cosa de
approximately, about
es lode menos
it makes no difference
beber a pulso
to gulp down
al reves
backwards ,inside out, in the opposite way
meterse de por medio
to intervene in a dispute
hasta la fecha
up to date, until now
ser plato de segunda mesa
to play second fiddle
hacer otra vez
to do over again
perder cuidado
not to worry
sobradas veces
repeatedly, many times
a la buena de Dios
without plan, random
levantarse de malas
to get on the wrong side of bed
por suerte o por desgracia
for better or worse
la comidilla de la vencindad
talk of the town
salirse con la suya
to have one`s own way
vajilla de plata
tener en poco a
to hold in low esteem
estar torcido con
to be on unfiendly terms with
echar por tierra
to knock down, demolish
dar coba
to flatter, tease
respecto a
with regards to, concerning
tener en la mente
to have in mind
fuera d broma
all jokeing aside
varita de virtud
magic wand