A&P Seeley 3.2

  1. Uniport
    The movement of one specific ion or molecule across the membrane.
  2. Symport
    The movement of two different ions or molecules in the same direction across the plasma membrane
  3. Antiport
    The movement of two different ions or molecules in opposite directions across the plasma membrane
  4. ATP-powered pumps
    Transport proteins that move specific ions and molecules from one side of the plasma membrane to the other
  5. Receptor proteins
    Proteins or glycoproteins in the plasma membrane with an exposed receptor site on the outer cell surface.
  6. G protein complex
    Acts as an intermediate between a receptor and other cellular proteins
  7. The G protein complex consists of which three proteins?
    Alpha, beta, and gamma
  8. Enzymes
    Membrane proteins that can catalyze chemical reactions on either the inner or the outer surface of the plasma membrane
  9. Selectively permeable
    The plasma membrane allows only certain substances to pass through it
  10. Which 4 ways do molecule and ions pass through the plasma membrane?
    • Directly through the phospholipid membrane
    • Membrane channels
    • Transport proteins
    • Vesicles
  11. Diffusion
    The movement of solutes from an area of higher solute concentration to an area of lower solute concentration
  12. Concentration gradient
    The concentration difference between two points divided by the distance between the two points
  13. Osmosis
    The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane.
  14. Aquaporins
    Water channel proteins that increase membrane permeability to water in some cell types
  15. Osmotic Pressure
    The force required to prevent the movement of water by osmosis across a selectively permeable membrane
  16. Isosmotic
    Solutions with the same concentration of solute particles that have the same osmotic pressure
  17. Hyperosmotic
    A solution that has a greater concentration of solute particle and therefore a greater osmotic pressure
  18. Hyposmotic
    A dilute solution with the lower osmotic pressure
  19. Crenation
    When water moves by osmosis from the cell into the hypertonic solution causing the cell to shrink
  20. Filtration
    When a partition containing small holes is placed in a stream of moving liquid.
  21. Mediated transport
    The process by which transport proteins mediate the movement of large water-soluble molecules
  22. Specificity
    Each transport protein binds to and transports only a single type of molecule or ion
  23. Competition
    The result of similar molecules binding to the transport protein
  24. Saturation
    The rate of movement of molecules across the membrane is limited by the number of available transport proteins
  25. Facilitated diffusion
    A carrier-mediated or channel-mediated process that moves substances into or out of cells from a higher to a lower concentration
  26. Active transport
    A mediated transport process that requires energy provided by ATP
  27. Secondary active transport
    Involves the active transport of an ion out of a cell
  28. Endocytosis
    The internalization of substances
  29. Vesicle
    A membrane-bound sac found within the cytoplasm of a cell
  30. Phagocytosis
    • (cell eating)
    • Applies to endocytosis when solid particles are ingested and phagocytic vesicles are formed
  31. Pinocytosis
    • (cell drinking)
    • Smaller vesicles are formed and molecules dissolve in liquid
  32. Receptor-mediated endocytosis
    The plasma membrane contains specific receptor molecules that recognize certain substances and allow them to be transported into the cell by phagocytosis or pinocytosis.
  33. Exocytosis
    The membrane of the vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and the content of the vesicle is expelled from the cell
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A&P Seeley 3.2
Anatomy & Physiology text, Seeley, Ch 3 Cell Biology & Genetics, part 2/4