
  1. ABASH (v.)
    • to make embarrassed or ashamed
    • A bashful person is easily abashed.
  2. ABORIGINAL (adj.)
    • original
    • The aboriginal people of Australia are known as Aborigines.
  3. ABRIDGE (v.)
    • to shorten something, especially a literary or artistic work
    • A bridge can abridge the distance between two points.
  4. ABSTAIN (v.)
    • to hold back from, refuse to participate in, refrain from
    • Abby did not want to stain her new shoes, so she abstained from running through the
    • muddy field.
  5. ACRIMONIOUS (adj.)
    • bitter, vengeful
    • A criminal made an acrimonious attack on the judge who had sentenced him to a lengthy
    • prison sentence.
  6. ACRID (adj.)
    • bitter, pungent
    • Acid often has an acrid odor.
  7. ACUTE (adj.)
    • sharp, perceptive
    • Because pigeons have a very accurate sense of direction, we can say their sense of
    • direction is acute
  8. ADEPT (adj.)
    • skillful
    • Chameleons are adept at adapting to their surroundings.
  9. ADHERE (v.)
    • to stick to
    • Adhesive tape will help a poster adhere to the wall.
  10. ADORN (v.)
    • to decorate
    • She adorned the Christmas tree by adding ornaments to it.
  11. ADROIT (adj.)
    • skillful, adept
    • People in Detroit are adroit at building cars.
  12. ADULATION (n.)
    • praise, respect, admiration
    • Many young children look on their parents with a certain amount of adulation.
  13. AESTHETIC (adj.)
    • pertaining to a sense of beauty
    • Figure skating is both athletic and aesthetic.
  14. AFFABLE (adj.)
    • friendly, personable, easy to get along with
    • Affable people are able to laugh with you, not at you.
  15. AGRARIAN (adj.)
    • having to do with agriculture
    • Many vegetarians are very interested in agrarian policy.
  16. ALOOF (adj.)
    • shy, reserved, removed, tending to remain apart
    • When I feel aloof, I go up alone to the roof.
  17. ALTRUISTIC (adj.)
    • unselfish, generous, concerned about the well-being of others
    • Mrs. Gore thinks her husband Al is truly altruistic and deserves to be the president.
  18. AMEND (v.)
    • to change, revise, fix
    • If you want to mend the constitution, you must amend it with an amendment.
  19. AMIABLE (adj.)
    • friendly, personable
    • Amy is able to be friends with almost anyone because she is so amiable.
  20. ALLURE (n.)
    • pull, attraction
    • A fishing lure is designed to have a certain allure for fish.
  21. AMASS (v.)
    • to gather, accumulate
    • Arnold Schwarzenegger has amassed a mass of massive muscles.
  22. AMBIDEXTROUS (adj.)
    • able to use both hands equally well
    • Dexter is ambidextrous, and he can throw the ball either lefty or righty with great
    • dexterity.
  23. AMPLE (adj.)
    • sufficient, enough, more than enough
    • That large amplifier should provide ample sound for the concert tonight.
  24. ANARCHY (n.)
    • breakdown or lack or rule or government, chaos
    • If the monarchy ever falls in Britain, some wonder whether anarchy will result.
  25. ANATHEMA (n.)
    • a curse, something hated
    • Asthma is regarded as anathema by aspiring athletes.
  26. ANNUL (v.)
    • to make null and void
    • To annul a marriage is to make it null and void.
  27. ANOINT (v.)
    • to officially approve, consecrate
    • In the days of old, kings and queens were often anointed with a special ointment on their
    • foreheads.
  28. ANTAGONIST (n.)
    • a person with a determined opposition or hatred toward someone
    • The antagonist of a novel is usually a source of agony for the hero, who is known as the
    • protagonist.
  29. ANTIQUATED (adj.)
    • old- fashioned, antique-like
    • All antiques are, by definition, antiquated.
  30. APPEASE (v.)
    • to soothe, calm, put at ease
    • An apple can appease an angry teacher.
  31. APPRISE (v.)
    • to notify, inform
    • Publishers' Clearing House will apprise you if you win a prize in their sweepstakes.
  32. ARDUOUS (adj.)
    • hard, difficult, exhausting
    • A task that is arduous is hard for us.
  33. ASCERTAIN (v.)
    • to uncover and verify, to make certain
    • If a detective wants to be as certain as possible about a case, he must accurately ascertain
    • what happened.
  34. ASCETIC (adj.)
    • self-denying, devoted to simple and austere living
    • Many marathon runners are, by nature, both athletic and ascetic.
  35. BOORISH (adj.)
    • offensive, rude
    • I believe that fans who do nothing but boo are boorish.
  36. BRAZEN (adj.)
    • brash, extremely bold
    • It would be very brazen of that raisin to try to pass for a prune.
  37. BREVITY (n.)
    • shortness, the quality of being brief
    • When you abbreviate something, you give it brevity.
  38. BUCOLIC (adj.)
    • of or pertaining to the countryside, pastoral
    • Broccoli and cauliflower both grow well in bucolic settings.
  39. BUREAUCRACY (n.)
    • a large institution with many complex regulations
    • The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, is one of the largest bureaucracies in our
    • democracy.
  40. CANDOR (n.)
    • honesty, straight talk
    • Because that manager always speaks with candor, he can leave the door to his office open
    • at all times.
  41. CARDINAL (adj.) main, most important
    Bird lovers believe that it would be a cardinal sin to shoot a cardinal.
