital tooth
    • D = dentigerous (follicular cyst) - always found around unerupted or impacted tooth. attached to CEJ
    • OKC = odontogenic keratocyst - most often in 3rd molar ramus area, often multilocular/resembles ameloblastoma. needs biopsy.
  50. Image Upload 58
    "heart-shaped", developmental, non-odontogenic cyst between max incisors is most likely a:
    nasopalatine cyst aka incisal canal cyst
  51. "pear-shaped" radiolucency between max canine and lateral incisor
    globulomaxillary cyst
  52. Image Upload 60
    after surgical intervention the histology report on this "cyst-like" lesion shows it contained submandibular salivary gland tissue. the lesion is most likely a...?
    stafne's (static) cyst

    • variant of normal
    • pseudo cyst
    • located near ramus, under the mandibular canal
    • filled with salivary gland tissue
    • unilocular
  53. pt 9 yrs old, no symptoms, r-lucent lesion, empty cavity that then filled with blood when found by surgeon. most likely a..?
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    traumatic bone "cyst"
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    radiolucency found at the apex of the first pre-molar of the 9 year old patient is most likely a...?
    an open apex of a still forming tooth
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    Complex odontoma

    • does not resemle teeth
    • surrounded by thin r-lucent halo
  56. multilocular, soap-bubble r-lucency, in mandible in 3rd molar-ramus area.
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    • benign
    • epithelial origin
    • expands bone, jaw swelling
  57. benign bone tumor that is sharply defined r-opague mass of mature normal looking bone.
  58. what Ig is associated with allergies?
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    Hypercementosis "club root"

    surrounded by normal perio ligament space

    osteitis, ligament does not surround opacity.
  60. systemic disease which have supernumerary teeth as part of the oral manifestations include:
    cleidocranial dysostosis (dysplasia)

    gardner's syndrome
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    ecotodermal dysplasia.

    • less teeth
    • peg-shaped teeth
    • sparse blonde hair
    • no eyebrows
    • few sweat glands
    • heat intolerant
  62. Image Upload 74
    Cleidocranial dysostosis (dysplasia)

    • cranium enlargement
    • missing claviacles
    • multiple impacted supernumerary teeth. "3rd set of teeth"
  63. Black's Classification
    Class I = pits and fissures
    Class II = involves proximal of posterior
    Class III = proximals of anterior
    Class IV = involes incisal edge of canines and incisors
    Class V = cervical third of any tooth
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    incisal third is defective, the rest is normal
  65. what are these radiopacities?
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    retained deciduous root tips.

    note: opacity is surrounded by radiolucency, consisent with periodontal ligament and lamina dura.
  66. malignant tumor of epithelium is called a

    squamous cells, basal cells, glands or ducts, odontogenic cells
  67. malignant tumors of connective tissue are called

    connective tissue, adipose (fat) tissue, nerve, bone, blood vessels and lymphatics.
Card Set
slide exam III