science exam

  1. what powers the water cycle?
  2. aquifer and it purpose, and what it allows water to do?
  3. difference between a well and a spring.
  4. sources of ground water polution
  5. water table location
  6. what type of rock allows percolation
  7. why shouldn't we build on flood plains?
  8. point of sewage treatment plants
  9. relation between temperature and saturation.
  10. what causes coriolis effect
  11. how denser water moves
  12. label diagram of the water cycle
  13. a shield volcano
    has gently sloping sides
  14. a cinder cone volcano
    has steepp slopes
  15. a combination of explosive and nonexplosive eruptions will create a
    composite volcano
  16. a large depression that forms when the magma chamber partially empties is a
  17. what describes subduction
    movement of one tectonic plate under another
  18. where are volcanoes most likely to form?
    along plate boundaries
  19. most active volcanoes form
    where tectonic plates collide.
  20. when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, the oceanic plate is usually subducted because
    oceanic crust is denser and thinner then continental crust
  21. the volcanoes of Hawaii and other places far from tectonic plat boundaries are known as
    Hot spots
  22. Volcanic activity is common along the Mid-atlantic ridge. This activity occurs at a
    divergent boundary
  23. what are areas of earths surface that magma and gases pass through
  24. what is pyroclastic material
    magma that blasts into the air and hardens
  25. what is a rift.
    a crack in the earths crust
  26. molten rock deep underground often gathers in a
    magma chamber
  27. Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens are
    composite volcanoes
  28. tectonic plates "float" on
    the asthenosphere
  29. magnetic reversals are preserved in
    magnetic minerals
  30. mid-ocean ridges are the most common type of
    divergent boundary
  31. what siesmic waves do the greatest damages
    surface waves
  32. what type of boundary is formed when plates separte
  33. what kind of deformation leads to earthquakes
    elastic deformation
  34. what causes the ground to move during an earthquake
    elastic rebound
  35. Shield Volcano
    • -built out of layers of lava released form repeated nonexplosive eruptions.
    • -lava is very runny so it spreads out over a wide area.
    • -can be enormous, not very steep
  36. cindercone volcanoes
    • - they are made from pyroclastic material
    • steep slopes
    • small and only last for a short amount of time due to erosion
  37. composite volcanoes
    • strato-volcano
    • form from explosive eruptions of pyroclastic material
    • followed by quieter flows of lava.
  38. what does nimbo or nimbus mean?
    likely to produce rain
  39. what does cirro mean?
    clouds that form at high altitudes
  40. alto
    clouds that form at middle lattitudes
  41. cumulonimbus
    dark storm clouds likely to have rain
  42. altostratus
    middle clouds made from water drops or ice crystals
  43. cirrostratus
    high whispy cloud at about 7,000 m.
  44. cumulus clouds
    puffy white clouds that tend to have flat bottoms
  45. stratus clouds
    clouds that form in layers and cover large areas of the sky
  46. cirrus clouds
    thin feathery white clouds found at high altitudes
  47. composition of the earth
    • 78% nitrogen
    • 21% oxygen
    • 1% other
  48. igneous
    2. extrusive
    • 1. found in ground, magma slow cooling, very rough texture many crystals,
    • 2. above ground, lava fast cooling, very smooth.
  49. magma vs. lava
    • magma inside intrusive
    • lava outside extrusive.
  50. metamorphic
    • 1. foliated
    • 2. organized in bands or patterns
    • 3. non foliated, no patterns or bands
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science exam
science exam