French Chapter 11

  1. What are you going to do...?
    I intend to....
    • Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire..?
    • J'ai l'intention de....
  2. Where are you going?
    Im going to....
    • Ou est-ce que tu vas aller?
    • Je vais....
  3. I dont have any plans
    Je n'ai rien de prevu.
  4. I'd really like to....
    Je voudrais bien....
  5. Dont forget...
    N'oublie pas
  6. You can't leave without.....
    Tu ne peux pas partir sans....
  7. are you taking....?
    tu prends...?
  8. I didn't forget anything
    Je n'ai rien oublie.
  9. I've thought of everything
    J'ai pense a tout
  10. Did it go well?
    ca s'est bien passe?
  11. Did you have fun?
    Tu t'es bien amuse?
  12. It was great
    C'etait formidable
  13. It was ok
    ca a ete
  14. It was horrible
    C'etait epouvantable
  15. It was boring
    C'etait barbant
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French Chapter 11
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