Connective tissue
tissue that is not exposed outside the body
Components of connective tissue
- Specialized
cells (in blood, bones, cartilage) - Extracellular protein fibers
- Ground substance
Examples of extracellular protein fibers
Functions of connective tissue
- Provide support and protection
- Transport materials
- Store mechanical energy reserves
- Perform regulatory functions
What is a joint?
Where two bones meet
Types of Structural Joints and examples
- Fibrous (sutures of the skull)
- Cartilaginous (intervertebral disks)
- Synovial (hip, elbow)
Types of Functional Joints and examples
- Immovable (synarthroses)
- Slightly moveable (amphiarthroses)
- Freely moveable (diarthroses or synovial joints)
Types of Synovial Joints
- (BC-GH-PS)
- Ball and Socket
- Condyloid
- Gliding
- Hinge
- Pivot
- Saddle
Example of Ball and Socket joint
Movements of ball and socket joint
- Circumduction
- rotation
- angular in all planes
Example of condyloid joint
wrist (radiocarpal)
Movements of condyloid joint
- circumduction
- abduction
- adduction
- flexion
- extension
Example of Gliding joint
ankle (subtalar)
movements of gliding joint
Movements in hinge joint
flexion and extension in one plane
Examples of Pivot Joint
Movements of pivot joint
rotation around central axis
movements of saddle joint
- flexion
- extension
- abduction
- adduction
- circumduction
- opposition
Characteristics of synovial joints
- Bony surfaces are covered with articular cartilage;
- Surrounding the joint is a fibrous joint capsule;
- Ligaments join bone to bone;
- Inner surfaces of joint cavity are lined with synovial membranes;
- Synovial fluid from the membrane provides lubrication for joint;
- Some contain fibrocarilaginous disks (knee);
- Bursae reduce friction and act as shock absorbers
Movements of Synovial Joint
- Angular movements
- Circular movements
- Special movements
Angular movements and examples
- decrease or increase joint angle
- flexion;
- extension;
- hyperextension;
- abduction;
- adduction
Circular movements and examples
- Occur at joints with rounded surface articulating with the depression of another bone;
- Rotation;
- Circumduction;
Special movements
- inversion;
- eversion;
- retraction;
- elevation;
- depression