  42. CELIBATE (adj.) remaining pure, refraining from sexual intercourse
    Those who wish to live a celibate life will likely never celebrate their day of marriage.
  43. CHAGRIN (n.)
    • shame, embarrassment
    • The Grinch's grin of satisfaction changed to one of chagrin when he realized that the
    • people of Whoville still planned to celebrate Christmas despite his efforts to stop them.
  44. CHASTE (adj.)
    • pure
    • In the middle ages, European women often were forced to wear chastity belts to ensure
    • that they remained chaste while their husbands were off at war.
  45. CLANDESTINE (adj.)
    • secretive, hidden
    • Scottish clans often met clandestinely to plan their destiny against their English foes.
  46. COMPRISE (v.)
    • to consist of, include
    • The winners at the Olympics get prizes that are comprised of gold, silver, or bronze.
  47. CONDESCEND (v.)
    • to lower oneself; to patronize
    • Connie, a true gourmet, would never condescend to eat at a fast-food restaurant.
  48. CONFIDANT (n.)
    • a person with who one can share a secret
    • You can always confide in your confidant, who will surely keep matters confidential.
  49. CONGENIAL (adj.)
    • pleasant, friendly
    • Barbara Eden, in the Classic TV sitcom "I Dream of Jeannie," was a most congenial
    • genie.
  50. CONSECRATE (v.)
    • to make sacred
    • It was a sacred day when the bishop consecrated the new cathedral.
  51. CONTRITE (adj.)
    • apologetic, begging forgiveness
    • Those who are contrite about their sins often perform acts of contrition.
  52. COSMOPOLITAN (adj.)
    • worldly, having wide interests
    • Many women who read Cosmopolitan magazine hope that they will become more
    • cosmopolitan in their outlook on life.
  53. COUP (n.)
    • a personal victory acquired in a single stroke, major accomplishment
    • The rooster considered it quite a coup when he managed to fly the coop.
  54. CULPABLE (adj.)
    • guilty
    • The culprit who robbed the bank is culpable of the crime.
  55. DELETERIOUS (adj.)
    • harmful
    • Drinking enough coffee to make you delirious is probably deleterious to your health.
  56. DESPONDENT (adj.)
    • downhearted, dejected
    • The correspondent was despondent and in despair when the editor refused to run her
    • story.
  57. DIRGE (n.)
    • music for a funeral procession
    • I get the urge to cry whenever I hear a dirge
  58. DISCLOSE (v.)
    • to open, admit, reveal
    • Because the chef did not want to disclose the recipe for his secret sauce, he kept his
    • mouth closed on the subject.
  59. DISSIDENT (n.)
    • one who opposes
    • Most dissidents tend to dissent from the official viewpoint.
  60. DISTRAUGHT (adj.)
    • overcome by grief or despair
    • The thief was distraught when he was caught.
  61. DOGMATIC (adj.)
    • tending to hold very tightly to a belief or opinion
    • My dog is dogmatic in his refusal to let go of his bone.
  62. EBB (v.)
    • to lessen, recede
    • When Deb saw her latest report card sprinkled with D's, here spirit started to ebb.
  63. ECLECTIC (adj.)
    • diverse and wide-ranging in taste or choice
    • He likes to collect art of all different kinds, so his collection is quite eclectic.
  64. ECCENTRIC (adj.)
    • odd, unusual, strange (as applied to personal behavior)
    • One who displays eccentric behave might be somewhat uncentered.
  65. ELEGY (adj.)
    • poem or song expressing grief
    • The organist played a mournful yet elegant elegy at the funeral mass.
  66. EMBARGO (n.)
    • ban on commerce or trade
    • Because of the Cuban embargo, the cargo of rum could not get through.
  67. EMBELLISH (v.)
    • to decorate, make more attractive
    • Some people like to embellish their frankfurters with relish.
  68. EMINENT (adj.)
    • well-known, having high standing
    • Eminem has become an eminent rap star seemingly overnight.
  69. EMPATHY (n.)
    • ability to identify with the feelings of another
    • Sympathy is usually a characteristic of those who have empathy.
  70. ENIGMA (n.)
    • a puzzle, mystery
    • To Winston Churchill, the Soviet Union was an enigma whose behavior was very
    • enigmatic.
  71. ENMITY (n.)
    • mutual hatred, intense dislike
    • Some people have only enmity for their enemies.
  72. ENTAIL (v.)
    • to require
    • Winning at "pin the tail on the donkey" entails both concentration and luck.
  73. EPITOME (n.)
    • perfect example or embodiment
    • To me, Michael Jordan was the epitome of skill and grace on the basketball court.
  74. ERRATIC (adj.)
    • unpredictable, varied
    • Because Rick got either A's or F's on his tests, his teacher rated his performance as quite
    • erratic.
  75. ERRONEOUS (adj.)
    • incorrect, mistaken
    • An error is, by definition, erroneous.
  76. ESOTERIC (adj.)
    • hard to understand, known only to a select few
    • Eric did so terribly on the vocabulary section, mainly because it was filled with rather
    • esoteric words.
  77. EULOGY (n.)
    • words of praise (most commonly given at a funeral)
    • It is usually the job of the clergy to give the eulogy at a funeral.
  78. EXACERBATE (v.)
    • to make worse
    • When a coach berates his players' performance after a tough loss, he often just
    • exacerbates the situation.
  79. EXPUNGE (v.)
    • to remove, cancel
    • The waitress expunged the spilled milk with a sponge.
