Animal Restraint

  1. why do you restrain animals?
    so procedures can be completed
  2. Lateral recumbancy
    laying on left or right side
  3. Sternal recumbancy
    lying on sternum
  4. Dorsal recumbancy
    lying on back
  5. medial
    related to the middle. side of leg is towards the midline
  6. fractious
    inclined to make trouble, aggresive
  7. why do you always the minimal amount of restraint?
    • to reduce stress on an animal
    • to make restraint visually accepting to a client
    • you may have to remove the animal from room
  8. lifting
    use legs, not back
  9. lifting small dogs
    • scoop under abdomen and chest, hold close to your chest
    • grasp on either side of throax behind elbows
    • can be placed on table in standing position
  10. lifting medium dogs
    place arms arounnd the front of chest and underneath abdomen

    be careful of teeth! arm around chest is close to the mouth
  11. lifting large dogs
    • 1 person:
    • arms behind elbow and in front of hindquarters
    • can be dangerous if animal struggles

    • 2 people: preferred
    • 1st person should have one arm around chest and one arm around thorax (closest to you)
    • 2nd person should lift using one arm around rump and one around abdomen to leg closest to you

  12. standing restraint
    small animals
    • one arm under abdomen and one arm around neck pulling closely to your body
    • be mindful of where their face is in relation to yours
  13. standing restrain
    large animals
    straddke and use corners of wall to hold still
  14. Lateral restraint
    • right or left recumbancy
    • one arm over neck and hold down leg closest to table
    • other arm over abdomen and hold leg closest to table
    • dogs back should be against your body
  15. sitting restraint
    one arm around head, one arm around hind legs, hold close to your body
  16. head restraint
    • stand behind dog
    • hold behind ears with fingers and thinbs circling the mouth
  17. removing cats from cage
    • grasp scruff
    • support sternum while grasping forelegs
  18. carrying cats
    • cats body lies along forearm
    • hindquarters in your elbow and press to body
    • hold forelegs with finger between toes
  19. standing restraint for cats
    • lateral recumbancy for brief exams
    • always keep your hands on the cat
    • use voice, tap nose, blow on nose...distract!
    • running water, cotton ball with rubbing alcohol
  20. Lateral scruff and stretch
    • one hand scruffing, other holding/stretching back legs (finger between legs to relieve pressure
    • can also hold flapping tail with hand holding legs
  21. cat head restraint
    use thumb and finger to hold mouth and control
  22. restraint of aggresive dogs
    leashes, slip leash as a muzzle, commercial muzzles, muzzle gauze, rabies pole, exam table, Elizabethan collars, chemical
  23. Leashes
    slip leash most common, place around dogs neck when they get close to the door

    let the dog approach you
  24. slip leash as a temporary muzzle
    • slip part already around neck
    • wrap the lond end several times around the muzzle
    • hold excess
    • can be used to transport animals near other animals or for quick procedure
  25. commercial muzzles
    made in all sizes, mush choose correct size

    small edge goes over the nose, be sure strap is big enough before it goes on, easier to tighten then to loosen once around nose, approach from behind or from the side.

    animal should not be able to pant, lick, or open mouth
  26. muzzle gauze

    • make loop, enough to go around the dogs head
    • place loop over muzzle wrap under muzzle, and bring loose ends under ears and around neck. tie in a bow
    • can cause pressure sores if left on too long
  27. rabies pole
    • extreme cases
    • must be trained how to properly use or you can hurt the animals
    • commonly seen in shelters.
  28. exam table
    • slippery, cant get a good grip
    • creates a submissive attitude
  29. Elizabethen collar
    • used to prevent self trauma (removing sutures)
    • can also prevent dog from snapping, especially while waking from anesthesia
  30. chemical
    • Last resort
    • IM most commonly given if you cant get near the animal
    • Sedatives or tranquilizers
  31. chemical restraint
    acepromazine, Xylazine and metatomadine, Opiods, Ketamine and propofal, Inhalant drugs
  32. Acepromazine
    tranquilizer, calms with mild CNS depression, yellow in color

    animal can override effect if nervous enough
  33. Xylazine & Metatomadine
    sedatives, calms with mild CNS depression, mild analgesia(slight pain relief)
  34. Opioids
    • Butorphanol, Morphine
    • Some calming effect, great analgesia
  35. Ketamine & Propofol
    • Induction agent (IV for intubation)
    • produce unconsciousness
    • ketamine can cause seizures
    • propofol is very short acting
  36. Inhalant drugs
    • Sevoflurane-"new generation"
    • Isoflurane- most common

    Maintain general anesthesia
  37. restrain aggressive cats
    muzzles, towel, cant bag, fish net, squeeze cage, chemical
  38. cat muzzle
    commercial, make sure cat can breath, seam is on bottom, can be helpful if eyes are covered
  39. Towel
    • kitty burrito
    • wrap in towel securly, can pull out individual legs or head
    • good for transport
  40. cat bag
    commercial, can get them with hols for legs to be exposed, can be difficult to get cat in the bag
  41. fish net
    • used to get cats out of cages
    • can cover head with towel once cat is caught
  42. squeeze cage
    • used in extreme cases to give shot or chemical sedation
    • Ferral cats
  43. Chemical for cats
    sedatives and tranquilizers, extreme cases
Card Set
Animal Restraint
cats and dogs