1. Heart Attack
    insufficient oxygen supply to the heart
  2. Cardiac Arrest
    the heart stops (no breathing/unconscious/no pulse)
  3. Path of Blood
    Inferior Vena Cava/Superior Vena Cava --> Atrium: Right --> Right Ventricle (bottom) --> Pulmonary Artery --> Lungs --> Pulmonary Vein --> Left Atrium --> Left Ventricle --> Aorta
  4. Arteries carry _________blood
  5. Veins carry _________blood *EXCEPT THE PULMONARY ARTERY/ VEIN*
  6. Ekg
    the test to see the heart beat

  7. Symptoms of a Heart Attack: PAIN
    • -starts in the center, spreads to the shoulder, left arm, neck, jaw, back, women: abdomen,
    • -pain becomes constant- not relieved by resting/changing position/taking medication
    • *persistent chest pain, lasts longer than 3-5 minutes
  8. Symptoms of a Heart Attack: BREATHING
    -trouble breathing: noisy/shortness of breath
  9. Symptoms of a Heart Attack: SKIN
    • -pale or ashen-looking skin (especially around the face)
    • -sweating & nausea
  10. Symptoms of a Heart Attack: PULSE
    -irregular: fast OR slow
  11. Giving aspirin (ASA)
    • -Ask if the person is...
    • allergic
    • stomach ulcer/disease
    • taking blood thinners (coumadin)
    • told not to take aspirin by doc.
    • have you taken any aspirin today?
  12. Care for a Heart Attack
    • 1. Ask Permission
    • 2. Recognize the symptoms
    • 3. Call 911
    • 4. Have them stop activity and rest
    • 5. Obtain Info: Do you have heart disease? How do you feel/symptoms? What were you doing before the pain? Meds?
    • 6. Comfort them
    • 7. Be prepared to give CPR/AED
  13. Risk Factors of Cardio-VAscular Disease
    • Diabetes
    • High Blood Pressure/ Hypertension
    • Lack of exercise
    • Overweight
    • Diet (high fat/cholesterol)
    • Cigarette Smoking
    • Stress
    • Heredity
    • Race
    • Sex
    • Age
  14. Percent of Fat Formula
    • Total Fat x 9
    • Total Cal
  15. 4 grams = _____ calories
    16 cal
  16. 1 lb. fat = ______ calories
    2,500 cal
  17. How much grain, veg., fruit, milk, and meat daily?
    • Grain: 6 oz (3 Whole Grain)
    • Veg: 2 1/2 cups
    • Fruit: 2 cups
    • Milk: 3 cups
    • Meat: 5 1/2 oz
  18. Atherosclerosis
    comes from cholestrol
  19. HDL and LDL
    • HDL- good or "happy"
    • LDL- bad or "lousy"
  20. Saturated Fats
    • Saturated with Hydrogen atoms
    • Solid at room temp.
    • Comes from Animal sources or Tropical oil (Palm oils/Coconut oils)
    • Saturated Fat Contributes to the Body's production of LDL
  21. Monounsaturated Fats
    • helps elevate HDL
    • A liquid at room temp
    • Canola and Olive Oil
  22. Polyunsaturated Fats
    • liquid at room temp
    • lowers both HDL and LDL
    • Includes Safflower, Corn, Sunflower Oils <-- comes from veg. sources
  23. Recommendations for your diet
    • Less than 30% of calories from fat
    • Less than 10% of calories from saturated fat
    • Less than 300mg of dietary cholesterol a day
  24. A mentally healthy person is someone with ____________and____________.
    Some examples of this is: (4 examples)
    logical reasoning and self-esteem

    • eat-well
    • not depressed
    • emotional control
    • mental stability
  25. Mental Health Definition
    Mental Health is the state of being comfortable with yourself, with others, and with your surroundings.