  80. EXTRICATE (v.)
    • to remove from a difficult position, extract
    • One of Houdini's favorite tricks was to extricate himself from chains.
  81. FAÇADE (n.)
    • face, superficial appearance that is often false
    • Even though the runner-up in the Miss America pageant tried to put a smile on her face, I
    • know it was just a façade.
  82. FALLACIOUS (adj.)
    • false, misleading
    • Something that is fallacious is always false.
  83. FALLIBLE (adj.)
    • open to error
    • Those who are fallible are likely, at times, to have a fall.
  84. FASTIDIOUS (adj.)
    • paying close attention to details
    • "Fast Eddie" is fastidious about keeping his car in tip-top shape.
  85. FATALIST (n.)
    • one who believes that life is largely predetermined and shaped by fate
    • A fatalist believes more heavily in fate than in free will, and thus lives life in a fatalistic
    • fashion.
  86. FEIGN (v.)
    • to fake, pretend
    • Elaine feigned a pain in her stomach to get out of gym class.
  87. FRACTIOUS (adj.)
    • tending to misbehave, rowdy, unruly
    • Frank fractured several ribs in the fractious meeting with the rival gang.
  88. FRENETIC (adj.)
    • marked by frenzy
    • Frenzied energy is both frenetic and kinetic.
  89. FRUGAL (adj.)
    • interested in conserving money, thrifty, economical
    • Fred, who was quite frugal, bought a second-hand bugle.
  90. GARISH (adj.)
    • excessively bright, gaudy
    • Some guys cherish garish ties.
  91. GENIAL (adj.)
    • cheerful, friendly, kind
    • The genial genie granted me three wishes.
  92. HACKNEYED (adj.)
    • overused, unoriginal, trite
    • A hack writer tends to use hackneyed phrases.
  93. HARBINGER (n.)
    • a forerunner
    • Many think of the robin as a bringer, or harbinger, of spring.
  94. HEDONIST (n.)
    • a person who person who pursues pleasure above all else
    • Hedonists only pay heed to their own desires.
  95. IMPECCABLE (adj.)
    • faultless, perfect
    • Body builders are usually known for their impeccable pecs.
  96. IMPERIOUS (adj.)
    • arrogant, haughty
    • Many emperors of imperial Rome were known for their imperious behavior.
  97. IMPLICIT (adj.)
    • implied
    • Something that is implied is implicit, not explicit.
  98. IMPUDENCE (n.)
    • rudeness, brashness, impertinence
    • After he hit me with his banana, I thought that chimp had a lot of impudence.
  99. IMPUNITY (n.)
    • freedom from punishment
    • Because he had been granted immunity by the prosecutor, the cooperating witness gave
    • the details of his life of crime with impunity.
  100. INANE (adj.)
    • stupid, pointless, absurd
    • Because he seemingly lacks a brain, most of the things that man says are both insane and
    • inane.
  101. INDIGENT (adj.)
    • poor, lacking money
    • That poor gent is very indigent.
  102. INNATE (adj.)
    • natural, inborn
    • It is a fact of nature that birds are born with an innate ability to fly.
  103. INDOLENT (adj.)
    • lazy
    • John decided that, for Lent, he would give up being indolent.
  104. INFAMOUS (adj.)
    • famous for bad deeds, notorious
    • December 7, 1941, the day of the infamous attack on Pearl Harbor, is a day that will,
    • according to Franklin D. Roosevelt, live in infamy.
  105. INSIPID (adj.)
    • dull, boring, lifeless
    • Juan Valdez will not sip insipid coffee.
  106. INSURGENT (n. / adj.)
    • rebel / rebellious
    • The insurgents surged toward the capital in an attempt to overthrow it.
  107. INSURRECTION (n.)
    • rebellion, uprising
    • After the fraudulent election, there was a general insurrection by the population.
  108. INTEGRAL (adj.)
    • essential, necessary
    • Integrity is an integral quality of a good leader.
  109. INTROSPECTIVE (adj.)
    • inward-looking
    • Most introverts are quite introspective.
  110. JADED (adj.)
    • world-weary, suffering from an excess of luxury, not easily impressed
    • Some of the ancient emperors of China, whose palaces were filled with precious jade,
    • probably became quite jaded.
  111. JUDICIOUS (adj.)
    • wise, marked by good judgment
    • The judicial branch of our government is run by judicious judges.
  112. LUCID (adj.)
    • clear
    • Lucy wrote lucid prose while sitting at a translucent glass table.
  113. LUDICROUS (adj.)
    • laughable
    • Lou's latest problem is both ridiculous and ludicrous.
  114. MAGNANIMOUS (adj.)
    • great in spirit, extremely generous
    • Andrew Carnegie had a magnificent career and a magnanimous spirit.
  115. MAGNATE (adj.)
    • a person of power or influence
    • Max started a magnet company and, through hard work, eventually became a magnet
    • magnate.
  116. MALEVOLENT (adj.)
    • evil
    • Because he was a very maladjusted and malicious man, the Joker became one of
    • Batman's most malevolent enemies.
  117. MELANCHOLY (adj. / n.)
    • sad, depressed / sadness, depression
    • When his melons and cauliflower were killed by an early frost the farmer became quite
    • melancholy.
  118. MERCENARY (adj.)
    • pertaining to acquiring money and financial gain
    • Most merchants are quite mercenary.
