College Math Ch 1

  1. Define Logic
    • the study of methods and
    • principles of reasoning
  2. Define Argument
    • a set of facts or
    • assumptions (premises) to support a conclusion
  3. Define Fallacy
    • a deceptive argument- an
    • argument in which the conclusion is not well supported by the premises.
  4. Define Proposition
    • a claim (assertion or
    • denial) that may be either true or false.
    • It must have a structure of a complete sentence.
  5. Define Negation
    • a proposition that makes
    • the opposite claim of p. Written
    • as “not p” or ~p and has the opposite truth value of p.
  6. Define Truth Table
    • a table with a row for each
    • possible set of truth values for the propositions being considered.
  7. Define Venn Diagrams
    • used to describe
    • relationships between sets
  8. Define Premises
    Facts or assumptions used in an argument to support a conclusion
  9. Inductive Reasoning takes_________ & Leads to_____________
    Oberservations & Generalizations:

    Hint: Alwasy remember that Inductive Reasoning uses observations!
  10. Deductive takes___________ & leads to ____________
    Generalizations & Specific Conclusions

    Hint: Deductive Reasoning does not use obeservations!
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College Math Ch 1