audio 2 lab

  1. SRT
    • 1. case history and otoscopy and PTA
    • 2. phone > tone > tested ear
    • 3. mic > phone > tested ear
    • 4. we will give the pt. bisyllabic words or spondee
    • 5. Give instruction to the pt.
    • 6. Begin@ 30dB and going up 5dB and going down 10dB
    • 7. The result is : the lowest intensity the pt. can repeat the word
    • 8. the pt. must repeat 2/4
    • 9. we dont need masking cause SRT-IA(40)< BC NTE
    • 10. PTA & SRT agreement -+ 6 to 15
  2. most comfortable level
    • 1. give instruction to the pt. ( ana d7een 7tklm lmma yseer 9ooty wad7 o mree7 bilnsba leeki aktr shy goleely)
    • 2. begin @ SRT+20
  3. WRS
    • 1. mic > phone > tested ear > we press a button with 5 written on it
    • 2. give instructions ( ana d7een 7gool klimat o ab3'aki t3eedi wraya o eza ma 3rfty esh alkelma 5mminy 3ndk ay so2al ?)
    • 3. begin talking at MCL+10 (we use monosyllabic words)
    • 4. I will use 20 words each word is for 5 %
    • 5. 90 to 100 % : normal words
    • 76 to 88 % : mild
    • 62 to 74 % : moderate.
    • 50 to 60 %: poor
    • less than50 % : very poor
    • 6. patient has normal hearing
  4. tympanometry
    • 1. case history and otoscopy
    • 2. select appropriate ear tip and insert it properly
    • 3. tymp > return > screen
    • 4. tell the patient not to swallow or talk or move
    • 5. finally the results will come out and when it says complete then we move to the other ear
  5. acoustic reflex (ipsi)
    • 1. case history and otoscopy
    • 2. select the appropriate ear tip and insert it properly
    • 3. reflex > return > Ipsi > Ipsi
    • 4. we press start and then after the needle is around 0 we press present @ 500, 1000, 2000 Hz and we begin from 70 dB
    • 5. we go up by 5 if there is no response
    • end
  6. acoustic reflex (contra)
    • the inserted phone will be in the tested ear (stimulus) and the ear probe will be in the non-tested ear (response)
    • we have to press on reflex > return > ipsi > contra pulsed
  7. reflex decay (tone decay)
    • 1. insert the ear
    • on special
    • 3.@ 500 & 1000 Hz. begin@ ART+ 10dB
    • 4.start and when the needle is around 0 press present
    • 5. -ve when the curve is continuos for 10 sec, and +ve when the curve up before 10 sec
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audio 2 lab