  119. MERCURIAL (adj.)
    • rapidly shifting, whimsical
    • Just as the mercury in a thermometer rises quickly or falls due to changes in temperature,
    • so, too, do some people have emotions that are quite mercurial.
  120. MISANTHROPE (n.)
    • one who hates people and humanity in general
    • An anthropologist who is also a misanthrope could, perhaps, be called a
    • "misanthropologist."
  121. MORBID (adj.)
    • pertaining to death
    • It is hard to resist morbid thoughts when walking through a mortuary.
  122. MUNDANE (adj.)
    • dull, boring, commonplace, extremely ordinary
    • Most people find Monday to be a very mundane day.
  123. MUSE (v. / n.)
    • to ponder, to inspire / source of inspiration
    • A museum is a good place to muse about art.
  124. NARCISSIST (n.)
    • one who is extremely self-centered
    • According to the Greek myth of Echo and Narcissus, Narcissus, who fell in love with his
    • own reflection in a pond and was then turned into a flower, can be said to be the first true
    • narcissist.
  125. NEMESIS (adj.)
    • enemy, foe
    • Eminem is considered a nemesis by most folk singers.
  126. NOTORIETY (n.)
    • being famous for a bad reason, being notorious
    • The notorious L.A. riots of the early 1990's have gone down in notoriety.
  127. NUANCE (n.)
    • subtle or slight difference or variation
    • Andy was very interested in ants, and he could distinguish between the old ants and the
    • new ants in his ant farm based on various nuances in their shapes and actions.
  128. OBLIVIOUS (adj.)
    • unaware
    • Because Bob sleeps on the job, it is obvious that he is oblivious to his responsibilities.
  129. OBSOLETE (adj.)
    • out of date, no longer useful
    • Because my costly new workboots have extremely durable soles, I believe that they will
    • never become obsolete.
  130. OMNIPOTENT (adj.)
    • all-powerful
    • Because the great white shark is more potent than any other shark, it can be considered
    • omnipotent.
  131. OMNISCIENT (adj.)
    • all-knowing
    • The Wizard of Oz liked to consider himself both omniscient and omnipotent.
  132. OMNIVOROUS (adj.)
    • eating all kinds of foods
    • While a lion is carnivorous and an antelope is herbivorous, a bear, like a human being, is
    • omnivorous.
  133. ORNATE (adj.)
    • highly decorative
    • Most ornaments are naturally ornate.
  134. ORTHODOX (adj.)
    • traditional, conservative
    • Because Don was a very orthodox orthodontist, he generally recommended braces for
    • people who wanted to straighten their teeth.
  135. OSTENTATIOUS (adj.)
    • showy
    • Some Arab sheiks used to live in large, colorful tents that were very ostentatious.
  136. OSTRACIZE (v.)
    • to shun, cut out from the group
    • Because Oswald the ostrich decided to date a stork, some of the other ostriches decided to
    • ostracize him from their group.
  137. OVERT (adj.)
    • open
    • The CIA tends to specialize in covert activities, not overt ones.
  138. PALPABLE (adj.)
    • able to be touched, tangible
    • I know that my heart is palpable, as I can detect its palpitations; my soul, however, is
    • impalpable.
  139. PARAGON (n.)
    • model of perfection
    • Paris is a paragon of a city.
  140. PASTORAL (adj.)
    • of the countryside; pertaining to a pastor
    • The pastor at the church in New York City was transferred to a more pastoral setting in
    • Vermont.
  141. PATHOLOGICAL (adj.)
    • pertaining to disease
    • Sociopaths and psychopaths bother suffer from pathological disorders.
  142. PERSPICACIOUS (adj.)
    • having insight, astute
    • Someone with a very keen perspective on matters can be considered perspicacious.
  143. PERTINENT (adj.)
    • apt, suitable, related to the point at hand
    • Percy is known for his pertinent remarks on just about any subject.
  144. PINNACLE (n.)
    • highest point
    • For most bowlers, getting a strike and knocking down all ten pins is the pinnacle of
    • success.
  145. PIOUS (adj.)
    • holy, venerable
    • Because he gave a pie to us when we were starving, we considered him to be a very pious
    • man.
  146. PITHY (adj.)
    • short, concise, to the point
    • Pete Smith is a rather pithy name.
  147. PLACATE (v.)
    • to calm, soothe
    • After I broke her favorite plate, it was very difficult to placate Kate.
  148. PLAUSIBLE (adj.)
    • believable
    • Although I didn't go to the concert myself, it is extremely plausible that Carlos Santana
    • received a lot of applause at the end of his guitar solo.
  149. PRAGMATIC (adj.)
    • practical, sensible
    • Most people think it is more practical and pragmatic to drive an automatic car.
  150. PRECARIOUS (adj.)
    • difficult, unsafe, potentially troublesome
    • Carey used great care to get out of the precarious situation.
  151. PRETENTIOUS (adj.)
    • acting in a superior or conceited manner
    • Pretentious people like to pretend that they are better than everyone else.
  152. PRISTINE (adj.)
    • beautiful, unspoiled
    • Christine loves to hike in pristine regions of the Rockies.
  153. PROLIFERATION (adj.)
    • abundance
    • There is always a proliferation of life in the spring.
  154. PROPHETIC (adj.)
    • of or pertaining to a prophet; able to foresee the future
    • In the Old Testament, the prophet Jeremiah issued many dark and prophetic warnings to
    • his people.
  155. PROPONENT (n.)
    • a supporter, someone in favor of something
    • Al Gore, who proposed tougher gun laws, is a proponent of gun control, and therefore an
    • opponent of the NRA.