  26. People who are mentally healthy are
    • realistic about their strengths/weaknesses
    • able to take on the responsibilities of daily living
    • caring towards yourself and others
    • able to handle disappointments and learn from them
    • able to feel enjoyment and a sense of achievement
  27. Why are communication skills important?
    they are the key to interaction between citizens
  28. Effective Communication Methods:
    • -important to get your needs met
    • -body language/ active listening
    • -eye contact
  29. Anorexia
    a behavior involving the irrational fear of becoming overweight and results in severe weight loss from starvation
  30. Anorexia Causes:
    • obsession with thinness
    • low self concept
    • inability to cope
    • outside pressures
    • the need to achieve
    • the need for attention
    • desire to remain a child
  31. Anorexia Signs & Symptoms
    • low calorie intake (500-800 cal)
    • intense exercising
    • fear of obesity even when underweight
    • inaccurate body image
    • perfectionist
    • denial of eating problem
    • absence of menstrual periods for females
    • emotional problems
  32. Bulimia
    a pattern of binge eating that involves rapid consumption of a large quantity of food in a short time followed by self induced vomiting or diarrhea.
  33. Bulimia Causes:
    • The desire to...become thin/ be more attractive/for physical perfection
    • The fear of being out of control
  34. Bulimia Signs & Symptoms:
    • excessive eating followed by self induced vomiting
    • use of laxatives
    • enemas
    • diuretic use
    • impulsive often socially unacceptable behavior
    • tooth decay
    • absence of menstrual periods
    • dehydration
    • depression & mood swings
    • constant pursuit of thinness
  35. Define Sexual Harassment
    Any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual behaviors and other verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature.
  36. Sexual Harassment can include:
    • Sexual Propositions
    • Comments or Jokes
    • Unwanted Touching
    • Obscene noises or leering
    • Display of sexual pictures
    • Insults or Teasing
    • Pulling Clothes
  37. What do you do when sexual harassed?
    • Let the harasser know how you feel
    • Report the behavior
    • Go to the person of higher authority
    • Keep a written record.
  38. Refusal Skills
    • 1) Buy yourself time
    • 2) Give a god reason for an excuse
    • 3) State the consequences
    • 4) Say no firmly
    • 5) If necessary say no again & include an alternative
    • 6) Walk away
  39. Testes
    the male reproductive organs that make sperm and testosterone
  40. Vas Deferens
    a long tube that the sperm travels through and mixes with fluids made by three accessory reproductive organs
  41. Epididymis
    where the sperm mature and are stored
  42. Seminal Vesicles
    • found near the base of the urinary bladder
    • they produce thick secretions that nourish the sperm and help sperm move easier
  43. Prostate Gland
    • encircles the urethra near the bladder
    • secretes a thin, milky, fluid that protects the sperm from acid in the female reproductive system
  44. Bulbourethral Gland (Cowpers Gland)
    • found near the urethra below the prostate gland
    • secretes a clear fluid that protects the sperm from acid in the male urethra
  45. Penis
    the male reproductive organ that removes urine from the body and can deliver sperm to the female reproductive system
  46. Urethra
    • a tube that starts at the bladder and ends at the opening of the penis
    • sperm also pass through the urethra during ejaculation, but not at the same time as urine is carried
  47. Bladder
    storing place for urine
  48. Ovaries (2)
    produce mature eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone
  49. Fallopian Tubes (2)
    • transport an egg from the ovary to the uterus
    • *where fertilization takes place*
  50. Uterus
    • "womb"
    • provides a place to support a developing human
    • provides a place to support the egg while develops into a fetus
  51. Cervix
    • the lower end of the uterus
    • produces secretions that contribute to the chemical balance of a women's vagina
  52. Vagina
    • connects the outside of the body to the uterus and that receives sperm during reproduction
    • allows menstrual flow to exit the body
  53. Urethra
    • carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
    • *not related to reproduction*
  54. Bladder
    • storing place for urine
    • *not related to reproduction*
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