Oral Pathology

  1. A circumscribed elevated lesion that is no more than 5mm in diameter, usually contains serous fluid, and looks like a blister
  2. A small circumscribed lesion usually less tha 1 cm in diameter that is elevated or protrudes above the surface for normal surrounding tissue
  3. A small elevated lesion less than 1cm in diameter that contains serous fluid
  4. A palpable solid lesion up to 1cm in diameter found in soft tissue. May occur above, level with, or beneath the skin
  5. In blacks, a generalized opalescence of the buccal mucosa
  6. Lining of the blood vessel walls by white blood cells
  7. After pavementing, WBC escape from the blood vessel and enter into the injured tissue
  8. The movement of WBC to the periphery of blood vessel walls
  9. Directed movement of WBC to injured tissue
  10. Primary cell involved in acute inflammation
    Polymorphonuclear leukocyte
    First cell to emigrate to site of injury
  11. Second cell to participate in the inflammatory response
  12. 60-70% of white blood cell population
    Primary function: Phagocytosis then death
  13. Helper during immune response
    3-8% of WBC
    Monocyte (Macrophage)
  14. Early phase of inflammation
    Induce Pain
    Mediates inflammation by causing increased dilation and permeability of blood vessels
    Activated by plasma and injured tissue
    Kinin System
  15. Cascade of plasma proteins
    Mast cells release granules containing histamine
    Cause cell death by creating holes in cell membrane
    Compliment System
  16. Involved in the inflammatory response by causing increased vascular dilation and permeability, tissue pain and redness, and changes in conective tissues
  17. Fever producing substances produced by WBC and pathogenic microorganisms
  18. Increase in circulating WBCs
  19. Increase in cell number
  20. Increase in cell size
  21. Becomes scar tissue
    Granulation tissue
  22. Degeneration of the tissue of the lips caused by sun exposure
    Solar Cheilitis
  23. Mucocele-like lesion that froms unilaterally on the floor of the mouth associated with sublingual and submandibular salivary gland ducts
  24. Dry Socket
    Blood clot breaks down before healing has taken place
    Alveolar Osteitis
  25. Primary WBC involved in immune response
    Able to recognize and respond to an antigen
    20-25% of WBCs
    3 types
  26. Matures and resides in lymphoid tissue
    Plasma cells and B memory cells
    B Lymphocytes
  27. Produce proteins called antibodies (aka immunoglobulins) that are carried in blood serum
    Plasma Cells
  28. Antibody combined with an antigen
    Immune complex
  29. Travel to thymus to mature
    Many different functions
    T Lymphocytes
  30. Involves the production of antibodies
    B lymphocytes are primary cells
    Humoral Response
  31. Involves lymphocytes working alone or assisted by macrophages
    Cell-mediated Response
  32. Plasma cells produce IgE as a response to the antigen
    Reaction occurs within minutes after exposure to previously encountered antigen
    Type I Hypersensitivity
  33. Compliment components participate in this type of reaction
    Rhesus incompatibility
    Type II Hypersensitivity
  34. Type of reaction in autoimmune diseases
    Type III Hypersensitivity
  35. Delayed hypersensitivity
    Ex: PPD test
    Type IV Hypersensitivity
  36. Causes target, iris, or bull's eye lesions
    Most severe form is Stevens-Johnson syndrome
    Erythema Multiforme
  37. Wickham's striae
    Erosive and bullous forms
    Clinically described as desquamative gingivitis
    Chronic disease
    Lichen Planus
  38. Triad of arthritis, urethrisis, and conjunctivitis
    Reiter's Syndrome
  39. Autoimmune disease affecting the salivary and lacrimal glands resulting in dry mouth and eyes
    Sjoegren's Syndrome
  40. Breakdown of cellular epithelial attachment (acantholysis)
    Nikolsky's sign
    Ashkenazic Jews
    Pemphigus Vulgaris
  41. Fungal Infection involving primarily the lungs
    Deep Fungal Infection
  42. Multiple white to pale-pink nodules on oral mucosa caused by HPV
    Heck's Disease
  43. Caused by coxsackievirus
    vesicles on soft palate, fever, malaise, sore throat, dysphagia
  44. Viral infection caused by paramyxovirus
    Koplik's spots, small erythematous macules with white necrotic centers, appear in oral cavity
  45. Caused by paramyxovirus
    Painful swelling of salivary glands, usually bilateral parotid
  46. Caused by epstein-barr
    White lesion on lateral border of the tongue
    Hairy Leukoplakia
  47. Cyst forming around unerupted or developing tooth
    Eruption cyst is very similar
    Dentigerous (Follicular) Cyst
  48. Cyst that forms in place of a tooth, most often third molars
    Primordial Cyst
  49. Frequent recurrence
    Epithelium 8-10 cell layers thick
    Most common in mandibular third molar region
    Odontogenic Keratocyst
  50. Most often in mandibular canine-premolar area on lateral aspect of tooth root
    Lateral Periodontal Cyst
  51. Similar to lateral periodontal cyst but in soft tissue
    Gingival cyst
  52. Cyst that usually occurs in males 40-60 years old
    Heart shaped
    Nasopalatine Canal Cyst
  53. Cyst located at midline of hard palate
    Median palatine cyst
  54. Pear-shaped cyst located between the roots of the maxillary lateral incisor and canine
    Globulomaxillary Cyst
  55. Cyst presents as a raised nodule in the skin of the face or the neck
    Epidermal Cyst
  56. Cyst with dough-like consistency
    Usually in other parts of body but when it occurs in the mouth it is usually on the anterior floor of the mouth
    Dermoid Cyst
  57. Pinkish-yellow raised nodule usually on the floor of the mouth or the lateral borders of the tongue
    Arrises from epithelium trapped in lymphoid tissue
    Lymphoepithelial (branchial cleft) Cyst
  58. Pseudocyst on lingual mandibular bone
    Static Bone Cyst
  59. Traumatic bone cyst not lined by epithelium
    Scalloping around tooth roots
    Simple Bone Cyst
  60. Honeycomb or soap bubble appearance on radiograph
    Pseudocyst filled with blood
    Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
  61. Most common supernumerary tooth
  62. Second most common supernumerary tooth
  63. Two crowns, one root
  64. Two roots, one crown
  65. Ghost teeth
    Regional Odontodysplasia
  66. Teeth that do not erupt because of the lack of erupted force
    Embedded Teeth
  67. Infection of a primary tooth causing enamel hypoplasia of the permanent tooth
    Turner's Tooth
  68. Cells that vary in size and shape
Card Set
Oral Pathology
Oral Pathology