  156. PROPRIETY (n.)
    • moral correctness
    • People who are concerned with propriety always try to do the proper thing, the
    • appropriate thing, lest they be accused of impropriety.
  157. PROSAIC (adj.)
    • dull, unimaginative
    • Renaissance poets considered it rather prosaic to write a love letter in prose; for them,
    • only verse was suitable in such matters.
  158. PROWESS (n.)
    • skill, strength
    • A pro golfer like Tiger Woods can wow us with his prowess and power.
  159. PUNDIT (n.)
    • learned person, scholar, sage; prognosticator
    • George W. Bush wanted to punch the pundit who, in writing his newspaper column,
    • punned that Bush was merely a "bush league" politician.
  160. QUANDRY (n.)
    • a state of uncertainty or perplexity, dilemma
    • John is in a quandary over his laundry, and he would really like to know why he is
    • always missing a sock at the end of the cycle.
  161. QUINTESSENTIAL (adj.)
    • having the pure essence of something
    • Because Cindy Crawford has all the essentials for being a supermodel, she could be
    • called a quintessential supermodel.
  162. QUIXOTIC (adj.)
    • pertaining to Don Quixote; idealistic in a doomed and impractical way
    • Don Quixote, who gave his name to this word, was the original quixotic adventurer.
  163. RAZE (v.)
    • to knock down, destroy, level
    • It is possible to raze a wooden building with a blaze.
  164. REBUTTAL (n.)
    • a formal response in an argument or debate
    • The defense attorney got ready to butt heads with the prosecutor by preparing a rebuttal.
  165. RECLUSE (n.)
    • a person who shuns society, a hermit
    • A recluse closes himself off from the world.
  166. REDUNDANT (adj.)
    • extra, unnecessary
    • If you have done something already, it would be redundant to redo it.
  167. REFUTE (v.)
    • to dispute, argue
    • To refute a call by the referee is usually futile and useless.
  168. REGAL (adj.)
    • royal
    • The makers of Chivas Regal, whose symbol is a crown, believe it is a drink fit for a
    • member of the royal family.
  169. REITERATE (v.)
    • to repeat, say again
    • Because I didn't hear it clearly the first time, the front desk clerk reiterated the rate for a
    • night's lodging at the hotel.
  170. REMINISCE (v.)
    • to think over and discuss the past
    • Because many people miss "the good ol' days," they like to reminisce about them with
    • their friends.
  171. RENOWN (n.)
    • fame
    • Ronald McDonald is a clown of great renown.
  172. REQUISITE (adj.)
    • required
    • Something that is requested and required is, by definition, requisite.
  173. RESPLENDENT (adj.)
    • glorious, radiant, beautiful
    • A peacock's tail is both splendid and resplendent.
  174. RETICENT (adj.)
    • quiet
    • A person who is shy, retiring, and disinclined to put in his or her "two cents" on a topic
    • could considered reticent.
  175. RETRIBUTION (n.)
    • revenge, punishment
    • When the Gallic tribes refused to pay tribute to their emperor, the Romans sacked and
    • destroyed their villages in retribution.
  176. RETROACTIVE (adj.)
    • active to a point in the past
    • The popular "retro" fashions of today are, by definition, retroactive.
  177. REVERE (v.)
    • to respect, admire
    • Americans tend to revere Paul Revere and his midnight ride with due reverence.
  178. RUE (v.)
    • to regret
    • Ruth rued the day that her man went away.
  179. RUSTIC (adj.)
    • of or pertaining to the countryside
    • The rusty old car in the front yard marred the otherwise picture-perfect rustic scene.
  180. SAGACIOUS (adj.)
    • sage-like, wise
    • A sagacious chef might use a dash of sage to spice up a dish.
  181. SACRILEGIOUS (adj.)
    • unholy, profane
    • Because the Spanish viewed the religious sites of the Aztecs as both pagan and
    • sacrilegious, they decided to raze them and build churches in their place.
  182. SACROSANCT (adj.)
    • sacred, holy
    • The cathedral at Lourdes in France is regarded by many Catholics as a sacred and
    • sacrosanct sanctuary.
  183. SCRUPULOUS (adj.)
    • attentive to details, honest in dealings, conscientious
    • The carpenter was scrupulous about screwing in each screw very tightly.
  184. SERVILE (adj.)
    • like a servant
    • Some servants are quite servile.
  185. SKEPTICAL (adj.)
    • tending to doubt
    • A skeptic is a skeptical person who indulges in skepticism.
  186. SPORADIC (adj.)
    • occurring at irregular intervals
    • Because Sam's effort in school is sporadic, his grades tend to be erratic.
  187. STOIC (adj.)
    • impassive, unmoved by extremes of emotion
    • If you stow your emotions deep inside you and always remain outwardly cal, you are, by
    • definition, stoic.
  188. SUBJUGATE (v.)
    • to dominate, put under control
    • The monarchs of medieval Europe, bolstered by the concept of the divine right of kings,
    • tended to subjugate their subjects.
  189. SUBLIME (adj.)
    • supreme, perfect
    • The key lime pie at the Key West Diner is close to sublime.
  190. SUCCINCT (adj.)
    • concise, terse, pithy
    • Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is both distinct and succinct
  191. SUPERFICIAL (adj.)
    • on the surface, lacking depth
    • After his battle with Lex Luthor, Superman was not seriously wounded, but merely had
    • some superficial wounds on his face.
  192. TANGIBLE (adj.)
    • able to be touched, solid
    • A tangerine is tangible, whereas a dream is intangible.
  193. TERSE (adj.)
    • short, to the point, succinct
    • A Japanese "haiku" is actually a very terse verse.
  194. TRANSIENT (adj.)
    • fleeting, transitory
    • Transient people are often in transit from one place to another.
  195. TREPIDATION (n.)
    • fear
    • Intrepid people lack trepidation.
  196. UNRULY (adj.)
    • disobedient
    • Some parents often enact tough rules in order to better control their unruly children.
  197. VICARIOUS (adj.)
    • experienced in an indirect or second-hand way
    • Novels and movies carry us to vicarious adventures.
  198. VIRTUOSO (n.)
    • a skilled expert
    • By virtue of his skill on the basketball court, Michael Jordan is considered a virtuoso of
    • the game.
  199. WILY (adj.)
    • tricky, clever, cunning
    • Wile E. Coyote is the apt name of the wily coyote on the roadrunner cartoon series.
  200. ZEAL (n.)
    • enthusiasm, zest
    • I saw a seal perform with zeal at SeaWorld.
  201. ZENITH (n.) highest point, peak
    • The profitability of television manufacturer Zenith Corporation reached its zenith in the
    • 1960s, after which point it began to suffer from foreign competition.
  202. ABHOR (v.)
    to strongly detest or dislike
  203. ABSTEMIOUS (adj.)
    sparing in food and drink
  204. ABSTRACT (adj.)
    • theoretical,
    • not concrete
  205. ACQUIESCE (v.)
    • to agree with,
    • to go along with
  206. ADVERSARY (n.)
    • opponent or
    • enemy
  207. ADVOCATE (v. / n.)
    • to support /
    • a supporter
  208. ALLEVIATE (v.)
    • to relieve, to
    • lessen
  209. AMBIGUOUS (adj.)
    • unclear in
    • meaning
  210. AMBIVALENT (adj.)
    • torn
    • between two conflicting
    • emotions
  211. AMORPHOUS (adj.)
    • lacking a
    • definite shape or form
  212. ANACHRONISTIC (adj.)
    obsolete, outdated
  213. ANECDOTE (n.)
    • a short story
    • intended to instruct or amuse
  214. ARBITRARY (adj.)
    • random, by
    • chance
  215. ARCHAIC (adj.)
    • outdated,
    • obsolete, ancient
  216. ARTICULATE (adj.)
    • skillful in
    • the use of language, well-spoken
  217. ASCENDANCY (n.)
    • the state of
    • rising or ascending; domination
  218. ASSENT (n. / v.)
    • agreement / to
    • agree or consent
  219. ASSIDUOUS (adj.)
    • hard
    • working, diligent
  220. ASTUTE (adj.)
    smart, perceptive
  221. AUGMENT (v.)
    • to increase in
    • size, to swell
  222. AUSPICIOUS (adj.)
    • favorable,
    • fortunate, boding well for the
    • future
  223. AUSTERE (adj.)
    • stark, severely
    • simple
  224. AUTOCRATIC (adj.)
    • having
    • total power, dictatorial
  225. AUTONOMY (n.)
  226. AVARICIOUS (adj.)
  227. AVUNCULAR (adj.)
    • having the
    • qualities of an uncle
  228. BEHEMOTH (n.)
    • something that
    • is huge, gigantic
  229. BENEFACTOR (n.)
    • one who
    • provides financial support
  230. BENEVOLENT (adj.)
    • kind,
    • good-hearted
  231. CANTANKEROUS (adj.)
    ornery, agitated, mean-spirited
  232. CASTIGATE (v.)
    • to scold
    • severely, berate
  233. CAUSTIC (adj.)
    biting, scornful
  234. CLICHE (n.) an overused saying
    or expression
  235. COLLOQUIAL (adj.)
    • pertaining
    • to everyday language or speech
  236. COMMEMORATE (v.)
    • to honor
    • the memory of
  237. COMPLACENT (adj.)
    • peaceful,
    • easygoing
  238. CONDONE (v.)
    • to allow
    • something to happen, to give
    • approval to a questionable act
    • a huge
    • fire
  240. CRYPTIC (adj.)
    • secretive,
    • hidden, hard to understand
  241. DEFINITIVE (adj.)
    • defining;
    • held up as the ultimate example
    • of something
  242. DELINEATE (v.)
    • to mark with a
    • line (or lines)
  243. DESECRATE (v.)
    • to violate, to
    • make impure, to defile
  244. DESTITUTE (adj.)
    • extremely
    • poor, poverty stricken
  245. DETERRENT (n.)
    • something
    • that prevents something from
    • happening
  246. DETRIMENTAL (adj.)
  247. DEVIOUS (adj.)
    • tricky, crafty,
    • unprincipled
  248. DIATRIBE (n.)
    • a lengthy and
    • accusatory speech
  249. DIGRESS (v.)
    • to turn away from
    • the main point, to get off track
  250. DILATORY (adj.)
    • tending to
    • delay
  251. DIMINUTION (n.)
    • a decrease or
    • diminishing
  252. DISDAIN (v.)
    • contempt or
    • scorn; bitter dislike
  253. DIVERGE (v.)
    • to split or move
    • apart
  254. DOFF (v.)
    • to take off an item of
    • clothing
  255. DON (v.)
    • to put on an item of
    • clothing
  256. DRACONIAN (adj.)
    • extremely
    • harsh, severe, oppressive
  257. EBULLIENT (adj.)
    • extremely
    • joyful
  258. EDIFY (v.)
    to instruct, to educate
  259. EGREGIOUS (adj.)
    • extremely
    • bad or mistaken
  260. ELOQUENT (adj.)
    • well spoken,
    • marked by expressive and
    • persuasive speech
  261. ELUSIVE (adj.)
    • hard to capture
    • or grasp
  262. EMISSARY (n.)
    • agent or
    • messenger
  263. ERUDITION (n.)
    • deep learning,
    • scholarship
  264. ESCHEW (v.)
    to avoid
  265. ETYMOLOGY (n.)
    • the study of
    • word origins
  266. EUPHEMISM (n.)
    • a pleasant
    • way of saying something
    • unpleasant
  267. EVANESCENT (adj.)
    • vanishing
    • quickly, fleeting
  268. EXALTED (adj.)
    • holding a high
    • position, greatly respected
  269. EXEMPLARY (adj.)
    • serving as a
    • good example
  270. EXONERATE (v.)
    • to free from
    • blame
  271. EXPATRIATE (n.)
    • someone
    • who leaves their native land to
    • settle elsewhere
  272. EXPEDITE (v.)
    • to quicken,
    • hasten
  273. EXTRANEOUS (adj.)
    • extra and
    • unnecessary
  274. EXTRICATE (v.)
    • to extract,
    • free, disentangle, remove
  275. FACILITATE (v.)
    to make easier
  276. FALLOW (adj.)
    • barren,
    • uncultivated
  277. FEASIBLE (adj.)
    • doable,
    • possible, able to be accomplished
  278. FLORID (adj.)
  279. FOOLHARDY (adj.)
    • daring in a
    • foolish way
  280. FRIVOLOUS (adj.)
    • lacking in
    • importance or seriousness
  281. FURTIVE (adj.)
    • sneaky, hidden,
    • stealthy
  282. GERMANE (adj.)
    • pertinent,
    • related to the point at hand
  283. GLUTTON (n.)
    • habitual
    • overeater
  284. GRANDIOSE (adj.)
    overly grand
  285. GREGARIOUS (adj.)
  286. GULLIBLE (adj.)
    • unquestioning,
    • easily fooled
  287. HIERARCHY (n.)
    • power
    • structure
  288. HYPERBOLE (n.)
    • exaggeration,
    • overstatement
  289. IDIOSYNCRASY (n.)
    • odd
    • personality trait, quirk
  290. IDOLATRY (n.)
    • worship of false
    • idol(s)
  291. IMMUTABLE (adj.)
    • unable to
    • change or be changed
  292. INCONGRUOUS (adj.)
    • not
    • congruent, dissimilar
  293. INCORRIGIBLE (adj.)
    • not able
    • to be corrected, beyond
    • redemption
  294. INDIFFERENT (adj.)
    • making no
    • difference, not caring one way or
    • the other
  295. INDOMITABLE (adj.)
    • unable to
    • be defeated
  296. INGENIOUS (adj.)
    • pertaining to
    • a genius; very clever
  297. INGENUOUS (adj.)
    • genuine,
    • honest, open
  298. INHERENT (adj.)
    • natural,
    • innate; pertaining to the essential
    • nature of something
  299. INNOVATION (n.)
    • new
    • development
  300. INSURMOUNTABLE (adj.)
    unable to be overcome
  301. INTRACTABLE (adj.)
    • extremely stubborn, not able to
    • be solved
  302. INTREPID (adj.)
    • brave, fearless,
    • lacking trepidation
  303. INVOKE (v.)
    to call upon
  304. JOVIAL (adj.)
    • good natured,
    • merry, given to joking
  305. KINETIC (adj.)
    • pertaining to
    • motion
  306. LACONIC (adj.)
    • sparing in
    • words
  307. LAUD (v.)
    to praise
  308. LISTLESS (adj.)
    lacking energy
  309. LOQUACIOUS (adj.)
  310. MALICE (n.)
    evil intent
  311. MELLIFLUOUS (adj.)
  312. MENDICANT (adj. / n.)
    • extremely poor and given to
    • begging / a beggar
  313. METICULOUS (adj.)
    • paying
    • very close attention to detail
  314. MISER (n.)
    • a person who is
    • extremely stingy or cheap
  315. MITIGATE (v.)
    • to lessen or
    • moderate the severity of
    • something
  316. MNEMONIC (adj.)
    • pertaining to
    • memory
  317. MOLLIFY (v.)
    • to soothe, soften,
    • pacify
  318. MOROSE (adj.)
    sad, gloomy
  319. MYOPIC (adj.)
    • near sighted,
    • lacking foresight
  320. NOXIOUS (adj.)
  321. NURTURE (v.)
    • to care for, to
    • raise
  322. OPAQUE (adj.)
    • impossible to
    • see through
  323. OPTIMISTIC (adj.)
    • having a
    • positive outlook
  324. PARSIMONY (n.)
    • stinginess,
    • cheapness
  325. PECUNIARY (adj.)
    • pertaining to
    • money
  326. PENURY (n.)
  327. PERFIDIOUS (adj.)
    • treacherous,
    • disloyal
  328. PERPETUAL (adj.)
    • continuous,
    • without end
  329. PESSIMISM (n.)
    • a gloomy or
    • negative outlook
    • a person who donates large sums
    • of money to charitable causes
  331. PIECEMEAL (adj. / adv.)
    • bit by
    • bit / in a gradual way
  332. PINE (v.)
    • to miss, to long for, to
    • yearn for
  333. PLATITUDE (n.)
    • overused
    • saying, trite remark
  334. POSTERITY (n.)
    • future
    • generations
  335. POTENTATE (n.)
    • ruler,
    • monarch, very powerful person
  336. PRECOCIOUS (adj.)
    • characterized by early
    • development, advanced at an
    • early age
  337. PRIVATION (n.)
    • a condition or
    • result of deprivation or loss
  338. PRODIGAL (adj.)
    • wasteful;
    • reckless with money
  339. PROFLIGATE (adj.)
    • reckless in
    • spending
  340. PROFOUND (adj.)
    • deep, deeply
    • moving
  341. PROPENSITY (n.)
  342. PROTEGE (n.)
    • a person who is
    • groomed for a position
  343. PROVINCIAL (adj.)
    • pertaining
    • to a province; narrow-minded
  344. PRUDENT (adj.)
    • wise, marked
    • by good judgment
  345. PUGNACIOUS (adj.)
    • combative,
    • tending to fight
  346. QUIESCENT (adj.)
    • quiet,
    • dormant, temporarily inactive
  347. RACONTEUR (n.)
    • a person who
    • tells witty and amusing stories
  348. RAMIFICATION (n.)
    • a branching out; a consequence of
    • a problematic situation
  349. RANCID (adj.)
    • foul, putrid,
    • disgusting
  350. RANCOR (n.)
    anger, ill will
  351. REBUFF (v.)
    to snub, beat back
  352. RECTIFY (v.)
    to fix, correct
  353. RECTITUDE (n.)
    • uprightness,
    • moral virtue
  354. REDOLENT (adj.)
    • fragrant,
    • scented
  355. REMEDIAL (adj.)
    • pertaining to
    • a remedy
  356. REMISS (adj.)
    at fault, negligent
  357. REMUNERATIVE (adj.)
    • resulting in monetary gain,
    • profitable
  358. REPARATIONS (n.)
    • money to
    • be paid for injury or damage
  359. REPLETE (adj.)
    • full of or filled
    • with
  360. REPRIMAND (v. / n.)
  361. REPROACH (n.)
    • blame,
    • disapproval
  362. RESCIND (v.)
    • to take back,
    • recall, nullify, repeal
  363. RESPITE (n.)
    • a brief break or
    • rest
  364. REVILE (v.)
    to hate or detest
  365. RHETORIC (n.)
    • skillful use of
    • language, or just language in
    • general
  366. RIBALD (adj.)
    • vulgarly
    • humorous, lewd, crude
  367. ROBUST (adj.)
    • strong, hearty,
    • vigorous
  368. SCANT (adj.)
  369. SCRUTINIZE (v.)
    • to examine
    • closely (visually)
  370. SEEMLY (adj.)
    proper, suitable
  371. SERPENTINE (adj.)
    • serpentlike,
    • snake-like
  372. SLUGGISH (adj.)
    • slow moving,
    • hard to arouse
  373. SOPHOMORIC (adj.)
    • of or
    • pertaining to a sophomore; wise
    • and foolish at the same time
  374. STAID (adj.)
    bland, boring
  375. STRIDENT (adj.)
    • loud, harsh,
    • shrill
  376. SUBSIDIZE (v.)
    • to assist
    • financially
  377. SUBTLE (adj.)
    • not overt,
    • nuanced, subject to fine
    • distinctions
  378. SUPERCILIOUS (adj.)
    • haughty,
    • arrogant, overly proud
  379. SUPERFLUOUS (adj.)
    unnecessary, extraneous
  380. SURREPTITIOUS (adj.)
    secretive, stealthy
  381. SYCOPHANT (n.)
    • brown-noser,
    • servile flatterer
  382. TACITURN (adj.)
    • quiet,
    • reserved
  383. TEMPETUOUS (adj.)
    • of or
    • pertaining to a tempest or storm
  384. TENACIOUS (adj.)
    • unyielding,
    • forceful
  385. TENET (n.)
    • a key belief or
    • principle
  386. TENTATIVE (adj.)
    • possible but
    • subject to change, not definite
  387. THEOLOGY (n.)
    • the study of
    • religion
  388. TIMOROUS (adj.)
    timid, fearful
  389. TIRADE (n.)
    • a lengthy and
    • abusive verbal attack
  390. TORPOR (n.)
    • lack of energy,
    • listlessness
  391. TRANSCEND (v.)
    • to surpass, go
    • beyond
  392. TRITE (adj.)
    • overused,
    • unoriginal
  393. TRUNCATE (v.)
    • to shorten,
    • reduce
  394. UTOPIA (n.)
    a perfect place
  395. VENERATE (v.)
    • to hold in high
    • regard, to greatly respect, to
    • revere
  396. VERACITY (n.)
  397. VERBOSE (adj.)
  398. VERDANT (adj.)
    • lush with
    • greenery
  399. VILIFY (v.)
    • to make into or
    • portray as a villain
  400. VIRULENT (adj.)
    • poisonous,
    • toxic
  401. VOLATILE (adj.)
    • explosive;
    • tending to evaporate quickly
  402. WARY (adj.)
  403. WANE (v.)
    to decrease, diminish
  404. WHIMSICAL (adj.)
    • fickle,
    • changeable, moody
  405. WISTFUL (adj.)
    • filled with
    • regret and longing
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